Eagerly awating to make contacts with all neutrals of this new game.
Harad signing in.
Will be neutral until turn 5.
Would like to recieve strategy, suggestions for “offers” and general info.
harad / Lars Bagge Nielsen
North Gondor checking in.
Let the carnage begin!
I got a set up for this game in my inbox today. What the??? I checked my Sent box…sure enough, there’s a “Oh what the heck, set me up for any nation!” email to MEGames… Learn me my lesson, never, NEVER, hit Send after a night of drinking…
Brad, what nation are you? Are you staying in or not?
Hi guys
Dwarves reporting in.
I’m staying in. I’ll take full responsibility for my irresponsible behaviour. Let’s hope I do my orders during morning coffee… :eek: Official and personalized communication only, the rest is speculation and I won’t be a party to it
Sounds like Rhudaur again.
No, Rhudaur will be replying to emails sent to broggha90@yahoo.co.uk. Come on guys, drop me a line and I will attempt to set out what I am looking for to join your cause. Nothing too extortionate, a couple of command and combat arties so the Rhudaur wusses don’t have to refuse against all and sundry. a safe back up capital or pop centre closer to the front line dependent on which way you want me to declare, Imladris revealed or Murazor’s head on a platter, you choose;-) No easy way of proving I am who I say I am for the moment you just have to take my word for it. Subsequent turns I can send specific quantities of specific goods to specific hexes.
Arfanhil, the brave but witless
p.s. don’t bother to track me via the user name I borrowed a mate’s
NM, here looking to hear from the Duns and Easterlings still…please put a shout out guys
Hail NM
what can we do for you
how about possibly an email address or point of contact
top of the stairway 3rd door on the right inside the largest house in sturlurtsa khand
Yawn. We’re thinking of creating a 3rd Alliance here ala FA games…maybe it’s the only answer to the silence - or is that the sound of 1 hand clapping…?
Laff…how much noise do u want! it was only turn one…even I cant muster enough trash for 1 measily turn!!
Just like the last neutral position I played. Rhudaur generally have to declare early, they blow up their economy otherwise. The other neutrals simply sat back and collectively said “we don’t like either side, lets attack both”, we almost got the game into teens of turns before one side folded, silly thing was it their opponents who were hurting most. Harad declared on the last turn and neutrals took the other two top spots. Easterlings co-ordinated with the Long Rider to beat up the Northmen and then sent 1200 steel clad HC into the heart of Mordor, laugh I nearly wet myself.
Talk to us guys, we want to know your plans, any new strategies you might have. I think that most neutrals these days will join the side that looks the most fun and talks more. The idea of game balance has generally gone out of the window, it made sense when games went 20 turns plus but in free for all games most sides can read the writing on the walls after ten or so turns and if the writing is all by the opposition it’s generally not good.
Arfanhil, the one hiding in the corner
Personaly, game ballance plays a key issue when I am a Neutral, and would like to see it in any game. Who really likes 10 turn games?
Mike (NM-90) and I were Corsairs and Harad in game 64. Ballance was a delemma when Rhud and Duns both declared FP on turn 2. While the DS showed a very strong and dominant position over all early on. Cors, Ea, and Harad liked one another, and talked to great depth. We were tired of 10 turn games, and wanted this one to last a good long time. So the “southern confederacy” was formed. We figured on playing as a pressure valve… applying pressure towards either side as needed to keep a balance. Yet by the teens, it was obvious we needed to declare to keep the game going, and not look like selfish brats swooping in for victories at the last minute. The game went to turn 29… Not bad! We also had both sides gamesmanship to help achieve a good long game of course. It wasnt just us neutrals.
However, had Rhud and Dun not declare together so early, The rest of us neutrals would not have felt the need to lean towards “rogue nation” activity.
We were each leaning towards our own preferance, but knew at that point if we did, the game would have ended early.
To add chaos to the mix, SG went completely rogue against the FP teams wishes, and attacked Harad without provocation. That put a dampen on our intents of the “pressure valve” idea. QA was spared, and went on to place 3rd at games end LOL
So the point is, Neutrals play a big part on whether the game lasts 20 turns plus, or not. If they just declare as the wind blows, or make hasty decisions, they can help blow out a game by turn 10ish. So really it depends on the people in the current game, all sides, and how they choose to play.
Yet, the unexpected is always a factor to be played out. It makes for an interesting game.