I am a little surprised this ended. Do GB games always end without warning?
I’ve been told the DS voted to end it. I was Sinda and Wade Frost was my Cardolani accomplice.
Long story short, Cardolan had 2 MT’s off map in the south and spammed 5 armies all over QA/FK villages - including war machines on Cav targetting the QA fotified ones with 4 of those good cav armies poised to hit the QA capital, this turn, in fact - I’m awaiting Cardy files to see if they landed.
Mirkwood was peaceful, Rhu/Angmar cleared. We had no real character attacks. Our intel showed NG held the passes all game. Basically, it appears the FP played “properly” in it’s diverse theatres and the DS less so. I’d guess both a BS and Cloud early army retirement cascaded in many ways? Or too many Cute ideas? Looking at the end game info, all the FP had close to 1000 VP’s and none of the DS were there. Also, DarkLoo went bust this turn…?
yeah must have been a DS vote, 9000 FP troops (most of them Duns) at 3221might have influenced that decision.
I played NM while Marty played DW. At the start I was quite unhappy with my own gaming because I did not seem to achieve much and had economic problems. I always waited for some DS character attack, but I assassinated more LR chars than vice versa, which tells us a bit about this game.
I struggled militarily and held back BS (starting army took 4217) and LR, but did not make much progress either, apart from capturing 3621 and the LR camps. around t 15 my agents (finished rank 82 and 87) and my emmy squad became quite effective.
GB is an economic nightmare for the DS, so I guess that was what decided this game, like it was in g 70 where I was BS.
I am a bit disappointed since it really got interesting now. I prepared an inner mordor attack from taken-over 3622 and just retrieved some nice arties from shagrat at 3222. BTW was a tough choice between assassinating krusnak and tonn - did I pick the right one to eliminate the Smaug army - who played the DogL?
I played WM-Arthedain and had quite a fun game - I came very close to losing…Arthedain instead of the WM - if the DS challenge/Agent squads had gone to the Arthedain capital instead of the WM capital on the turn they did, Arthedain would have bankrupted. I also was quite confounded by the WK’s raising Gundbad to a City - I should have expected that but it was actually my first time playing in the NW. I had invested a lot of early, dear resources into a WM force that could take it as a MT but was short of what I needed to take it as a city - that really screwed up my finances and for a long time both nations were struggling.
I’m glad the agent/scouts worked out well for the Sinda and Noldo. The previous turn’s results coming out after our diplomacy round were disconcerting since one of my scouts was killed and it looked like one of the agent teams was in real trouble.
Also, I discovered last turn that the Dragon Lord had some rather significant holdings off-map which would have kept the WM busy for a long time.
- Doug
Just got an idea - anyone else interested in a complete/final map? I’d be happy to assemble it. Any all game files to:
And I’ll put you on the recipient list for the complete JOV file.
WM/Arth sent.
I can vouch for the CL/BS – I fought his entire starting army of CL at 3024, and also the BS army a couple turns ago !!
I played the N. Gondor/Duns and I can’t believe this game is over – Thought it go at least another couple of turns as we just cracked the Black gate and was getting ready to crack the west one come the next turn !!
I am a little surprised reading that the highest agent kills was only 2 – TWO, this whole game – Had three Duns characters kidnapped from turns 2 thru 5, so started slow on the agents as needed the armies.
But over all – I had one of the most fun times I have had in a long time and I will be a Gunboat player for awhile – you can try so many different kind of things that you can’t in other kind of games that are coordinated – I can’t believe all the fights I had with the NG at 3024 – I Killed the starting troops of IK, FK, CL, BS and Dark Lts capital army, MAN WHAT A SLUG FEAST – sign me up for the next one !!!
And since the Dragon lord and Ice king both had the Highest kills – TWO – they must have killed NG characters as I lost about 4 characters to agents !!
Who had the curses squad for the evils – lost two characters to that also – was down to 11 characters this last turn, with one kidnapped and I had 18 for a high at one time – thefts kept me from making more for a few turns !!
Duns on the other hand was turning out to be a juggernaut – had almost 5k in HC in steel/steel with 30 warmachines on 3221 and was getting ready along with the NG to push over another 5k in troops – mostly HC also through the west gate this coming turn !! MAN WHAT A GAME!!
Well done all the freeps nd to the evils – thanks for a great game !!
Damn – and I thought I was fighting BS’s starting troops at 3024 about 4 turns ago – Oh wait they did have HC on it so couln’t be starting troops but did take on a Large army of the BS at 3024 with a dragon and then two dragons to finally destroy it at 3025 !!
I had Din Ohtar doubled for at least the last ten turns – seen him just whack one NM last turn and had about three IK agents doubled – most where still at 3024 – Hoarmurath was left at 3023 to rot – surprised the LR didn’t try to recruit him – I stole his mage arty and was getting ready to assasinate him with the Dusn this turn !!
I think one turn I got some gold off to the Woodman with NG before I started to get stolen and then these last couple turns sent gold to the Eothraim with the Dusn since he asked
NG and Duns last turn and xml files sent to you brad
My brother Tim and I played the Noldo and Harad respectively. We really appreciate the scouts you provided Doug with the Woodmen! Especially as it took a couple of turns with Tim constantly messing up the Noldo orders and either moving to the wrong hex, or forgetting to use the “create company” order…sigh.
Harad was a challenge with a couple of tactical errors that allowed the QA to take my capital early (I had planned on moving armies to fight Corsairs, and hiding the capital…got Noldo character movements wrong and didn’t get to my capital in time to hide…left undefended pop center for QA to smoke…
We concentrated on taking Corsairs down and ignored QA for the most part…and managed to finally eliminate the Corsairs. We too had multiple armies vectoring in on the QA capital, with one there now, and two one or two hexes away.
Great to see the good FP play…
thanks all for a good game.
and Kudos to the QA player…certainly made things touch and go for Harad for a number of turns…
Tony Huiatt
Everyone of the freeps except Eothraim/S Gondor check in – who was playing them??
Any evils out there – I seen somone playing the QA got kudo’s from someone – if same player was playing Fire King – definately Kudos to him in my book – he held the pass and I thought I would have gotten through at least two times but damn dragon once then agents the second time stopped me !! I knew on turn 2, I should have downgraded the Dark Lts and not CL – would have saved 3124 and still JI took the bridge down !!
I’ll give QA kudos - only DS we saw at least from our perspective. And I must disagree with the final standings. Our Cardy agent killed at least 2, I’d have pegged him for 4 frankly. Going backwards…let’s do the work.
t21 at qa cap: She was ordered to assassinate a character.
She injured Gaurhír of the Quiet Avenger and thwarted his guard mission. Bilec was
t20 at cloud cap: She was ordered to assassinate a character. Orcir was assassinated.
t17 at bs cap: She was ordered to assassinate a character. Qaurun was assassinated.
t16 at cloud cap: She was ordered to assassinate a character. Araudâgûl was assassinated.
t15 at Rhu cap (3629): She was ordered to assassinate a character. Sispar was assassinated.
I wasn’t far off. 5. So - either the end game sheets are grossly inaccurate - OR - they’re only counting the stats for those who have the “10 kills” Victory Condition.
For the record, Tharudan (survived the game, damn him…) failed over and over again. At one point, he got injured by the militia guarding or something. I’ve never been a good Elf… Off go the Sinda artifacts and Herubrand of Cardolan did well with them. Thanks again to the Woodmen - we put your intel to good use~!
Well I played SG/EO… I did manage to make a sickness squad… Might be why DS gave up… as i managed to Kill QA’s Nazgul in S harad… It was an intresting game for me with Eo… I actaullly plan a good attack on Dog cpitol and had him… then lightning struck well really a isp outage saved Doglord as I SS’d… But pooling resoucres allowed 1200 HC per turn to be recruited Between Eo and SG… SG 400 hc st/st was to much for the DS and Halted Corsiars offensive… Crushed FK attempts in S harad and fianlly finished last push by QA allowing Harad to hold 2 Mt’s in the south…
Eo was cranking out 800 HC all game long… I even managed to threaten away 3316 and improve it to a MT… this is simply unstoppable Once Blackgate fell… every thing in Mordor would be subject to HC attacks… Uirdriks even managed a shock challenge on Carrog and smoked him at 3612… after that 3612 was secire game long.
I was very impressed with Nolda Harad play in the South… It was like we was thinking as one… Impressive…
FP play was awesome all game long… Dwarves I probably upset you alot around blackgate … But it worked out in the end… My timing must have been good to keep DS from focusing on ithil pass becuase NG was doing awesome…
Fun game… Great play FP…
yeah, Marty and me thought “this EO player is a complete moron” once
I think you didn’t attack when we did or something like that…
my heart sank when I received the first diplos, they were very few and at least one was incomprehensible babble, can’t remember who that was, unfortunately. so from that POV, the game developed exceptionally well.
I would like to give some kudos to the BS/DogL player. he must be the one who held the curse squad and countered some of our emmy actions.
come on post your reports, servants!
Fire King/Quiet Avenger signing in.
Congratulations to the victors one and all. By all accounts the Dark Servants were well beaten on most fronts.
I had an enjoyable game for the most part, but felt the game was never really in the balance after about turn 14. I actually called the game end many turns earlier, but my allies thought they could still win the day.
I think the game really turned for me when I tried something I wouldn’t normally do; be adventurous. I sent an A70, 2xA64, A61 in to steal 1, 41, 175 from the Noldo. I figured if they kept them all game we DS would die so I tried act prematurely. I got the mantle out, but my agent assetts were pretty badly damaged and the pointy eared freaks from Mithlond went on there merry way.
My fire king played defender for Mordor and was building settlements (3228 3232 3330, 3235) to help fight in Harad. I could have pushed the Ithil pass harder, but diverted forces including my worm to the gates of Morannon at the bequest of the Dog Lord. That cost me 3124, but I thought it an acceptable cost to keep Morannon safe… for a while at least
Some of my allies actions confused be too. I can’t really fathom people not using 30 words once every 2 months to let your allies know what is happening. I offered the CL an A60+ to scout, but was never replied to and moved malezar to 3630 with request to be doubled. I then moved in to Harad central and “pinged” Harad. I don’t think it helped When I bribed Guarhir I was surprised he was a better mage than agent and still had his staff. Gorthog had gained more command skill than agent too. I suppose we all have differnet styles and make differnet choices.
I had some personal issues with my family that took my concentration away from this game. The fact that we were in trouble as a team meant I concentrated more on other games instead of this one. I’m just explaining that because my diary stops and turn 10 and I’ll post it next. It is sort of “in character”. Please excuse my eccentricity
Well done again to the free and to my DS allies commiserations. Have a beer or 2 like I did on the weekend, drown your sorrows, then get back on the that bike. Revenge is waiting. See you all in a future incarnation
Winter is dark and cold as it should be for the preparations of war. Sauron’s will calls forth and demands the blood of men, elves and dwarves. 2 Nazghul eager to gain favour with their lord and master lay forth their plans. One is King Ren, Icon of Fire, Lord of the Western Pass and Master of Goblinkin. The other is the alluring Lady Adunaphel, Princess of the Night, Daughter of Deceit and Heiress to all of Harondor. Both stand ready to support their master and to raise their standing in the halls of the Nazghul.
T1 objectives
Economy is good with all Mountains having gold and the total for 4 pops is over 8000. Other production seems in line with standard mountain pops although steel production is excellent at one camp. The strategy is to recruit 800HI a turn and supplement that with 500MA/turn from mages to increase my block army options. 95% of starting troops are to advance in one army to minimise command requirements and all food is to be taken from my 2 reserve forces. Troops want food, but money is essential. Expansion is the key though. With this is mind I will name 1 commander, 1 agent and 3 emissaries while retiring my weakest mage. This will allow my economy to grow and 6 commanders should be enough for the recruiting at 2-3 pop centres depending on what happens at Minas Ithil (3124). Nazog is selling early while naming a new agent. Both agents will stop at my desert pop to avoid degradation when taxes raise, then head to the Misties. Paired up with QA agents they will guard while looking for worms. A small LI detachment will hold back to create an extra blocking force if needed. Captain Uklurg with his agent bonus will receive my command artefact. That gives me a C50 to do capital orders and to build some defences in the near future.
Wow! 3900 gold coming out of my capital alone and 3 of 4 other H/R pops have gold too. Just under 8000 in total. Production of over 1200 timber and 1300 bronze a turn also. I feel this is a good start. Adunaphel has trained hard since learning of Saurons re-emergence. As a newly raised captain (C40) she is keen to return from Vamag (2135) to enlist some quality characters. Harbours need to be removed, taxes raised and my enemy hated which puts a great demand upon my command structure. I will however remove the harbour before returning to avoid having to send another commander out later . Another priority is to draw as many Harad commanders away from the task of recruiting. This will allow the Corsair to out recruit and out battle the Harad nation. With this in mind our navies sail for Harad shores immediately. Vamag (2135) navy removes all troops and advances to block SG approach, but I fully expect Harads superior capital navy to intercept. With this in mind my capital navy moves out to block SG from approaching in towards Lugurlar (3034). This army holds it troops as there is a realistic chance I’ll get to land at Sook Ada (2634). I will name 1 commander, agent and emissary early in hope of getting some bonus skills. I expect 2 name more emissaries as one naval commander will die in naval cbt. Vamags army is going to abandon the castle to the defence of my ally the Corsair. This will allow me to direct my forces to An Zalim (2835). I can have 3600HI equivalent there on turn 3, for turn 4 attack, but expect only 2900.
Turn 1 results
No mistakes. I will track my errors with intent; they are the things that determine your fate. 4 Characters named, no bonuses!. My map shows Barad Perras (3123) under NG assault. CL seems to have come inboard and is at Urlurtsu Nurn (3627). Of crucial importance to me is that Gothmog has supported me at Minis Ithil (3124) where Elatar has brought an unexpected army forward. That will burn up NG troops in a loosing battle. The front gate is clear and a DkLt cavalry army has broken east as well as recruitment occurring at Carvarad (3621). Lastly of some concern is rumour Hukor has an encounter at Tir Nindor (3020). I’m not sure and quite concerned what could have caused this army rumour?
No mistakes. I name C30, A30, E30, my E30 got A10 bonus. First up, the master lives!!! Sauron is currently visiting Wathduin (3234). Please master strike down those that advance on my population centre. My map shows some very interesting stuff also. The LR cavalry moved to blow the bridge SE of Pelargir (2927), but has encountered the enemy, likely SG. The Harad navy at Methir (2730) has not moved. I suspect he recruited readying to fight LR if needed. He will now either sail home or move to attack me in the east (likely). As expected my small navy was intercepted by the Harad navy and SG advance could not be halted. The plus side is my capital navy has landed unopposed at Sook Ada (2634). Harbour at 2135 is gone, but only got 2 emissary skill for my Nazghul.
T2 objectives
Sell food while it is at 2, pull 14000 out of my seed armies and start the 800/turn recruitment. I’ll capture and refuse where my ally Gothmog stands next to me. We can take the place together and he can then advance or issue to keep Elatar defensive. Emissaries move to gold camps to cover for tax increase next go. I’m going to 60% tax and I don’t want a camp to degrade, especially the gold mines. Mages will continue to improve and I expect I’ll be adding 550MA/turn as of turn 6. Food comes out of armies to fund my outrageous character costs. That is the price of early development. No advancement this turn, but 1200HI will move out of capital as reinforcements on turn 3. A solo commander will also advance to recruit at Minis Ithil (3124). I’m also sending 800 steel for the cavalry recruit in the south. I need to maximise my elite troops.
Sell food while it is at 2, get taxes up and await my Nazguls Capital return. I’m pooling for a HC recruit on T3. Seeing the Harad hold at Methir (2730) in the north I can’t help but feel vulnerable though. My navy will capture Sook Ada (2634) to draw a Harad commander out to retake it and then sail back to 3533. This will allow me to deploy 400HC/800HI/400mixed at the bridge while I pull it down. Thergor moves out to train at Lag-Flaksharbtur (3325) and to protect it from the impending tax hike. Several orders are required to pool the cavalry supplies I need, but the addition of 400st/st HC may make the difference in keeping me safe. Adunaphel will join the army of Garal and will use Ren’s command artefact to remove the bridge.
T2 results
No mistakes. Arrrhh the Irony of replacing an E10/M30 for an E30/M10. I doubt I’ll ever use this mage skill increase though. In more important news the great battle for Minis Ithil saw Gothmog aid me in battle vs Elatar, but watched as my noble troops assaulted the stronghold. My rage was placated somewhat when Shogmog reported back that the town is his and that his 281 survivors are in “bloody” high spirits after their victory. Gondorians still sit atop Barad Perras (3123) While the remanence of the Free forces from 2928 are now at 3127 preparing to assault IK camp/s. The Cloud Lord continues his advance to the gates, but which gate (Ithil) 3124 or (Morrannon) 3221? The IK is out fighting at Tir Nindor (3020) so the only real question is what forces await at Osgiliath (3024)? Lastly an emissary has found a big web and a pretty woman…
1 minor mistake: left too many archers behind. Not a big issue as I was really undecided as to if I should hold them back as part of a SG blocking force anyway. Master blesses me with continued guidance, Sauron is still at Wathduin (3234). Ingar was lost in battle as the coward Ossim refused, hopefully the Corsairs finish him. Training produces minimal results again, mostly 2 skill points for agents emissaries and commanders alike. Suk Ada (2634) is mine and it appears a navy of all things attempted to move in. As a village it is no longer accessible so Harad is stranded at sea. Taxes only made 50%, but that is where the bad news ends. Harad has pulled his northern army to Caras Mirilond (2732) which presents no threat to me. In the south Harad has armies on his surviving towns, but I cannot see his western most population centres. With 2 navies at sea and one army in the north I wonder about Harad capacity to defend the south. SG has held recruits back at his pop centres making me believe his navy will shift another load of troops south.
T3 objectives
Sell Br to raise my gold reserves while I can, pull food out of my victorious army and raise taxes to 55%. This tax rise is 5% less than I would like (1000g/turn), but allows my emissaries to leave there camps without fear of degradation. I’ll recruit 1100HI and advance with 1200HI to support the DkLt and to protect my new pop centre. Ren sits atop his mountain training in the lost art of summons while preparing the next wave of troops. I’ll hold a turn to see the result at Lug Ghurzun (3822) where the DrLd has hired. I’ll send my command artefact south with an option to use it on the bridge. Nazog will rendezvous with Thergor as they head into the Misties to spot worms and guard each other. My M/E heads for the Misties also, he has long stride at 100. Other emissaries move into vacant hexes with the intent of adding to my camp base. The pretty woman, rumored to be Shelob in disguise was left alone as I fled into the darkness. She cares not your allegiance; all are food for here insatiable hunger!
Selling BR and raising taxes to 73%. With money at a premium and all bar my town fortified I’m raising above my usual 60% I’ll slam all 3600HI equivalent into An Zalim (2835). With 3 FP icons of Harad (1 north/2 south) spotted and 2 caught in open sea I don’t expect much in the way of blocking actions. He’ll actually struggle to beat me with all his possible troops based on what I’ve seen in the north. My Jug Rijesha (3533) forces will remove the harbour, leave a seed army and move forward to cover the bridge on the defensive side. I would love to move to the offensive side to visit Sauron, but can’t reach him and I don’t see him sitting still for 4 turns. Thergor will steal gold and move towards the misties. His priority is to find a worm. With timber too valuable as WMs for the FP or as fortifications for the DS I’ll hold my supplies. I should be able to build a keep if SG land in force and if not I can send some to the DkLt. My second agent moves to avoid the disappearance of Suk Ada (2634). The rebellious people their have only contempt for my nations tax regime and the pop centre must be garrisoned or the centre will be abandoned.
T3 results
no mistakes. Mordor stands secure, economy looks strong at 55% tax. No armies arriving, only uncontested FP icon is at Barad Perras (3123). My long striding emissary found a Dog camp at 2219. Gothmog and Shogmog face 1NG, 1SG and 1 small NG army at Osgiliath. Grasty has arrived at my capital with a huge CL lord army. It’s too quiet in Mordor, where is the Eothraim? Rumor of the Northmen defending the 3112 from the Doglord.
no mistakes. Economy strong and stable at 73% tax. Suka Ada on 1 morale, but did not degrade. The master (Sauron) stays at Wathduin encouraging the populace. All armies arrive at An Zalim and face a lowly 1000 in 2 armies, both under veterans. Ossim just returned to Harbour with his 1500 troops, unfortunately the Corsair wasn’t able to finish him off. NG recruitment returns to Pelargir (2927). The harbour at Jug Rigesha (3533) remains which is my only major concern. I believe all SG and Harad are charging at Corsair, hopefully my 3500 troops will draw Harad off him.
T4 objectives
Sell metals and drive my economy further info positive. I’ll continue attempts at camping the misties, Mordor and the southern gold fields. At Osgiliath (3024) Shogmog will throw himself at the Southern Gondorians in an attempt to weaken the enemy line for the impending CL approach… At Minis Ithil (3124) my small army of 600HI will advance to support the CL advance and help him reach Osgiliath. All other troops converge at Minus Morgul (3224). Mages will learn the conjuring spells shortly as skill approaches minimum acceptable level (M55). I’m planning to move my summoning forces to Newumbar to support the southern war. Ren will be there to ensure any worm the Fire King may get will go south. My Newumbar camper will move to southeast of the old bridge. This gives my agent a guard order and will allows me to rebuild the bridge from the pop if it is needed in late game.
Economy will go backwards this turn as I only have small amounts of Bronze to sell. I’ll capture An Salim (2835) with my main force, merge my cavalry into one army and engage with 2 armies to minimise troops losses. It seems the Harad and Gondorians are pushing hard at the Cors as I’m drawing very little attention. The Fire King command artefact is to be transferred to Gargal who will use it to pull down the bridge and advance towards Lugurlar (3034). My army with a naval option will remove the harbour and prepare to launch 600HI into Ha Yayb (2833). The influencing of my capital should eventually offset my tax increase which currently has reduced capital morale to a lowly 60%. Lastly Thergor moves with a FK emissary so that any camped hex the FK can double Thergor. If a worm is available Thergor will take it, if it is an anti social worm them the FK emissary will deal with that unfortunate occurrence. 1 Emissary also departs towards the misty mountains with intentions to travel with Nazog. Any chance at 1-10 skill orders is better than being stuck with no other option.
T4 results
no mistakes. The enemy have arrived at north gate where they are engaged at Thawinghurt (3120). The IK fights for his town Barrad Perras (3123) and also faces assault against one of his camps. At Osgiliath (3024) the Gondorians have suffered some losses and my small army has pushed forward to join the CL. The Gondorian have brought in a naval reserve however and I expect we will loose this battle. I will fight though to ensure my troops add there meagre value to the strength of the CL. One camp down out of 2, no worm encounters no camp clashes. Economy now further into positive and another 1600HI are ready to advance.
1 mistake, I moved to an empty hex with Thergor which cost me a training order. Thought I was meeting a FK emissary, but he went elsewhere. I’ve defeated 400 Harad steel cavalry and 600 foot with 2200HI troops remaining. An Zalim is now a village of mine. The bridge that so worries me did not crumble at my commanders request, but the last harbour has been removed and I can no longer be assaulted by navy. Emissaries continue to struggle with 2 the average increase for my E30 influence attempts. My sole camper is in the rough west of Durthang camping on the way to the misties.
T5 objectives
Sell to drive economy up and send to QA. Push an army forward again, 1600 more troops into the fray. Mages continue to train to summon goblins, Emissaries continue to camp and 1 agent comes home to name another. I’ll also send 20,000 gold to QA to cover his costs and to try to drive the market up by having a decent gold reserve. I’ll still hold over 25,000 in the FK kitty, but QA should get up to around 60,000. CL and I will be routed at (Osgiliath) 3024, but expect the FP will be reduced greatly in this confrontation.
I have made a late change to have all forces combine at 2834 to protect capital and to mass my troops into one large force. I’m selling what I can to drive reserves up, sending a second emissary north to head to misties and preparing to name 3 new characters. My agent is scouting to see if anyone wants to raid my early emissary naming efforts. With it taking so long to get E40s, I don’t want them pc’d while my naming is occurring. Cavalry resources have been pooled at 3034 again and Thergor’s error means he will recon at 2306 where FK will also move to camp. Some hire armies blocking up the Woodmen
T5 results
no mistakes. Reserves has shrunk due to QA transfer and no camps of 3 go down. Promag encounters Scatha at 2306. Hopefully he will join my Nazghul at the bequest of my E/M. The enemy are now at Morrannon (3221) and the IK still battles at Barad Perras (3123). My army and the CL loose to NG, who suffers huge losses. South Gondor advances only to engage my 1600HI reserves on there way to the front line. Nice block by him. A theft of 1400 gold at 1916 helps my agent training and a second agent heads home to name more.
no mistakes. Economy has grown and food is selling at 2. All other resources are selling well as desired. Scouting shows 2200 troops in the Harad capital. My 2835 army had four options and I took the worst, sitting and hiding. Corsair has arrived at 2635 and I am not supporting him as I should be. Grrrr, bad turn. 1 camp goes down at 2922 as I head north. Harad has also moved back to his MT in the North, leaving the small town exposed yet again. Celdrahil has also arrived at Suk Ada (2634) my village. He will take the lands I have held of Harads in short order. The south is always tough for the DS, nothing new here. Thergor has spotted Mt Gundabad is a city and is being defended well by the WK.
T6 objectives
Recruit Scatha if possible. There is some inconclusive data on acting meek. I hold my breath in hope this mighty worm will join Ren, chosen of Sauron. I’ll fight and defeat SG with my 1600HI at Minis Ithil (3124) while my recruits pool at the capital. Another 1800HI ready to head west or northeast as required. Selling food, br and steel to drive economy up despite naming an A and a C/A. Camping 3 times with the hope of having some hexes to raise hoards and cause the enemy maximum grief through threats and blocks. That is unless my hoards guys head north to support the WK. Mages are finally learning to summon the goblin hoards I’ll need to harass the enemy. I’m planning on having Ren move to 2306 as soon as Mordor is safer. A worm with cav and MA out of 2306 may save this WK pop centre.
Slam all 4000HI into the Harad capital and see if it has any noticeable effect. Elsewhere 750HI will move on Has Yayb (2833) in a risky naval assault. I have no warships, but Harad navy is more likely to be shipping into his capital. Name 2 emissaries and one agent with 2 emissaries moving out to camp south, while another 2 operate in the misties. Thergor and Nazog will both be moving to steal from the Duns and hopefully find a worm. Malezar is also concentrating on mage duties so he can cast Divine Nation Forces for the CL should that plan be approved.
Allied Reports
Mostly bad reports. 2 allies (IK/LR and DL/WK) didn’t send, that is disappointing. Corsair still seems strong, but DL lost out big time in the arty hunt to the Noldo. Harad now has access to killer/s… BS and DL now both heading to curses. Surprisingly no cries for cash, but I’ll look to send to IK. He is copping a hammering on the pop front with another camp about to fall on the face of Mordor (3126). Rhuadar about to fall is not surprising, but hopefully they will last a while longer.
no mistakes. Looks to be a great turn. I named a C/A and an A who starts at rank 40. An A10 bonus us will really help my character progression. Morrannon (3221) has held and Thawinghurst (3120) has only a DS icon. IK is still be harassed relentlessly with his last accessible camp under assault. Barad Perras (3123) faces yet more opponents! My 1600 HI at Minis Ithil (3124) is reduced to 1100 after engaging and defeating the remains of an elite Southern Gondorian force. Scatha leaves my emissary Promag alive at Lag Gunl (2306) where I camp and Aivnec arrives eager to join the fray. That worm may well save my allies. 2 gold camps are placed in Avenger territory and hoards is learned by both mages. Winter bites into production raising deficit to 5500/turn with recruiting to raise this to 10000/turn. I can’t sustain this.
no mistakes. I named E39, E40 and 1 A40. That is another powerful +10A bonus. Herumor has arrived at Has Yyab (2833) and it us undefended. Furthmore Fuinur and Carac have arrive at Kas Shoudal (2734) and it is undefended! Is this a tactical withdrawal: unlikely, has Sauron or CL struck down the infidels: wishful thinking or is it a failed attempt to hide: likely, due to theft. Either way there are no defenders! SG have threatened Sook Ada, but scouts report he has only 400 troops, that can be overrun unless they recruit. The scary thing is that Southern Gondor has had an encounter and I fear Mumaks have joined his cavalry force. Kutzapedra is at my new mountain camp Haltia (2214). I think the name means Dwarfslayer and his presence vs any FP would be greatly appreciated. Some dog has influenced loyalty at Asenmore (2922) down to 12. Deficit is now at an unsustainable at 14000/turn and taxes must now be reduced also. My people have suffered enough at the oppressive rate of 73%. Corsairs seem to be at 2635 unopposed which spells more trouble for Harad
T7 Objectives
Name another agent, continue to camp and bring Aivnec into my capital army. I’ll rotate commanders to allow Kutzapedra into a separate army assigned to defending Ithil pass if he stays at my QA pop. My Minis Ithil (3124) army will push to Osgiliath (3024). My capital army debates the merits of moves to Osgiliath (3024) or Morrannon (3221), likely a game defining move. If Dog Lord had only given more info than “need help” I could make a valued judgement. With the SG navy reduced to transports they are likely to stay clear of the Corsairs and head to Mordor. NG seems set on killing the IK though, he didn’t even advance to Minas Ithil (3124) when he had the chance. As I can afford to loose Minis Ithil on turn 8 I’ll head to Morannon (3221). I’ll have 920 food to get my 1800HI and Aivnec back to Barad Ungol (3224) or even Durthang (3122) if needed and assuming they survive. I’ll be mighty annoyed if the Dog call was for nothing though. All agents will be where they can steal gold to train as fast as possible. I need a killer and soon.
Enemy morale must be at an all time low. Both Has Yayb (2833) and Kas Shadoul (2734) will burn, but Kas Shadoul (2734) was a tough decision. I would love the economy the opponents capital could bring but will have difficulty defending the place vs counter strike. I also want his morale battered for later emissary actions and burning a pop centre or 2, especially including the capital is very effective at this. One emissary moves to my misties camp of Haltia (2214) to give me the option of recruiting Kutzapedra. Another emissary will move to camp and taxes will also drop to 60% My navy will move to 2632 retire to save costs, it’s done as much damage as can be expected. we may keep the Harad guessing as to the next attack also. My huge army remnants of 3300 mixed will move to 2534 and I will change commanders. I don’t want the Noldo assassinating my huge army and he now has RoC and possibly RoW too! Sale of Br and Le will offset most of the army costs, but reserve will still drop by 9000 gold. Costs are so high I only recruit 300MA as blockers this turn. 1 Agent and 1 Emissary are held in the capital to facilitate the sales. An army moves to block access through 3334. A capital army debates the merits of moving east to cover the bridge or west to keep pressure on my enemy and to block a possible Mumak advance. Decison is that with Ren’s command artefact in hand I will return to blow the bridge.
T7 Results
no mistakes. Another agent is named and he also receives agent bonus. Only 4, but every bit helps. The market has plunged which will hurt all DS. Two camps are created and Aivnec joins my army. That worm army then moves to answer the Dog Lords desperate cries of help; only find no enemies! Treacherous cowardly Dendra screaming like a girl! He’ll get his. At least my block has kept the Gondorians out of Minas Ithinl (3124). Skargnakh ‘the valiant’ has kept the large Gondorian army at arms length; just reward for my actions in defending the Dog Lord. Nazog has obsconded with 2000 Dun gold and moved to recruit a worm. Super fortunately for me Urial has replaced the decently departed Kutzapedra. Urial will be recruited to my capital army which will defend Minis Ithil. The northmen have arrived at the back of Mordor, but they are confronted by a DS icon. Lamthanc has also appeared at my new Mordor camp, recruiting her would be a real coup
no mistakes. 2 camps were created, taxed dropped to 60% and no pops have degraded. I also managed to influence away a Noldo camp Sumar (2724). Both Harad pops have burned. My 2800 remaining HI equivalent now face 2 Harad and one S Gondorian army. No agent appeared in the night to slay my army. The bridge to my east is now more secure with blocking armies preventing enemy advance and my captain with command artefact is about to arrive. I can the remove the offending bridge if it is deemed a danger or use it to attack my enemies. Corsairs have taken 2634, but are now engaged with enemy forces. Thergor has collected some Dun gold and he now sits at the Dwarven pop of Elnost (2208).
T8 Objectives
Recruit Urial and have him defend Minis Ithil from the advancing N Gondorians. Dispatch Alrog to the eastern border to try to delay/block the Northmen advance. Steal gold from the S Gondorians and have Ren form another army for the recruiting of Lamthanc. Men at Arms will be summoned to for Ren’s reserves. One emissary will be dispatched to parley with this mighty beast. At Morrannon I advance and with Aivnec then meet a food army at Morrannon if not held at Thawinghurst. I expect Northern Gondor to move on Durthang. Two agents will steal from South Gondor to keep gold coming in and supplies will be pooled for elite troops to follow. Nazog will steal from his sister nation while recruiting Urial.
My block of the eastern bridge continues with time appearing on my side. No enemies in this area still and blocks now ensure the danger has passed. Three more camps are to be created. Population upgrade options are now coming on line too. My 2700 heavy infantry now face 2 Harad and one S Gondorian army with a chance of Mumaks in the Gondorian army. The loss of troops should place my economy fairly even and supplies will have me ready to recruit heavy cavalry shortly. Emmies continue to camp, but only 2 will stay in the field as camp numbers dry up. My village of Wathduin (3234) will be the target of my 1st improve. It will soon give me a MT north of the river from which I can attack.
T8 Results
I misjudgement (stealing attmept on QA when doubled by him). Economy shrinking… Pushing out to Thawginhust (3120) we hold the hoardes at bay. Eothraim, Dwarf, North Gondor and Northmen all are held back by Aivnec, Shogmog and his Dark Lieutenant ally. The Gondorian pass is secure for now, no enemy have advanced. Thieves net nearly 6000 gold from Southern Gondor, but Nazog’s theft was unsuccessful. Another camp goes down, one that can be used to assault the Harad in the north. Lanthanc left before she could be recruited. The army moving through the back door of Mordor (3825) is removed.
No mistakes. Economy positive. As expected a grat loss was suffered at 2634. Harad have 3400 steal HC and Gondor another 300, plus some infantry. Thogether they smash my army and take only some losses. Both appear to stay in the hex though, buying me time for the next wave of defenders to approach. Another 2 camps are created and agent collect 3000 gold. The bridge to my east is now covered by an army and should be destroyed next turn by asecond army. A camp is lost at 2922 to enemy emmies, one than cannot be easily recovered.
T9 Objectives
Real life issues take over and turn comes second
Aivnec will engage just the Gondorians at Morrannon while Urial will push to stop enemy approach in the ithil pass. Agents steal and move to find more worms in the Misties while emmies move to camps and to my MT to improve morale. Camps are less likely to be successful in the near future. Timber is bid for by both my nations in an effort to make money and stifle the opposition ability to hit me with warmachines. My MA block army returns to capital unfed and my aborted attempt to block the back door results in my disbanding the army.
Destroy that east bridge, pull my block army back to recruit HC and gest some defenders between me and the 2600 remaining HC I have spotted. One emmy stays in the misties while my best heads home toward to start recruiting. ??? will stop at 3020 to take it and to block enemy approach. All southern Emmies at 3234 improve it for troop recruitment and in preperation for a reserve capital if required. QA purchases some timber also, but orders to send reserves to an ally are unavailable. One agent is caught in the capital, but other eagerly steal from my opponents netting 3000 gold. All such contributions are appreciated in such a tight market. With troops numbers now so low I recruit HC in steel armour at my capital. I am unwilling to spend 10000 on a city upgrade, this will just encourage the Harad to attack my capital.
T9 Results
2 mistakes (moved 2436, not 3426 with my emmy and moved two agents to same hex by accident). Gondor pushes to Minis Ithil vs Urial with 2 armies Inluding Tarandor. A threat is imminent. Aivnec inflicts huge losses on the Gondorians and Dwarves that fight me. Thefts net 5000 more gold, the enemy seem willing to hold cash reserves. This is something I am greatful for. Timber is only bought by me, the FP must at there recruiting capacities. I cover my costs, but no profit is made. One camp is created and an army commander arrive at my 3235 camp, ready to hire a block ma army. An emmisary has also arrived to improve the following turn.
no mistakes. Thieves steal from me more than I steal and is annoying. Fortunately for me the Harad cavalry head south, but this will make life in more difficult for the Corsair. The bridge is final down and 700 mixed head home to form yet anothe blcok option. Wathduin (3232) is upgraded and stands ready for another upgrade. Emmies camp one hex and a sole agent is successul in a theft netting 2000 gold. Southern Gondor have advance to 2835 and that will likely be threatened as 2634 was. Seeing 2634 as a town is a prelude of things to come. SG will likely build a larger recruiting base or bases in the south and there is little I can do about it. My agents need more training before attempting any insurgency.
T10 Objectives
Bid mounts for war and sale if needed. Ren slams all his available 2000 mixed troops into Ithil in an attempt to support my allies who are now advancing inside Mordor. 800 Infantry arrive as reserve to the capital, the last of a valiant defence. Down south 200Ma are hired and my mage joins for MA conjuring. With enough summoning I can push MA blockers at the FP in the south while assaulting the north of Harad. In North Harad recources are pooled to allow cavalry to be recruited. Thieves scatter to be able to steal form a variaty of enemies next turn. Emmies converge on 3232 where upgrade will enable more cavalry to be recruited. Over he next few turns commanders will be recruited to support a growing potential for military assault.
Bid mounts for war and sale if needed. My Nazghul pushes 800 steel HC into the field, eager to find some Mumaks and deny Souther Gondor a second recruiting base. Another 800 mixed block the at the old Harad capital while my eastern defence army of 800 mixed arrives to reinforce the capital. All agents move to steal from the enemy as commanders will be named next turn. Emiis finish the MT upgrade at 3232 and all move to improve camps. My best emmy will attempt to influence away 3020 and one will move as my only camper. I expect only burning pops will allow new camps to be created now.
T11 onwards my mother had health issues and my game really fell to the backburner. I had limited email access from her house and had to go home occasionally to scribe some hasty orders.
Mum is quite a bit better now for those who are concerned.
Well that is my Diary. I hope it makes a reasonable read and doesn’t take up too much valuable space in this, the FP victory parade.
I would like to give some kudos to the BS/DogL player. he must be the one who held the curse squad
sinda mages had RevChar and sat, unmolested all game, casting on various DS - initially the Dragon Lord, out of fear of the blind challenge early on, but absolutely no activity there (ever…) and the early demise of some of them had us casting off. kept finding various mages at the North Gate - BS, Dog, Dark. I do believe it was BS/Dog with the squad.
All the FP have sent at the very least, t22 xmls, so here’s the updated map from a FP perspective.
Come now, we’ve identified: Michael Welsch, Timothy Huiatt, Douglas Bierbower, Bernd Luehrsen, Terry Wilson, Brad Brunet, Tony Huaitt, Wade Frost from the players list as FP.
Mick Johncock as our QA/FK played well as many have said. Now, where are the rest of you DS hiding? Martin Uhlig, John Stagoll, David Holt, Doug Scholz, , Alain Deurwaerder, Martin Cinke