Blind One, you’re experiecing the ‘Gunboat Rush!’ Gunboat is far more intense than any other ME PBM experience I’ve had.
Hey, don’t forget to keep up your game 14 journal. We’re all going to compare notes at the end.
Blind One, you’re experiecing the ‘Gunboat Rush!’ Gunboat is far more intense than any other ME PBM experience I’ve had.
Hey, don’t forget to keep up your game 14 journal. We’re all going to compare notes at the end.
the one thing I have yet to figure out is how to aggravate the opposing players without violating the rules…this is of course driving me crazy…it may be my last gunboat game lol
ok…made an update to my journal…I must admit I’m really not to good about doing things like this lol
crap… forgot about the journal.
how’s everyone doing???
I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many army icons on one map before!!! maybe I just didn’t notice, but it’s a little scarry wondering if they’re going to do the worst thing you can think of or something less damaging… gulp…
Hey Sc0rp10 - don’t worry! those are my army icons. i breed them like rabbits. harmless really. just like rabbits… vorpal rabbits. bunnies bunnies everywhere! wheeeeeeee
be not afraid…
as to journal - ok ok ok. will do one. what is it again that we’re trying to capture in the journal? the fear of the unknown? the utter uncertainty that comes with complete lack of knowledge of wtf is going on around the game? oh. we already grok that… i guess we’re trying to capture strategy discussions with oneself like: ok. i know this one small item and don’t know this other whole list of things, but the other players (friends and foes) are probably doing such & such, so i’ll do what I think is best…
only to find out the following turn that the other players (friends and foes) WEREN’T DOING what I thought they were…
ah well… so it goes.
Major FUN tho!
well I don’t know about everyone else but my journal only consists of a couple of excuses a turn for the risks I take in case they don’t work out lol…as an added note though I will be replacing all my I thinks with I knew if they do work out lol
I haven’t forgotten about the journal – but I’m not “religiously” maintaining it either.
Still, it’s a good idea and I look forward to comparing notes when this one is all over. I’m quite curious to learn how battles are developing in other regions and also what my neighboring friends and opponents were thinking as the game unfolded.
It’s been a long time since I last played ME PBM. I got back into it this past Fall when I read about the Gunboat variant last Summer on this forum. I now play only Gunboat games. I’m fast becoming of the opinion that GB is the best way to learn this game. I know that sounds counter-intuitive; but I think I’ve learned more from these GB games than from all my previous team games.
In any case, I’m greatly enjoying game 14 and hope all of my allies and enemies are as well.
finally…another turn and everything is going according to plan…now if I can just figure out who’s plan it is going according to…
My journal is actually getting kind of long. It’s almost like i’m using it to bounce ideas off of myself. Mostly it’s just things like: My armies/characters did “this”. I see enemy armies/characters doing “that”. I will try to do “whatever” next turn.
alas my journal consists of…turn 1: OH NO!! turn 2: OH NO!! turn 3: OH DAMN!! lol
Blind One, your game journal bears a remarkable similarity to mine.
But Gunboat is still a blast even when losingt.
losing? oh no not that…I am not retreating, I have mearly decided to advance to the rear
My journal started off the simularly…
T1…holy crud…I’m toast!
T2…well it could have been worse
T3…hmmm, maybe they’re just feinting and will come next turn
T4…ok I have no idea what they’re doing, but they blew their opportunity…cuz I ain’t gonna let 'em have another…
at least that’s what I’m thinking right now
tony h.
ok…thanks a lot tony…now I have to spend the next two years wondering if I missed an opportunity lol
Yep…that is the detraction to playing MEPBM…games can take two years, at least the fun ones can…
Don’t worry…I’m capable of turning a winning position into a loser, you might get another chance to get a shot in…it just won’t be the killer it could have been.
Course, if you’re on my side…you could be the one they’re going after instead of me…
Hmmm…you’re right, either way it’s not good for you…
let me think…which order can I accidently give that will screw up my whole turn…oh yeah…there it is…click click <god I hate computers>
Cheer up, Blind One, at least you can put the blame on “fat fingering” your keyboard. I, on the other hand, am just plain no good.
yeah yeah yeah…you’re probably the one causing me all my problems lol <well at least the problems I don’t decide to cause myself anyway> think next turn I’ll retire all my characters and see if that hurts…hmmm…bet it would lol <I won’t do that so don’t worry allies or get hope enemies…well…at least I won’t do it on purpose…>
i just love this GB format. woohoo!
now if only things went according to plan…
gunboat is more fun than I thought it would be…that’s for sure! I’ve always wanted to run two positions before anyways, but it was against the rules under GSI…now it’s legal. And it helps that I don’t have to check emails every night…so spending just a half hour at night prior to going to sleep is all I need to process this stuff…cool. I can send my turns in a week in advance, and not sweat worrying whether they get in time or not because I don’t have to wait for any new information to turn up from my “allies” at the last minute…
Now if my dang allies would just read my mind we could do some serious butt kicking here…unfortunately, I think my enemies are better mind readers…either that or I’m too paranoid…