Hummm…I guess I did not include you in the memo list. I think I have a copy around here…
"Dear fellow Nazgul and company…
Our research has show that we do not need to take a single FP pop center with the army to win the coming confrontation......our R&D departmant has come up with a new weapon. It is called the Advanced GuilE and iNfiltation Troop....A.G.E.N.T. for short."
Sorry, in the future I will try and keep the FP in the loop.
Shoot I had one just over here… oh shoot lost that didn’t I. Well fair play to the freeps and all that.
It was nice to see that someone else has moved in though. I was frankly getting tired of running in to N.Men armies all the time. The Sylvan don’t really count they are just Northmen East. :rolleyes:
Oh you evil rohan types… burning the piecefull orc camp in the mountains! For that I will burn 2 human camps! Oh wait… already done. Well now that that is settled we can move on to those nasty elf things being so pesky. I know I have a can of elf-B-gone around here somewhere.
Better have that can analyzed. It appears someone has an oversized can of DS-popcenter-B-gone out and in service.
Saruboy did not like the view at Angrenost so much he turned over the keys it would appear. I told Rohan he needed more public works projects in the region.