Geez, the Freeps are soooo unsociable in this game… Even when I’m losing I
take part in the banter…
You guys are smoking some good stuff. Didn’t you just post a couple weeks back that this one was as good as done! Recommending we give up and throw in the towel. Now you claim your losing? Geez, I am not being unsociable, I just get quiet when I’m geeting my rear handed to me!
I must admit it sure is fun fighting a “hopeless” cause and achieving a small victory here or there!
I think we can still give you guys some head aches!
The game IS a good as done and you Freeps are just postponing the inevitable
but hey, we might aswell have fun if you guys persist in playing. We’ve got
a suprise for your curse team at 3025, can’t say as it would spoil it.
Mwahahahaha. Go and hold Sinda’s hand when the turns come in for it
will be a baaaad turn for him.
I think HappyMadCat is getting high on the catnip! Too much of that stuff will get you talking rubbish!
You are still handling us well but you sure are still making it fun for us to stick around!
Now if you can only leave Gondor alone for let say 10 turns we might yet get back into this one!
Yep, well played in the last turn… One of our team forgot to send an important
character to 3012 which resulted in Tharudan escaping and Urzahil getting
whacked. Well, thats how the cookie crumbles sometimes. As I kick Trav
a few times… 3012 will be very interesting and good to see NM still plugging
away. But the bad news for you guys is LR-Ricard is finally released to join
the Mirkwood front…
Hey, we thought Carolan was’nt playing anymore, Lol! Hope those armies
north of the North Gate have plenty of guards…
The NM…I thought they were developing a “Who were the Northmen” on Sauron’s Discovery channel?
I guess it will run right before “Military Blunders-The Harad!” on the same channel. I am sure Sauron does not deal gently with commanders who accomplish little or nothing at all when they invade with THOUSANDS in a well equiped and well armed army and in conjuction with an allied invasion as well!
But what am I talking about, I forgot that SG has been fatally weakened!
The Harad has had a tough time and didnt communicate at all with us for
a few turns… We only knew he was playing by the movement of his
armies. Lol.
Its great to see a Harad defecit…
So how’s mighty NG? How did Celadrihil (real name Cindy) miss the bridge
and end up at the Harad village isntead? Thinking big guys?
This is turning out to be a good game… turn 15 and still a good fight ahead of us all…
Mirkwood is yours yet… The Free are taking those PC’s you gained Back…
You took 2 pops back but can you get the other 2 major towns? Doubt it
and you guys will struggle to keep 2912 and 3113… Besides Urzahil kicking
the bucket the defence of the DS-Plex went perfectly to plan. Even I’m
How nice to host the Noldo squad this turn… Pity you guys are
outnumbered… Not a bad game Reklan…
Oh no!!! Some more foreboding news from our source. Our Noldo squad is sure to die now, much like our curse squad did this past turn!
Northern Gondor sends regards to Harad. Sorry you couldn’t take the Pop Center! I don’t think we’'ll see anohther Harad force this side of the river again anytime soon. I hear he is too busy defending the homeland.
And “Cindy” is doing fine. Kind of like that! Last man I knew nicknamed Cindy was over big like and tank and confident in his masculinity! <sp?> I didn’t want to get on his bad side and I recommend you don’t either! BTW: He sure did miss the bridge and bounced off onto 2926.
We’ll see about the Noldo squad, you guys can’t have the full scouting report
if you’re that confident. I wouldnt crow too much about taking 3 Harad
pop centres, very short term invasion but go for it guys!
LOL, in the Pathfinders we had a great NZ bloke 18 stone called Tammy,
wonderful guy and a friend I have total confidence in… Maybe its forces
guys with girl names to be more masculine…
All the Freep moves seem to be very short term guys but comendable the
FP’s are still giving it a go!
Good luck with the coming turn guys!
Dont let Happy give you to much of a hard time here. He is a lot of talk…In game 16 where he is Arthudain he has yet to knock out the the DS in the West and its turn 15. The DS put no agents in the West for the 1st 10 turns of the game and WK starting cav. went to Mirkwood where the DS hold everything in other then 2 sinda citys.
Since I bust his chops on that link…I thought I’d do it here to
Lol, thinks he will ever be able to bust my chops, smack smack!
IronLords forgets to tell you guys that as Arth I destroyed 15k WK and
Rhud troops by turn 12, add to that a WK city, 3 Wk towns, 1 Rhud and
1 village… Now the only reason I have NOT finshed off the WK is huge DS
agent activites in Agmar and pesky curse teams taking out army comm’s.
Now in this game Rhuduar went FP on turn 5… Yes the Arth has been
very ineffective while the Sinda and SG play has being good. Unlike you
I give credit when its due… Says it all about your personality…
Now if IronLord was worth his salt he would have found out more from this
game from his team mate Kev (G16 QA+Harad) before speaking up.
Typical John, full of it even in games he’s not in… As for comparing this
game with all your Eoplex smack talk in G16 the Eoplex fell faster
in this game with almost no agent recources assisting. For your info
as you’re so ignorant my troops took 3 Major towns and Richard (DogL)
took 1… By turn 11… With 1/10 the smack you have dribbled out in
Now I could find the other games you’re in and burst your bubble, but
I’m really not the sad…
Next turn you decide to talk crap in a game you’re not in have
the intelligence to find out about the game first…
Go crawl back under the rock you belong under John,
Forgot to add the WM and Rhud have also played well in G95… Its important
in ME and life to give credit to where its due. Another life lesson for you
Haha…its simple Guy, you stated that Arth should take down the West by turn 15 which you did not do in 16. Then you make up stuff on why that is, regardless the reasons can only be your not as good think you are, and you run your mouth without anythought to if it states anything truthfull. You talk one thing in one game, bad mouth players here, then in another game you cant pull the same thing off off your knocking this guy about. Near to all your facts on 16 are off I’d not think this one would be any different.
And taking life lessons from you big Guy would only teach me to close my eyes, and misconstrue every fact I can grope at. No thanks…but good luck to you here, might do you good to win a game…
No John, its simple and I’ll REPEAT… Game 16 is grudge with an exellent
CL showing. Game 95 is normal when Rhuduar went Free on turn 5… Now
if you can’t see the difference… You are a good and intelligent player John
so why can’t you grasp this basic fact?
Win a game? I won 7 games in a row under old Harlequin games, probably
before you even heard of this game… As for bad mouthing players, you
take it to an art in the games you’re in but resent other players doing the
same. Very strange John… If you want to put your nose in where you
know little have the intelligence to find about the game you’re talking
about first… But ofcourse you just wanna bad mouth without knowledge.
We’ll soon be playing each other in a grudge match, Brad will pass on our
team list, you guys are very popular with most in the team. Not. I wonder
why… As Brad says its going to a true ‘grudge’ match…
Until then get off this thread… I have respect for the FP’s in this
game and its turning out to be a long and enjoyable game without
someone like you to ruin it all…
Good turn for you guys was’nt it? The morgue must be full at Buhr Waldmarsh.
Congrats in taking Campanula and Ji out, poor Ol CL’s gonna need some
therapy for that. You guys should club together and send her some flowers!
Lucky for us the the RoW and RoI are now safely away from your greedy
paws and this turn will be back in the hands of the CL… Great game guys, its
been a pleasure to play…
Northmen has been taken out of MY area. Woodmen I come for you.
Yes, well we are trying to make a WAR out of it! It will still take us a few more turns to regroup in the south and we still lost the east and we’re fighting to stay alive in Rhovanion. We have had a few victories on the character front but the DS start so far ahead in that department it will still be hard going.
I must ask you to check your intel again. The RoI is STILL in our safe paws and I wonder how long you guys will hold the RoW!
Has far as the CL goes…well…she is a tough girl and I’m sure will make us pay for it. I know Gondor has…how much cash has she doled out to the DS from Gondor coffers I wonder?? But it sure is nice to make her feel some of the pain she has handed out this game!