Game 94 1 Weeker Starts

How long did it take you to figuire out who is better diplomats… 1 hour 1 week or 10 seconds! I was told my offer in my second email long before turn 1 results was irrelevent right here in Forum… Now talk about a load of Bogus talk… If Corsiars and easterlings really was ever Inlcined to go DS it must have been before They Found out who was on which side and had nothing to do with emails at all…

I can’t remember when Gixxer contacted me… But it was after my second email to Corsiars offering him my Navy… After seeing where Easterlings player went and Playing easterlings numerous times… It was quite clear he was going DS and all the DS could see that!

As for my naval landing was just one to many east’s… Or I would have taken a SG town 2628! But hey believe what you want… I knew also you guys would think what you did… so I moved to intrecept and Destroy the Corsiar Navy!

I could care less who Called fowl on my moves this turn becuase this game has been anything but Above the waist!

Like I said no surpise I wish you guys Alot luck! Buds and all! Maybe between you both you can devise a plan that can actaully capture one of my MT’s but i doubt it!:bash:

I have seen nothing in my inbox from email from you… I did see your email to Gixxer… I’m not saying you didn’t send it… but some of my family’s emails have wound up in spam and deleted also…

I don’t like the way this all went down as a Clear intention of two Nuetrals attempting to take me out from turn 0… Then trying to get others to believe it had something to do with my emails…

This would have benefited the FP team in this game tremendously… Sorry I not one to be gracious in the midst of such planning! You should know me well if I i figuire it out I will be less than accomidating for to the entire FP team afterwards…

As for my decision to stop playing in Indie games… That been coming becuase in most of my games I have become very quiet in groups… So don’t take that personal Brad … This is my 7th one weeker ina row… I guess I growing weary of it anyways…

Best of luck to FP!

You pre-align and attack us on turn 0 of 76.

In this game you assume we are going to attack you for revenge.

Two things are possible. Either we will join the FP or the DS. If we join the FP, it must be because we are pre-aligned and violate the community’s perceived spirit of the game.

Therefore, we must join the DS to avoid that judgement.


But false.

It was never about you despite your pathetic attempts to make it so.

Interesting concept… about Game 76 but it seems I came out and said what I was doing in forum long before this turn in this game… I even challenged you on DS team to do something about it… Who’s town, MT or capitol was on then? Maybe you should rerread the Game 76 forum posts!

Even now you still Deny your intent … Now how in the hell would there be 3000 troops at 3538 if you both had not planned it from turn zero… I can count!

But hey Hold the High ground… See if any of them even reach my capitol they will all go POP this turn! Lmao!

Fish for intel elsewhere. The Easterlings’ turn 1 movement was towards Harad, not the QA.

You succeeded in making it about you when your icon parked on the Harad MT at 2534 last turn.

Your turn 1 declaration of your turn 0 pre-alignment does not change the fact of your turn 0 pre-alignment…it just shows your folly. You should have played it smarter and actually accomplished something instead of being a non-factor.

Your Inability to get what happened in that game is exactly why you lost and failed miserably in that game…

But this is about this game… Your Cav going to 3538 doesn’t threaten squat in Harad… Matter fact it doesn’t threaten me becuase your losing 3000 Cav this turn… doing absolutely nothing!

As far as fishing is cocerned I quite good at that also…

Just doesn’t matter becuase the surprise is busted! Have fun now playing above the board as FP!:wink:

Ok, so the northwesties were not able to get a sneak in on the CardoArths. No sneak achieved against anyone in the south either. Why? We’ve all gotten paranoid about neutrals.

So who cares, lets stop the whine fest and get on with it.

Mike the Elf

P.S. On a side note, I’d also like to see the allegiances put some smack down and fear into the neutrals in these games. I’m on board with Turn 0 nuking of Rhudaur, Harad, easties, etc (we’ve done that now havent we Terry? I think Whit is yet to forgive you for the Northies on Easties offensive in game 51)

Well done Terry (no joke),
I would have liked to play a real neutral like Darrell.-

With the burning skull as my avatar, I’ve feared an early Gondorian attack in the case I’ll show my real name.

That’s the reason why I’ve covered my avatar for a while.

I really haven’t known that two friend have signed in as neutrals together for the same game.

I have known that Corsairs and Easties might have had a turn-0-declaration, but I’ve played as a neutral.

So here we are!

Damned good prepared Freps against unprepared DS.

Yeah, that’s sportive!


Ha, ha, ha!

a really good joke!

You want to have VP 1 and 2?
… and you haven’t joined together?

… before I’ll use some more words defining your way of gaming, I’ll stop here


Interesting you mention Whit here… and Game 51 but the very next One weeker I played with Whit… I am also playing in another game with Whit… where I am also becoming more and more silent on groupsites… Do I believe he wants sometime in future to win a game against me… Of course i do but i don’t believe it’s personal…

Just As herman my current teamate would like to get me back for the Game he played a NG and me Dragonlord… Yet I don’t feel any animosity in this game as My teamate…

Even you in game 51 supported that decision to attack easterlings when I did… For the same reasons I did… Silence and no communication with NM… But hey different game…

This game has 2 pairings going early for either side… But as far as I am concerned maybe in future Friends joining a game together should only be on the same alliegence and not nuetral… So no questions like this ever come up again…

Yes I have always been very cautious when in comes to trusting nuetral intents until they send thier pdf in a diplo they are the enemy period unless I know something about the player…

Neutrals see people they know on an allegiance and align with them on turn 0 all the time, but a neutral can’t see a potential ally amongst the other neutrals and agree to work together? Nonsense. Harad and Corsairs often make their first priority to form a pact. If I played Dun or Rhu I’d do the same thing. This community is so incestuous I can’t believe you have the gall to raise these objections. They are nothing more than sour grapes and excuse making for the loss you are about to suffer.

I’m finished with this argument. Say whatever you want and enjoy the last word.

personally I’m not giving a lot on VCs and VPs,
you both are only playing for them!

Before you’re damning the whole ME-community, you should take a look on you and your friend!

It’s confirmed that you both have wanted to take out the QA on turn 5.

It’s confirmed that you’ve done a turn-0-declaration.

It’s confirmed that you both are friends and signed in for the same game.

So what, Mr. Bierbower?

A suggestion:

Gondorians won’t attack Harad nor QA, no army-movements from the rest of the sides.

Char-moves are allowed!

It’s a duel, so what do you think?

You have had the better start-up conditions!

Should be easy for you, or probably not?


We’re not playing grudge my dear,
if this is your opinion: please don’t play the game you’re currently in!

Neutrals should be neutral, that’s like a “stop sign” telling us to stop.

You both were able to exploit the rules to your advantage!

Baaah, really something to barf a bout!


No wait a Minute… I haven’t lost crap yet and FP have already won this game!! I don’t think so… In the words of my countryman. “I have yet begun to Fight!”:stuck_out_tongue:

Since you haven’t lost anything Adunaphel, which of your MT’s are you gonna give to the Dark Loo this turn…?

Naughty Brad! :bash:

  • Tarondor/Mordor Road-runner “Meep meep!”

Why 3012 of course! Ask another stupid question!:eek:

Oh my, well, to repeat myself - sorry Urzahil, better luck next game…


just a friendly reminder to save some time to plan your turns. Oh yes, 2 more days. And don’t forget to 215. :smiley:

conqueror of the those that dare exit Mordor, just ask poochie boy
last one.:smiley:

Hi all, I dont know what all the fuss is about. The DS are going to win this game. Mind you I did like the evasive Cav move onto the DarkLt capital.

We tried it as free in the FTF and it got blocked so I am sort of glad that I have seen it.

All the best and for the sake of your blood pressure I suggest the victors be declared the ones that were telling the truth at the start of the game. Therefore, by the time the DS win we wont care about the pre-aligned or not Neutrals. P.S. If it does look like the free are going to win we are all coming down to Corsairs and Easterlings to take you off spot 1 and 2.

all the very best,

Mark Duns