game 9 turm 3

Hey Witchypoo,
Once again my goat herder did beat you, your Poison was not enough to get to him;) Did you loose a town this turn ? :stuck_out_tongue: It seams you grip on Arnor is loosening :eek: your about too surrender a couple more this turn. Your Army in Arthedain backland has been caught :slight_smile: and will be dealt with

Draglo you might get some heads to adorn your walls but mine never. Look like I will have to go and deal with you personnaly

Clever maneuver QA :mad: I smell Draglo influence in there He must be the top Goat but remember I am The Goat Herder

Hallas of Cardolan :cool:

Oh no need to come for me as I have travelled far and wide just to visit you.

And I know your head is mine just as all those before you.

But I know I must stick out like a sore thumb and you know its me so why pretend when you know what I am going to do to you.

Oh and the only question you need ask is who is next on my hit list for they are dead meat to, anyone want top put a hand up?

Oh Arthedain you have not felt my special touch enjoy it whilst you can for you know its you I have my eye on and your poor leader can he get away, I think not.

Dragon lord

Oh Amroth where for art though amroth?

I can see you now decoration to the stars with a twin shining bright beside you?

L Bowen who can he improve my decor to? His head nice and shiny?

Oh pointy agents to hang on my walls how delightful, what a month it has been, I can hardly wait for another nice ear or two.

Oh and more shorty and toeless to oh how I much more can I take, my belly is just a bit full and wneed to work it off

Elrond you out there and ready for me?

You can hide but can you run?

Dragon Lord

Come on my pointy eared elven soon to be dead skin rug.

Where are the brave words and attempts to intimidate me now?

Feel a cold shiver along the spine could it be cold steel?

Oh I am going to taunt you for this and last go and dine on you for many a day.

Shorty your to small for me so run off home and I promise not to kill you, just toeless is going to die this go, but if you stay you get to see what we will do to you.

Then understand elves or dwarves all the same to me on my plate

Dragon Lord

Indeed, by the grace of your fellow Nazgul, you survive to pollute our woods.

Back in Lothlorien, Amroth’s final shriek of “at least don’t cover my head in gold leaf you tasteless …” rang out loud and clear, much to the chagrin of interior decorators everywhere. You really should have let him live - to misquote “I decorate better than I decorate”

Still, time to regroup and finish the job methinks. Maybe I’ll just have to take a (wild?) stab in the dark with the thief though!

Thranduil et al

Well if whatever god you follow graces you with the gift of luck, then I say good luck to you, for you need it.

We on the other hand do not, but hey, I wont count me elves until the heads hang on my walls and my tummy is full.

Oh and We dont use gold on our heads far to bright and the glow hurts my eyes.

Oh please come back for after we kill toelees and shorty this go I want to kill more pointy on my lovely home.

I can tell you I will be waiting as I know you are really not that scared off me so please come on over, you know it makes sense.

Pretty please even?

By the way every turn you fail to pay up the gold you owe me another character will die, you know who I am talking about.

Dragon Lord

Oh well I am going to come pay you a visit then so there

Dragon Lord

Is there no man nor beast that can face me?

Have I crushed your spirit, I know every time you raise a head I cut it off but, I did expect a tougher fight than this lambs to the slaughter time.

Now goaty I told you I would get mean if you did not pay up so look what you made me do.

Its your last chance pay up or else.

Oh since you run away I am coming for you, think I cannot reveal one of those lovely cities and a small cav army often offends.

Dragon Lord

So again as it was written so was it to be, the great Lord himself must have an eye on me for promotion soon.

Oh goaty whose head now adorns my walls along with all those other brave chaps.

Is that a shorty and a toeless I see before me, my reach is longer than I thought.

How many heads was it this go? I have lost count again oh deary me.

Did pointy and toeless want to come visit again after all that mean Dragon lord did to them last time.

Did he catch them out again, oh dear whats it like being another pine box in waiting, I told you once and will tell you again to visit me is to die and I shall just have to do it again and again until you learn.

Is shorty Bain feeling death on his wings, you should be and oh is that more fodder for 2410 I see before me?

Oh its Dragon time my lads and you know what that means, I am coming to pay you a little visit, forget waiting for you.

Did you see me find it or did you not and what has he really got?

Oh it was so good eating all those dead I really do need that workout now, who is next for a challange?

Bain you up for it its about evens its the best odds you will get this side of hades.

Oh Goaty going to pay up?

Dragon Lord

Yes I am paying the price but Draglo you sent 4 mages to take care of one little commander and his small army:o

You got me but these mages could have been use somewhere else where they could have had a much better impact that is why I do consider it a good thing after all. You had to divert FOUR mages to deal with the unimportant Goat Herder. I am flattered:p

Hey Witchypoo, no strenght left in these claws of yours you did loose 2 PC, 2 battles and 2 characters Manflesh and Angulion, your loosing your grip on Arnor isn’t it:D

Hallas of Cardolan
Light of the West

Oohh, Hallas the brave. How many of your pityfull herders does it take to capture Tarmabar. Oohh big brave Hallas, right on the front line, just call me Super Goat!!

Whats a few pop centres between friends, I never liked Arnor anyway. Its got a strange smell about it and its far too clean.

Murazor, not in the slightest bothered about crappy Arnor.

Oh but one kill a turn and better still killing who we like, well I still would not give it up.

Now the olny question is who is next for I assure you one will die and its going to hurt.

Now after you boounce at my feet as I sit in my tower, more heads for my wall, can I get you to visit me at Goblin Gate to?

Dragon Lord

I am honored got the attention of 2 Nazgul!

Did I upset you my little Poo? Can I predict you will loose 2 more PC this upcoming turn After claiming Arnor for yourself a little while ago now your saying you have no interest in it anymore:o
you should be embarrased! Tarmabar has been taken so will be 1804, 1806, 2006, 2703 and so on

Draglo by the look of it I will have to go to take GG from you but I need to get Rhudaur to let me trough I will talk to him this turn about it.
Hallas of Cardolan
Light ot the West
Super Goat Herder

Oh please do your allies are like fodder and I do so need a challange.

They need you I hear them wail, come save us from the big bad nasty Naz, who keeps picking on us, so do not delay.

Hope to see you soon and let the outcome decide our fates.

Dragon Lord

Pit bull its time to get the daggers out and

Need I say more?

Dragon Lord

I would just like to say its not april so why did the elves fail to steal off me?

Dragon Lord

I am coming Draglo my armies are preparing as soon as the way will open you will see us come it will be like a tsunami you troops your dragons you curser everything will disappear under water:eek:

Water will clean everything and remove the stench you would leave on the wall. I had to desinfect after you left Tharbad but that was to much for poor echorion killed by a mysterious stench:mad:

You will pay dearly for what you have done

Hallas of Cardolan

Oh I may have left but rest assured I did not go far and I told you its time to pay the piper and I will be back this go for another dose of the same you can rest assured.

I plan to bounce between your cities killing all before me until you pay up.

This go 1513, next 1614 and so the cycle goes on and on and no more troops attacking the WK, deep will be his joy.

Then a bit of 1407 clearing and the job is all done and feet up orc to eat and its all toasty in the dark realm.

You sure you have any troops to spare to come visit me as I will still be alive and waiting for you.

Oh do you know where my name comes from and did you see it?

Dragon Lord

Its death time for the good men of the realm, can you face it or shall I knife you in the back?

Dragon Lord

"I would just like to say its not april so why did the elves fail to steal off me?

Dragon Lord"

I suspect for the same reason that Khamul was stealing from phantoms a couple of turns earlier!

Thranduil and his merry men