Yes this has turned into a True Grudge game! My team against Brad and his buds!
Come get some Corsiars and easterlings but your not good enough to take me out of this Game!
Actually, we had assumed Harad was going DS already, based on his total silence (to us, we didn’t know he was quiet to you too…) and your QA moves. If Harad get’s himself ditched, he only has himself to blame.
As usual, you’re as detached from reality as possible. I like playing against a team of overly emotional people with no sense of personal responsibility. Keep pointing fingers and blaming everyone and everything but yourself for the circumstances you find yourself in - it means My team will beat Your team for the third straight game. All your future allies are quite happy that you won’t play these games - let the whiners go off to the spoon-fed neutral Grudge games so they don’t have to operate under all these extra pressures that they’re simply incapable of dealing with.
Not detached right on base! go LIE to someone else… Post some humor… But don’t Plan on attacking me from turn 0 then. Talk trash about me … Your not smart enough to pass that Bull around and me not say something about it! Get your Flunky Friends to beat me IN GAME… I just Beat your Good ole Personal Friends in last game… they are NOT good enough to take me out of this game… Maybe you should send your CAV around the Backdoor … Maybe Just Maybe if you Have 3 nations trying to Take my 2 MT’s you might have a chance!
Yes I am flaming and Pissed off. But it will not help you knock me out one bit!
Actually, what I posted has made a few smile already. You make them laugh, but I doubt you get the difference.
I hope I’ll get to play a neutral one day
They sound fun!
No Herman I am not being a HYPOCRITE , now that is official , and I couldn’t come out an say they where on our side when i was upset with neutrals coming out the gate for a side or deciding within a turn or God forbid waiting for two turns, they to where included as I knew we had them from turn 1.
This only seems to happen , MOSTLY , in one week games, and figured give one week one more try and thus my final try for a long while !! Least we got a 3-2 split from the looks although I wanted the 3 in our favor !!
I for one don’t like badmouthing others on a personal level on the boards – this is a game , so please can you keep it in game context and slam the nations or there strategies , this is a game with alot of the same players and while I personally want to get even with a few that kicked my butt or ganged up on me , I don’t take it personally , unless of course ya say something about my family !! Thanks Bud
Also notice it starting to go tit-for-tat now – so people can we keep it in game context and try not to badmouth anyone on a personal level !!
what – how come I am Brad’s bud :mad:
, how come he isn’t Mike’s bud
You gave me the wrong coffee last time, you’re certainly no bud of mine…
Awwww…come on bud…I"m so much better at it than him…!!
I know both of you and talk to Terry alot by phone – he is actually a Nice guy in real life , but likes to be boistrious on the posting here and in playing the games , and actually laugh most of the time when you , him and everyone elses go back and forth and have done my share also , but is has always been within game context , but now seems as if others are being rubbed the wrong way – which might be the case , but would still rather keep in in game context and not take it to a personal level as this will only result in hate towards one another and will most likely change games in future as you will probably find these players trying to fight or play against one another even if on the same side !! Just my two cents – see guess all those years as a cop pays off trying to be a mediator
I would be very interested to read a neutral code of conduct. Perhaps one of you who feel your vision of neutral behavior has been violated could write one.
I’ve always thought Terry was okay, a little misunderstood too. But from what I read, it sounds like he was the one rubbed the wrong way…
Thats easy !! Thought you could have figured it out , just one code – don’t be prealigned to one side or the other from the onset !!
Okay, major rewrite…
Mike, you have to define prealigned. And that poses problems…
Is prealigned when you declare without speaking to anyone, or just decide before you even run your first turn? We can communicate before turn 1 nowadays more than we used to over the course of an entire game…so what’s the criteria? Getting to know the team? Getting the best offer? All of that can happen before turn 1…
Is it only if you decided before speaking with anyone? At which point, what if you don’t speak with anyone until after you declare…on Turn 10? Only if you’re silent and it’s before Turn 0?
Or, if you wait and see who’s playing what side and choose based on where your friends are…? But that’s not “pre” aligned… Come to think of it, there is no “pre” unless you actually choose your allegiance before you even get your pdf - which is tricky, as you don’t even know what nation you’re playing…!!!
So you simply have to spell it out - or, the alternative is to accept that Neutrals are allowed to do anything they so choose - their money and all that. So if there are no rules, all we can do as allegiance players is cope in the chaos as best as we can. If you don’t like the chaos, well, like Gixxxer, you prefer pre-aligned 12v12 Grudge format. That’s fine. But nobody else, neither the neutrals nor the allegiance players whose team they join, is wrong.
We all like different kinds of vegetables, we all like different kinds of cars, we all cheer for different teams, we all prefer different games. I really don’t see why that matters so much. Hell, I just got booted off a grudge team and a couple people aren’t talking to me as a result of this stuff in this game - and I’m not even one of the neutrals! All I did was tell some people I respect the truth and I’m this evil ring-leader of liars and cheats of the olde boyz network. Really, so those damn neutrals went this way or that way, this turn or some other turn…isn’t it all the same after turn 15 anyway…?
… but what’s about cheating all the other players? on the other side?
Mike, I really have lost all my former respect I’ve had for you!
I haven’t picked up team mates, really looks like the Freps have done this for me.
… but I’m still not in contact with my so called “team-mates”
I would like to propose the following: give us a member list of your Yahoo-group for turn one and we will see what really happened.
I’m not playing with the DS so far, but I’m sure they’ll do the same
Oct 18, 2008 11:09 pm Invited to join by bbme52 <> via web
Oct 18, 2008 11:09 pm Invited to join by bbme52 <> via web
This was after they insisted that we disclose if we “had” any other neutrals. We said “No” and agreed to “not bother” with any more. So they joined the group and discussed a turn 5 attack plan on the QA to follow through on Harad.
YOUR behaviour last turn actually accelerated that…ya gotta take some responsibility there Gixxx, sorry, but it’s true, all those crazy posts before you identified yourself, QA icon on your pop. You gave us every intention you were already DS and about to attack - they had to move earlier than we wanted.
Before Terry hops in here with the “aha!” Yes, I sold our plan to the FP in terms of attacking QA and attempted to orchestrate their contributions in such a way that following through to attack Harad was “natural”.
What I would have proposed to the DS’s was an attack on S. Gondor instead of my preferred attack on Harad, but the problem was that Harad was not communicating and success in that endeavor would have required at least his acquiesence if not his active participation. That meant I could not commit to anything without leaving myself completely vulnerable. Between that and Terry’s innate mistrust of me and the Easterlings (ironically because of HIS pre-alignment to the FP in game 76 in which we played DS’), it made it much easier for the FP to win the diplomacy contest because once turn 1 results were in they assumed we were going FP when it was not yet a done deal. Yes, Gixxx, you did indeed help to make the bed you are laying in.
It seemed to me then and it seems to me now that QA and Harad were in communication all along and I regret nothing except the crying over a 2-2 or 2-3 split.
But enough of this. Gixxx is out and someone will pick up the Harad and take the beating he would have taken. The FP have broken into Mordor and this game will probably not go on as long as I had hoped despite a perfect neutral split.