Game 94 1 Weeker Starts

Bah the “aha!”. Corsairs and QA - who else can they work together to attack? Woodmen? Bah, I say BAH~! :stuck_out_tongue:

There Is a Great difference from GM 76 and this one… I open came on Forum and delcared My intentions… Do I really have to go through all the trouble of Finding the emails concerning easterlings and Corsiars intent to Go FP from game start…

It’s simply Game on ! They want me come get me… I moved towards both of the last turn the Ensure they followed through with exactly what they planned from turn 0… a Large easterling army @ 3538 has not other puprose other than attacking me what the Corsiars!

I just wish players after the GIG is up would just Openly delare themselves and start fighting… becuase any words stating otherwise or claiming it was something I said or did from turn 0 until now is totally Bogus!

Those who think I am really a hothead… Well you just never met or even spoke to me on the phone…

But when i get wind of 2 nuetrals planing a combined surprise attack on my nation from turn 0… Am i to jump on and say Jolly Good show… what sportmanship! No the football defensive lineman comes out in me and I go hog wild like every good Texas Football does… I get mean and fight! :bash:

Now that’s the spirit!!!

No where In any posts Have I used the words Cheaters… Nuetrals Have the right to declare for whom they want and when they want! My problem came from Corsairs post about proving me (Terry) wrong! After I recieved Positive confirmation that’s exactly what was going on…

Then You gave some bogus post I am only to blame for this! Yes It’s then when players cannot own up to thier initail plans once they recieve thier turn 0 results and see who is who! That bothers me… Hench all the good OLe Boys trying to explain to the rest they are Just that Good players with just loads of Integrity! You might want to think about what that word means!

I can certainly handle the Challenge of fighting both the Corsairs and Easterlings becuase I love a challenge as a player… But wouldn’t it be nice to just say as easterlings and corsairs we are playing with FP in this game…

Becuase Yes I did mention in my email to Corsiars How Much respect I have for players on the FP! What a challenge it would be to play against the FP… Yes I did get communication from Gixxer early on in this game… No i did not give the information of his email addy to anyone… Becuase he asked me not to… That is Called Integrity… I also stated I would enjoy the game either way he went… I also gave him suggestions on how to play it if he went FP or DS… Not that he needed the info… It’s just the way I talk to nuetrals if i diplo them at all!

So there Blame me for being Honest in my diplo’s… Blame me for Lieing about being in contact with Harad… But when someone asks to keep it to myself I do it!

Blame Me for making sure by moving on or towards both Corsiars and easterlings this turn!

I just hoped I was playing with men who know how to take accountability for their own actions!

Now to My relationship with Gixxer… began in The Game which I went bankrupt with WK in last one weeker… Truth be known he was not all the happy with my strategy there… Mainly becuase it was so risky… Needless to say he was right… I got some bad luck rolls at critical times and went bankrupt… I let that team down period!

The Gixxer decided he wanted to give me an invite to his Grudge team… In which I helped that teams cause… So when he asked me not reveal himself… No need as Harad in most indie games until 5 or 6 becuase who really wants Harad not on thier teams side including the FP if nothing more than to keep by then the most economically powerful nation from joining the DS… I complied… Other than that I barely know the player…

So hopefully all know when I give my word to a player about his indentity I plan to keep it!

Terry, I sent you and Gerhard and Darrell an email since this has all come down and Gixxer kicked me off the team we were all on together. Gixxxer is the only one who has since replied. Stop talking about integrity.

Gixxxer, I take it back, I would not accept an invitation to play on a Grudge Team with someone so completely detached from reality. I wish you luck.

Gixxx – what are you talking about with Cheating – I didn’t say anyone cheated – not to mention how can you cheat unless you got someone’s turn or are getting info from others on opposite side – other wise this is war and as they say all’s fair in love and war !!


Thought I did – prealigned would be getting your neutral nation and saying once you get it that I am going this way or that , that is not running a nation as a nuetral , now don’t get me wrong – it is that players or anyone’s right to do what they want , but I just think it gives an unfair advantage to the other side !!

Okay, that’s clear. And I can appreciate that such behaviour breaks the “flavour” of the game as it “was intended”. But those are all very very very subjective… And “fair” is a really difficult word to use in this environment, don’t you think…? :wink:

I’m sorry to hear this, but I can live with it.

Have Fun!


I’m talking about your probable mails to Darrell.

If it was clear (and it really looks like it was clear) that your team don’t like to recruit more neutrals, why this whole scenario about the “message to Darrell”, “leaving the game” etc.?


Mike claims to have sent an email before the time we let the southrons on the group. Darrell has said the whole time Arthedain never sent him a mail. And so we yell at each other without checking sent folders, email addresses, or junk mail or spam filters, or even considering the possiblity that this electronic stuff isn’t 100% reliable (like gravity is…most of the time…).

I feel that “Technically” Cors and Easties have breached the “Neutral Etiquette”. They are friends outside the game and decided to join as a block once they knew what nations they had. So they alligned (with each other)before the game started, from what I am reading. To worsen the perceived breach they are good friends with the “Captain” of the team they have joined and have been working with them under the cover of “neutrality” when in fact they knew they were going Freep from turn 0, ie once they knew which team their friends were on. (Or am I misreading something?) That is outside the spirit of being a neutral in my oppinion.

Regards Herman

Captain? Good friends? Can someone introduce me to my supposed Captain here? First time I tripped over these two gents myself, was arguing about neutrals in another game and more recently, handing them their shorts in yet a third game where they are on the team that’s getting shafted by, dum dum da dummmmmm…neutrals…! Or so they think. Whatever. They’re being proactive in this one, trying to ensure an even neutral split. Neutrals try to do whatever neutrals want to do - communicate a lot, a little, join for bribes, join for game balance, join to get their VC’s, etc. So many things you can use as “reasons” to pick a side, I think all this talk of “etiquette” and “spirit” is simply beneath us, no?

Hi there Herman,
Darrell told me that the ME-house-rules won’t allow that friends are allowed to sign up as a “neutral-block” in the same game.

… but what are we able to do against it?

We would need 007 to prove if they’ve done it or not.

Perhaps we will get an “ME94-trost”?

Well, NOW I’m a DS and checked all files…

they’re only able to win with an advantage on their side (like in the last game).
This time with a 4 turns planning advantage!

Brad always told me that the Freps are the better team, let’s prove this!!!

They have their advantage and I really hate them for their deeds.
Former friends are foes now.

I’m a good friend, but a satanic foe…

Have Fun!


And that’s all we were hoping for~! Satanic foes! Game on!

For the record, Brad’s teams are always better. :wink: But in this game, it was the neutrals who told ME we were the better team…because they heard it from the DS… So get your facts straight. :stuck_out_tongue:

And whether they knowingly joined together and “plotted and schemed” to be neutral JUST to piss you off and get back at Terry (something I’m sure he believes they’ve been plotting since before their high school proms…) is more presumption. I’ve ended up as a fellow neutral with very good friends before purely by accident. Does Clint have to check 3 years of everyone’s personal email and telephone records before setting up a game?

Get over the shYte and get on with the game. I’m glad to see you’re motivated as you’re one of the primary concerns I’ve been warning my fellow Freepers about…let’s play~!

I really would like to read this message from the DS.-

I’ve taken a look on the gamers-composition and results.
I would say possible!

Clint, it’s not always the money that’s counting!
The gamers wants to have a fair-split and I really can’t see it in this game.
Split means in this case the two parts aren’t that what I would even.

I’m really not sure if I’ll be able to balance the game?

… but I’m neutral, … was neutral!



I sent Darrell the exact e-mail that I sent to the team and him , plus two others that didn’t have any important intel about how i still haven’t heard from Rhudaur yet , and again I will take the blame , as I should have followed up on it , but thought oh well he wants to talk to Brad and not me.

I for one didn’t agree to anything about not trying to recruit other neutral nations and even wrote an e-mail to group that I wouldn’t attack/jump a neutral nation to force him to go evil either , the leaving the game bit is cause once again I am disappointed in these one week games as I feel – again , AS I FEEL – neutrals are coming out the gate prealigned , and again it is there nation and a player can of course do what he wants , but guess I have a problem with the word neutral and what that supposed to mean !!

The Easterlings and Corsairs are friends. We did not join this game together. We did make a pact when we found out we were in the game together as neutrals. (How is that worse than the QA and Harad talking to each other since turn 0 but the Harad not talking to anyone else?). We decided that Harad’s destruction was the best play we could make to increase our chances to finish high. We did not choose to go FP and were more inclined to go DS to avoid agent trouble. However, the FP were good diplomats and the DS were bad diplomats. We absolutely were not friends of Brad and don’t know him from Cain.

This game has a 2 (FP) vs. 3 (DS) neutral split!!! What the hell do you want?

This is just BS. You have been communicating with QA to the exclusion of others. You hosted him at your MT last turn. His fleets moved to protect you this turn.