I never planned on sitting on the sideline for long, but know that Dunlendings turning DS had nothing to do with Rhudaur. I mostly went DS to see a game made out of the West.
I also saw that Cardolan seemed more worried about me, holding huge amount of troops back to save his own skin, then attacking the WK. I felt obliged to answer. Turn 3 and no move VS. the WK means your thinking more of enemies that might be, then enemies that are. That or your yellow…both can be seen as weakness.
Best of Luck to the Free Peoples and cheers to a good game.
So FP, my email to all “neutrals” this turn was answered by the Duns, and he reports 3200 Cardy troops at Tharbad…? This, with all Rhudaur forces migrating north, no attacks on WK to date (as far as I recall) and an abandoned Imladris…? Tell us all again that Rhudaur is solo and you guys weren’t planning on him as a FP since turn 0? Otherwise, I’d love to hear the strategic justification for what’s transpired up there…
Nothing to explain really and its a sad accusation by a neutral to call someone predisposed to one side…as for why the cards and Arthedain havent moved en masse on the WK…for the simple reason that maybe they didnt trust the Duns…funny how it all worked out eh?
Then again maybe you should be asking questions closer to home…as to why with the IK/FK Drklts…(did I miss anyone?) that ithil and osgiliath still stand and are owned by the freeps…with about 6-7k troops still alive?..or are you going to blame that on another neutral too?
…are you going to blame that on another neutral too?
Of course! I’ve been a neutral often enough to know that EVERYTHING is our fault, or at the very least, Mine… But in this case, the Ithil…well, hmmm. That’s likely the Easterlings messing around. You can’t trust anyone from Khand. Now, THIS game at least, I know in my heart of hearts that I’m totally blameless. For everything. Nothing is my fault, I’m simply a victim, a buoy of sorts bobbing in the waves created by others. Shock waves, Awe waves, none are of my doing. Nope, I’m just the poodle at the window, barking at the paper boy. It’s been quite boring, really, but now I have something to bark at. Besides, if you weren’t doing anything, I’d have nothing to bark at…when I start yapping at the DS, you’d better get worried about the state of your game…
I was surprised by your quick actions- and disappointed you joined the DS. However, you are right-- it makes for more of a game out west.
I do hope, I must say, that in your message you were not blaming the Cardolan for your actions; they are, after all yours and yours alone. One could easily use the opposite tact " Well, the Cardolan left himself undefended, and I couldn’t resist…" if one wanted to escape responsibility-- so the thought that the Cardolan’s actions “pushed” you in a direction- carries little water. Be proud of your decision! You need not justify yourself (at least not to this player) You chose, you acted, and you will reap the rewards accordingly.
Good luck and, in true klingon fashion, “May you die well.”
catches the Paper Boy around the corner of hacienda Corsair
Hey kid, You like Lord of the Rings? Here’s a cool shirt for you! hands over a black T shirt with a large print of the burning Eye of Sauron, both front and back
Oh, also, here’s twenty bucks. I know Mr. Sang prolly doesn’t tip you well… And that poodle barking at you all the time must get on your nerves… Hey! Yanno what would be funny? Throw the paper at the window, right were that poodle yaps from! I bet it will get a coronary and drop dead!! LOL
“Tarondor” slinks off into the shadows, with a muffled snicker
This is silly. A neutral replying to himself more than a week after he last replied to himself in a 1 week game. You have to wonder what world these guys are playing their fantasy games in, 'cause it don’t seem to be Middle Earth around here at least. Come on gents, there’s Eo in Mordor, Rhudaur and Duns are tossing armies and pops around like wildfire, NG hasn’t been touched and nobody has sent me a single keg or illegal cigar in months!
I can understand that in a fantasy driven game environment, one may play on the poetic license of deceit. Hats off to you, you certainly lie well.
You got me. I believed we had an honest channel of constant communication. I’ll know better than to trust your word in future games. -If not on the same allegiance that is.
Yet I can understand why you would make a move clearly on the DS side. Up till now, they really have been playing a sucky game. Perhaps you’ll add longevity to it. So I can’t knock you there. That part I would have quite possibly done myself. However when it comes to misleading people, I am clearly an amateur.
You funded union rabble rousers in Barazon, bribed paper boyz in the Havens, and I have it under authority that you were personally involved in that whole aqueduct thing in Ardumir. Master of deciept my arse sir, my arse, keep up the politicking if you like. The glove is down sir. And I intend on surviving the day, Sir.
LOL it’s got nothing to do with landings. It has to do with being decieved, and the wasted time of diplomacy, since you were (admitedly) pre-disposed.
Looks like that rumor of your gameplay in the begining, really wasnt that far off from truth.
Live and learn. Not everyone has the same standards. Maybe I deserved the dissapointment for being naive and trusting.
But maybe you’ll learn something too; that playing at the game of deception and going into a game pre disposed as a neutral, may affect ones reputation. You’ll get away with it a few times, as people want to accept excuses; but not indefinately.
Also trying to have a five neutral allegiance to screw over both FP and DS (your first desire) would have pissed off up to 20 people. Game end.
The emails and posts where fun I have to admit. You do an amusing job as a spin doctor. It’s not so bad having a good playing enemy… Now to try and remove the image of a Corsair raider dressed in a clown suit from my mind! ROFLMAO
Edited for grammer I used too many "but"s… HEY! Stop what youre thinking you perverts!
I decided early , I wasn’t predisposed. There’s a difference. So I didn’t tell you until I landed my armies. From what I understand, my reputation should garner a bunch of gold stars from this one.
Revealing Imladris might have been a wiser course of action. Last time I checked, my head appeared securely attached. Perhaps your allies would appreciate me sending them Arfanhil’s head on a platter for his poor game performance thus far?
Now Thors, you seem to like to ridicule and blaspheme the tactics of Sauron’s minions. I ask you this…would a well-organized and tactical team be facing the inevitable destruction of Rhudaur and the crippling of Cardolan before turn ten (even before the landing of the Corsairs)? C’mon now…isn’t the Witch-King supposed to be reeling and near elimination by now, especially with an aggressive Rhudaur?
Someone was curious earlier as to why I attacked Rhudaur. Lets think about it a second. After five turns of unreturned emails, and viewing his communication on this forum with your team early, what would you have done? I could have sat back and let him equip his troops with mithril weapons and armor (that was a very amusing baggage train btw) and completely overrun my lands at his whim, or I could take the battle to him when he least expected it. We all know which course of action I chose, and we all know who is winning that war…
And lay off Brad a bit. If Rhudaur had Brad’s wit and intelligence and actually made me think he might join the DS, his homeland wouldn’t be a wasteland at the moment.
Figures you would take credit for the Duns work not your own. You have done nothing up until this point…Gundabad…you gave away…the only saving grace you have is the fact the Duns jumped 1614…
And before you insult the Rhuduars play, kudos to you for actually attacking a neutral. Ive seen moronic play before but wow…
SO hey keep tooting your own horn. I dont see you or the rest of your lackeys winning anything any time soon…
Dont worry about Brad. He’s a big boy. Doesnt need momma Witchypoo waving her broom.
Funny how there hasn’t been a peep out of the DS side till now. Kind of reflective on the gameplay. The past couple turns have been played well though. The likely contribution to such a sudden strategic revival, has to be placed on Duns and possibly Corsair coachings.
Say, I hear the Dragon Lord was evicted. Hopefully theres a homeless shelter somewhere cozy, with a good soup kitchen.
I think this is a compliment… Ah hell, I’m narcisistic, I’ll take it as a compliment…
Rhudaur was going Free from turn 0, and turn 1, and turn 2… I was in mostly regular communcation with them all. He always said good things about the Free and bad things about the DS. He saved his worst for the Witch King personally. His boasting and his 15,000 or whatever troops have gained him 1 WK town to losing 3 of his own. Even by starting the game in defense of Dunland, Cardolan lost an MT and a town allowing the Duns to help the WK burn enough of Rhudaur to make him a laughing stock. Taking a high level view of affairs, who wouldn’t conclude that the FP North West was the place to be if you wanted easy expansion? Watch for it, an Easterling navy is coming to a shore near you soon…