Ohhh, those typos Tarandor, ofcourse I meant RoC…
You are forgiven O’ Straying one! Straying from the light of all Freedom loving Peoples that is!
I wonder how confident you guys are? Perhaps too confident? You may be doing well in some areas but I think you really have giving space to other areas! Your attacks into Gondor, although damaging did not finish the Dunedain there. Granted Ng wsa knocked back for a loop but the damaged done SG was really quite trivial! Dendra Dwars move across the mountains was unique, but how much has it paid off? Your southern allies have done naught but enraged the wrath of Gondor! And the war managed by Harad has been downright unforgiving. Lots of time, lots of troops, and lots of cash…wasted! And now he will fight for his life. Now his “allies” must come to his rescue! I promise, he will become a burden to you!
Overall, I think this one is still going the DS way but we will make you pay for this victory. Your side has a handful of competent players which will in the end pay dividends but the FP are also under a new “High Command” and we still have hope!
Confident, I wouldnt say that… Its a constant struggle to mantain a team
effort in this game, if all the DS were a team the game would be over. The
situation in New Orleans means we never hear from 2 of the DS, another DS
is far to busy playing other games to communicate and Harad never talks…
But we win will this game even though you guys are making a real brave effort, our many agents are growing (expect for those 4 CL agents. Lol,
poor Tine) and now the East is ours we can fully concentrate on Mirkwood
Its only a matter of time… Mordor is very strong, finances are great and
we will cause alot of damage to you guys this turn. Your invaison of
S Harad won’t come to anything but its sure nice to watch as it unfolds
and it keeps SG busy the way we like it… If we were confident we would
say 5 turns to game end but it looks more like 10 turns and that is a
testiment to you guys fighting back
Its been a fun game, last turn was one serious nail biter at 3012
Atleast Tharudan joined JI, Urzahil and Campunala in the morgue last
turn and one of our wayward players has finally sent his character to
complete our curse squad… We’re going for the 5 kill mark at 3012
next turn… Or shall we take out Elrond at 3011?
Marendil’s body is available at 3113 for return to his homeland…
Buggered up there… THE only time i forgot to put in a Rfspers.
Marendil was content to be buired where he fell regaining his cousins homeland, Your guy Shirkan has been cremated as befits his kind… At least he died for your cause with honour…
I DO hope Gurthlug is not bemoaning the loss of his 880 Cavalry TOO much… The fight is on…
this has been a rather good game actually, even considering you got the 3-2 on the neutrals…Some serious good play on both sidesI wonder if it will go past turn 22, which is the longest of the modern games I have been in…
Hi Reklan!
Been in a couple of games that reached the 30 turn mark, my guess this
will reach turn 26 when you guys will concede The DogL cav achieved
so much and those 800hc will be buried with full honours or eaten at
an orc feast to celebrate their many victories… Doggie is perfectly happy
with 3 times more HC in the area remaining. We’re not worried at all
about the remants of Rhud forces at 2910 and 3113 and the Rhud/WM
offensive is doomed to failure. But KUDOS for you guys trying and making
the game so enjoyable.
Thanks for confirming what we supsected; the Duns joining the FP’s.
Guy (DkLts)
Ps… After WM you’re next
:mad: :mad: I’m very disappointed…
I thought I would be first…
Well you havent caused us enough damage to warrant being top of kill
We need to share turns, access to our respective yahoo sites, etc. after the game is over. You may be interested in seeing the lead up to this. Carrog should be gone too, but you can’t win em all
Funny, you didn’t mention Murazor either… he had such nice baubles on him. You guys must be hurting somewhat in the mage department - Murazor, Urzahil, Akhorahil, Bolvag and a few more “minor” DrkLts, BS and Dog Lord mages, all in the last four turns.
I know you guys had troubles due to missed turns, but then we’ve had ours as well. We lost our Eothraim player to a special service bankruptcy. Not to mention that he had this funny notion that he needed to keep his starting cav around. I mean if the Eothraim still has the bulk of his starting troops by turn 10, something is very wrong. I hope things are more or less stable on both sides now as it relates to players. This has been the most enjoyable game I’ve played in a long time and I’d like to see it out with good play coming from all involved.
Darren - Noldo
Well played Darren Have we ever played before? Having 4 players
in our team who dont communicate with the rest of us is hurting the DS
team but I just can’t see you guys winning. Ok, you have hurt us on the
mage front BUT we have many many more agents to make up for our
losses and now my pal Ricard has been unleashed in Mirkwood… Your
hopes rely on a few characters while ours relies on many… Thuaradan’s
you can’t replace, and you guys are down to 1 competent agent squad
while we have 4 and another 3 getting there… Great game, its been a
pleasure to play you guys.
And no we didnt know Murazor had died, wondered why he didnt turn
up in our 3 930’s at 3012. But what was the point of all these crap
FP agents at 3012?
Hey you guys only killed Urzy and Bolvag, What other minor DkLts mages?
Tut tut. Yep, we’ll go for a pdf exchange at end.
We must have crossed paths at some point. I’ve been playing since the very early days of GSI running things and have been in 50+ games.
Same here… Its good to cross swords with other old timers who
are good players and not full of spite like some of the players in the
last power game… I wonder if you have got any decent scout
reports from 3012 and equally interested in how confident you are
you can get Cirdan, Elladan, Elrohir, Gildor, Sinfaris and Talanisia
out of the hex?..
Any elves we missed?
Just thought I drop a message as well. I meant to let you Freeps know that I’ve bred new flowers which are more resistant against the weedkiller you’ve been using. The rain at 3012 didn’t help either - ground was too boggy. And I regard it as only fair to empty your treasuries if you force me to develop some new crosses - after all, all the soil and the plant pots…
Tine - Cl with a watering can
Oh and I forgot to mention that you shouldn’t be too confident at 3012. How many surprises are you up to?
Tine - CL
Rocketman is still alive, interesting !
Considering he’s the Noodle Noldo it really isnt very suprising is it Gixxer old
Hi there Guy,
I’ve already thought he isn’t playing any longer, nice to see that he’s still playing.
I need some fresh blood for a new grudge.
Have Fun !
Hi Gerhard,
I’m sure Team007 would be happy to play you after we dispose of Clint…
Greetings Guy,
the opponents aren’t the problem.
I’m looking for some new players for the “Circle”.
The “Mob” is still playing.
Have Fun !