Game 94 1 Weeker Starts

Should be when all our nations offically inform the office. We have a couple of members traveling and in school.


Competitive game!

Just received the end game notice. Overall, I think this was pretty competitive. I thought the coordination among the DS team with your agents was very good. We just had to absorb the lumps you guys dished out until our guys were up and running. Most impressive though was the offensive you guys launched that nearly eliminated the Eothraim. Some very solid manuevering and follow-up by the FK and Dog in particular. We did lose the Northmen last turn as he did not sell product and taxes hit 101%.

Our team had to overcome some of our own mistakes that ultimately played into your agents hands. So much of our team plan was based on timing and we lost that in the early going for a variety of reasons, but we worked thru those issues and ultimately we just had to many strong armies spread around the map. Had the DS team been able to maintain a military force within Mordor or a dragon chain, then that would have been huge for your survival. Another timing issue. :wink:

Thanks for a great game!

Competitive game!
Indeed i totally forgot about these threads Blind Sorcerer here checking in and out. My nation had some questions some very bad rolls on turn one loosing Akhôrahil to a 210 with CL 30 mage. Then loosing another to a damn 290 early in game i almost threw in towel but i stayed in and tried to do my best. My mages pulled together an effective curse squad kind of late in game, upgraded a few pop centers and took some away from Easterlings, congrats to Easterlings to hiding 4228 i kept failing at locating that # 41 for 4 turns. Either way hats off to FP you took out our neutrals quick Duns i think went 1st, then Rhudaur, you almost had Harad. WK went broke same way Northmen went, Corsairs and Easties and combine attacks took out QA, then Dragon Lord just fell. Dog Lord was happy by killing Gildor, congratz to alll FP with 12/11 nations strong.

Good game all. Neither team was perfect, which of course just makes things more interesting. For the FP, having the Noldo special service 3 times in the early-mid game was painful - our best artifacts / characters took a long time to actually make an impact.

SG’s biggest agony was losing the majority of my fleet to a “dead men rise from the graves” encounter at one of my own pops (!). What the hell was my navy comm doing in a graveyard???

  • Keith

Our original Dark Lts made a error in moving armies and got an encounter attack on the first turn. Shortly after that he dropped…

My plan of attack from the Dog Lord was stop the armies from dropping down into Mordor. We really didn’t have that strong of an attacking force heading north so I was regulated to more defense than I would have liked.

Wanted more agents…didn’t happen…got a good deal on the emissaries and was successful in making camps / getting dragons.

Couple of things I would changed…


I thought the Blind Sorcerer played a great game from what I could see.

The Cloud Lord played a really good game as well.

Gentlemen and Ladies. All the best in the next one.

the Mighty Eothraim, still alive if barely Mighty…

The core group all did great and the Cloud Lord was the “team captain” for the group that was left. I thought he did a great job pulling the pieces together.

Ice King, Blind Sorcerer, Cloud Lord and Myself were the group. The other nations were being run by those above about half way through the game.

Excellent group to game with!


Yes, the quality of play does tend to rise as the player count drops… :smiley: All things considered, I seem to recall us handing the opportunity to play -on over to you gent’s a couple of times in Mordor…but you certainly grabbed the reins and took full advantage.



Fun game all in all, just anoying that all this neutral stuff caused so much bickering etc…

NG highlights:

  • Rampaging through Mordor
  • Surviving game without ending as South Gondor Vasal
  • Dunland imploding in, what…? 2 turns?

NG lowlights:

  • Not attacking IK capital
  • Not managing nation properly…
  • Navy stranded in Harad
  • Countless orders not working out, due to human error (my errors…)

Still fun game, NG wasn’t as easy to play as I thought, really hard to maintain military preasure, while also managing your nation (getting a few camps down, etc.)

The fact that I’m using the NG throne as a foot rest seems to indicate otherwise… :wink:

  • Camlin, True King of the Dunedain

Can I get you a brandy, Sire? I’ve put fresh batteries in the remote and creased the paper around your Sudoku for you. Your furs are laid out for your sleigh ride with the Rhun wenches tomorrow morning and I’ve put Waulfa off until next Thursday, that feeble beggar… Is there anything else I can get for you, my liege?

the Might Eothraim