Good game as QA, and apparently FK as well. Playing Harad you definitely had me concerned for much of the game. I was focusing on taking down the Corsairs, because I figured if I took him down, then the Dragon Lord would be at risk as well. So I pretty much ignored you. You were correct at my capital, failed to move the hiding arty character properly (nuts, talk about major tactical blunder). As you saw the very next turn I had more than enough to defend, as I was recruiting HC in steel as fast and often as I could.
I’ll try to post a quick summary from the Harad perspective for the first ten turns this next weekend…
For those that are interested I can send my turn 21 files to you for your maps. You might as well fill out your maps from my perspective. I just need an email address.
There was some incidental contact between us DS too. I’m sometimes a little careless as are my allies. We forward our turns as sent my MEPBM and of course that told us who was playing which nation. Sorry about that guys it was accidental. As you see we didn’t collude, or if we did we were pretty crap at it.
Yes, I’ve discovered the players of various Gunboat games this way…But none in this one (actually, I did learn of a DS this way - didn’t help…in fact, the other games, I’ve only learned enemies this way also…)
If you could send your TURN 22 files to me to add to the map attached, that would be great.
Well the player who ran the Moron EO actaully alos played the nation finishing on top… But definitely looked real stupid geting to Doglord capitol with enough HC to capture it a just sit there…:rolleyes:
If I would have downgraded the Dark Lts to hated instead of Cloud Lord on this turn – You would have bounced when Dark Lts didn’t attaack the pop with u – kicked myself in the arse for that !!
guys - sorry to be late to respond.
I was WK / DkL. I think this is my worse ever showing at GB.
I tried a (stupid in hindsight) experiment and built a military WK. I pumped three MTs to cities in the northwest. This gave WK reasonable income in the winter. I made several good moves as WK in first 10 turns. But, the WK was constantly on the financial ropes. I was in strong military position, but there came a point when I had to disband several armies and retire several characters. There was almost no help for WK from other DS nations the entire game. There were many turns that if the FP did some certain combination of things, the WK would bankrupt. Finally the FP did do the right combination: they attacked all three cities the same turn and voila! bankrupt WK.
I’d say there’s one formula for WK in GB: Buhr Flambe + taxes at 39; emmie focus with mages looking for curse arties to build curse squad; build lots of camps in misties & move center of gravity to Mordor as early as possible; play holding pattern in NW as long as possible. Then when FP take stuff, use emmies to take it back causing difficulty in mid-game for NW FP’s desire to change focus toward Mordor
DkL is also very tough as they don’t have the infrastructure to support much military but really need to do so as Dog & FK need the help. DkL in this game went after NM to start. but couldn’t sustain it as there was no economy. I got three dragons once that were messed up by one turn from being hugely helpful. just couldn’t seem to get dragon timing right at all. Sorry Dog…
I did detect the incoming Duns force and ScoArmy’d & assassinated one of the commanders, but didn’t have enough agents in place to take out more.
I tried to get DkL stealth artie to CL all game long. he gave name of comm that was supposed to be in his capital on T6 diplo. I went there & xferred artie to that char. but the char was not present. So I went back & dropped artie & told him in diplo on T11. But artie stayed at capital most of the game, with him never picking it up. mystifies me…
at end, DkL went bankrupt after loss of 3621 & 3622. I messed up a movCompany order a couple of turns ago which might have prevented one of those losses. sigh
anyway, my apologies to other DS. my experiment with WK was disaster.
this is the 2nd GB game where I sent in a diplo and my team mates didn’t receive it. I can verify the emails went out also. I think we need to change the methodology of diplos. Specifically, all diplos going to a side should be sent to all players on that side. that way, if I get the DS diplos and don’t see that mine was included and i had sent it in, i can alert ME Games and they can fix things.
Clint & Rob - I’d strongly urge you to adopt this methodology.
How can you verify that the teammates didn’t receive it? I make no claim to a mistake-free MEGames, but my experience with people saying they never received an email…ahem…is somewhat coloured…
Gunboat is such an “if-then” game. If the Duns went all out to the Ithil it would have been completely different in the Northwest. You are correct in that 11/20 is a potential eco nightmare, though - 2 typical team basket cases (and that’s from a Grudge perspective!) put together - kick ass mage potential - if you find a way to survive long enough…!
well, my proposal is easy for the moderators (easier than current methodology) and would allow for all players to double check that their messages were received & forwarded by moderators…
This was my first GB (Arth/WM) and I was pretty nervous knowing who all would be in this game and knowing that in the previous no-drop GB the WM were knocked out. I think that coloured some of my early decision to try to make sure that would not happen again. While you express some regrets over your decisions to upgrade and go military in the NW, from my perspective you were a tough opponent. I was constantly worried that you would show up in Arthedain (Arth map is the lose) and as a result I played very conservatively with Arthedain - perhaps that worked against you since you were recruiting and I was not obliging with early/often/meaningless combats, but regardless - you had both the WM and Arth putting their entire economy into eliminating you and that hindered both nation’s development to the point that neither would have contributed much towards Mordor for some time yet. If you had not upgraded those PC’s and recruited as aggressively as you did, Mordor would have had two more nations funneling troops at it much earlier.
As far as I can see, the game was won/lost much closer to Mordor.
We should flip sides - all DS play FP and vice versa.
thanks for kind words Banal, but i stand by my self-critique and also by my thinking on what’s required to make WK/DkL a viable addition for a GB DS team.
I was happy to have caught/stopped your Arth forces on several of the first 10 turns. but in the end, you did the right thing by attacking my three cities simultaneously.
I should have done Buhr Flambe instead of consolidating cav and taking out DW town as my WK opening.
that’s my motto for my performance in this sad GB: “coudda, woulda, shoulda”
I see a bit of activity of late. Nice to see a servant on board.
To Holy Avenger, your mage sickness company sure surprised me and your commanders kept taking my eye off the Harad target. I hoped to see you more in Mordor if only to ease the southern pressure, but you attacked Corsairs to your credit. Final VC’s show you did your job and kept your nation strong.
Blue Kinght you always had a hard choice downgrading turn 2. In standard games the CL always goes 1st, but in gunboat the choice is not as obvious. The CL is hard pressed to scout 3124 turn 1.
To Dave. commiserations on the loss. It hurt me as much as it hurt you :(. I just checked my emails again and have my own, bs/dg, cl/rhu and drag/cors. No ik/bs or wk/dklt. Had I heard wk needs aid I could send to you, but don’t like sending when not contacted. I had 70000 gold between my two nations and 11000 deficit. Supplies were good too.
I agree we should get all GB emails in one report including our own. It is a good safety net.
I’ll wait for others to organise a game before committing, but GB is an enjoyable format. I need to try a new nation, I’ve still got a few unplayed options.
Dave – next time you ARE sending a dilpo – add the two nations you are playing in the FOR NATIONS caption and you will get a copy – its what I do – for example was plying the NG and Duns so I sent the Diplo “ME 95/23 for nations 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,22,23” and I did get a copy back – so know mine where sent – I did forget to send one out last time on turn 21 !!