gb 14

even paranoids have enemies <glancing about nervously>…I must be on the same side as you pseudo…not only don’t I have a clue as to what you’re doing I seem to be having trouble figuring out what I’m doing too…I knew I shoulda never dropped out of that mind reading course in college

another exciting turn…may my enemies pay and pay and pay for what they are doing to me…oh yeah they are…but the price should be doubled for all of them and I should play for free

Pseudo, your comments about Gunboat are right on the mark. I originally joined Gunboat to avoid dealing with the seemingly endless number of email messages that arrived in my in-box each day. For those with other time-consuming commitments (family, athletic activity, career, etc.), a major part of the attraction of Gunboat is saving time. I quickly became enamored of Gunboat’s many other charms; and now I would refuse to play anything but Gunboat even if I were independently wealthy and not working.

Operating two nations is a blast, plain and simple.

The fog-of-war is a welcome relief from the tedium of information over-load I felt during the old regular games.

Experimenting and trying unusual approaches to old strategies without having to listen to the complaining of “allies” is enjoyable.

The list goes on. I joined Gunboat to avoid the hassle of having to respond to 15 - 30 emails each day. I stayed with Gunboat because, as you discovered, it turned out to be much more fun than I thought it would be!

ok…I can’t stand it anymore…rules or no rules I just have to laugh at someone…hahahahahaha <pointing at the person I’m laughing at>

grrrrrrr…I hate you and you and you and you and you and especially you <think that covers everyone lol>

i think you were pointing your finger at me Blindone, and now you’re hating me…

this calls for reprisals!

nahhh nahh nah-nahhh nahhhhh

well then come and get me…I dare ya…I double dog dare ya…and as anyone who has seen a christmas story knows you can never turn down a double dog dare lol

Oh… Now you’ve gone and done it!

Double Dog Dare?

why youuuu…

um… i hope you’re on the other team…


lol dave…just go get whoever you think I am <hopefully we’re on the same team and you wipe someone out>

ok…after some serious consideration I think it’s time to go to plan B…now I need to figure out a plan B

You’re still on only plan B?

I was up to plan triple zzz after turn 2…put some more effort into it will ya! You might be on my team…

on the other hand you might not…go back to sleep…they’re not really all that bad, you don’t mind sharing your pop centers with others…

lmao…I said I was going to plan B…I didn’t say this was my first venture through the alphabet…besides…I’m old and I think slow…I didn’t even have a plan until last turn and then gave it up immediately after I got the results back <this is of course disregarding my initial plan that everyone on the opposing side surrender on turn 0>

ok…I’m going to give the opposing team one last chance to surrender…then I’m going to send in my troops filled with refried beans <and they said chemical weapons were a modern development>

LOL – Sounds like the same discussion i just had with the dwarves in one of my games – we came to the conclusion that his guys are just crapping there pants though :slight_smile:

OK. I surrender.
But, um, how do i do that?
Who do you surrender to in GB?

Guess I’ll have to keep flogging them and sending them into battle. What? You want FOOD? heh heh. you don’t need food if you’re going to die anyway…

Silence is golden

don’t surrender dave…you’re on my side…I know that because you haven’t wiped me out yet lol…and um mike…I thought I was the only one with the lack of class required to use flatulations as a weapon lol

Turn Report to follow:

------ BLEEEP -------

So that about wraps it up guys. Hope your turns went better!

my turn was almost exactly like yours except I had a couple of extra @@%$#$!@$& to add to my bleep

journal…oh yeah the journal…I must have about 5 turns worth of comments to catch up on but only those 18 and above will be allowed to read them

Apart from my one missed turn which set me back a bit… b#gger… I think I’m winning… is it the nation with 400 points at the end that wins? he he…

Come on guys, you know you’relosing, just give up the ghost and surrender… you know who you are.

How far do I have to march to find an enemy army? are they all hiding??? and where’s all the character action… I turn up… and no-one’s home!!!

Sheesh, these prices are really great aren’t they!!!.. can’t co-ordinate that in a normal diplo game… we’ll have to exchange notes on how we’ve all managed to do that once you all surrender to me so we can replicate it (or not) in a diplo game.