No accounting for quality around here.
Bump to top.
Posting the same thing over and over again, while techincally still banter, is less then entertaining. Was hoping there would be some dwarf tossing or at least a demonstration of the famed Rohan sheep riding skills. Will have to go to Rohan to see that personally I guess.
Ren the Untidy
Or even some interviews with the displaced government officials from the Northmen.
[First capital lost: Northman to the DS (Khand/Long Rider)]
Or interviews with the next of kin of Tughaib.
And I quit counting all the dead commanders who’s heads now sits on the walls of Dol Guldur and the WW capital.
Puts an interesting “light” on who really are the good guys in this game. The “FP” send their characters on suicide missions (I would hate to be an “unpopular” commander in their army). While the DS agents just kidnap the FP commanders and keep them in good health.
Might want to be careful…soon the FP commanders will be jumping into DS prison cells to save their lives.
Ji Indur the “Kind”
Game 221
Did you read the Test post from Loke? I was victimized by a malfunctioning forum.
Strangely though, it did elicit a response from the FP…
So… what your saying is that the most entertaining banter from the Freeps was due to a malfuction? Interesting. Well here is to many more malfunctions to come! Huzzah!
Ren the Unwashed
I’m saying I know both what is and what is not banter.
Been a while since I had a chance to post.
Just wanted to say to the Northmen Coordinator. That was a nice manuever you did at Shrel Kain.
By the way just a quick note to the Dwarf Commanders. Careful the water just off the main public beach of Shrel Kain is probably a tad too deep for you. Otherwise you will find the temperate waters of the rhun to your liking. Especially in November.
Prince Ovatha IV
The Dwarves have decided to annex Mordor so no need to worry about their buoyancy
Indeed… We have some really nice luxury rooms for the dwarves allready set up and furnished for you here in Mordor. Comes with a couple of nice buckets, some straw and the dwarven traditional lump of coal for keeping track of the days gone by. The view will suit dwarves very well…nothing but rock all the way around.
Mention this add when you make reservations and get a free flogging at the health spa!
Ren the Travel Agent
Thanks but no thanks. The Dwarves have their sights set on occupying the hovels now owned by Sauron’s stable-muckers and boot-lickers.
Seems the freep commanders drank all the ale we left at Osgiliath. Seems to be a little miscommunication going on.
*** Three commanders planning a battle while eating and drinking in one of the many great halls of Osgiliath***
SG commander “Dude! We are going to so kick there little orcy butts…hicccup. First thing in the morning we march on the Witch King capitol!!!”
NG commander “Sweet! With our three armies we will crush them before us!”
Corsair commander “Righteous! This is going to be great. They will sing tales of our deeds…does you ale taste funny or is it just mine?” He starts to look a little green around the edges. Then passes out on the table blowing bubbles into his gruel.
SG commander “Pansy sailor types! Never could hold their ale. Right … off to bed and a little pre-battle planning if you know what I mean.” Stands up, spins around 3 times trying to figure out which of the 3 doors he sees is the real one and walks directly into the closet and shuts the door. Loud snoring noises can be heard shortly there after.
NG commander looks around, gives a grunt and waddles off to his room.
Tune in tomorrow for the next exciting episode of ‘Those Three Duds’!
Seems the freep commanders drank all the ale we left at Osgiliath. Seems to be a little miscommunication going on.
*** Three commanders planning a battle while eating and drinking in one of the many great halls of Osgiliath***
SG commander "Dude! We are going to so kick their little orcy butts…"hicccup. “First thing in the morning we march on the Witch King capitol!!!”
NG commander “Sweet! With our three armies we will crush them before us!”
Corsair commander “Righteous! This is going to be great. They will sing tales of our deeds…does you ale taste funny or is it just mine?” He starts to look a little green around the edges. Then passes out on the table blowing bubbles into his gruel.
SG commander “Pansy sailor types! Never could hold their ale. Right … off to bed and a little pre-battle planning if you know what I mean.” Stands up, spins around 3 times trying to figure out which of the 3 doors he sees is the real one and walks directly into the closet and shuts the door. Loud snoring noises can be heard shortly there after.
NG commander looks around, gives a grunt and waddles off to his room.
Tune in tomorrow for the next exciting episode of ‘Those Three Duds’!
Posting to the quiet topic. News?
Probably perfecting their stealth camp technology. Several more became cloaked this turn. We need a Vulcan to help us follow the ion trail and find those camps.
You may want to check in your market manipulation file for our stealth camps. Our camps are just as hard to understand as your market buyout stradegy.
Dump a decent amount of steel on our buy out…but then buy out Mithril…
Hummm…curse you and thanks!!!
Game 221
And while I am on the Soap Box…
This name game is old.
Alukhor, Aluhkor…Please…
(Constantly using the magnifying glass now)
Game 221
Wow… look at those Northern Gondor armies pop up all over the place. Nice show of cash on hand. You can make them almost as fast as you are losing them it appears. I would make some witty comment about ‘stealth’ armies but we know why they dissappeared so it would be kind of snarky of me and we dont want to appear snarky.
oh yeah … Make you a deal. You dont burn my camp and I wont burn yours You can trust us… really. That whole Dark Servant thing is just a name.
Oh well did not think you would go for it anyway.
Anyway you need to bring those troops over soon so we can finish our volleyball game on the beach. Winner cooks dinner. Loser gets cooked.
Ren the Unsanitary
You should buy another couple of magnifying glasses in case one breaks
It is not North Gondor you need to be concerned with.
Considering the DS army “play”, I would not mention anything about armies.
As far as I know on turn 7 you dont own a single FP pop center.