I think we are down to just a few players needed for this one to get off the ground…
C’mon folks let’s get this one up and running!
I think we are down to just a few players needed for this one to get off the ground…
C’mon folks let’s get this one up and running!
And so it has begun…
Long Rider may be reached through
Only1_4principal at yahoo dot com
Free Peoples…prepare thyselves for smiting…
Jz 19
The Eothraim Nation has arrived! Anyone wishing to make contact with us may send to Suraklin98@yahoo.com. We are especially interested in making contact with the Easterlings.
For the Free nations- I have a yahoo group up for us. Address is http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/ME54Free/ When you ask for admittance give me your nation and your name.
For those of you noting the same last name- the Woodmen player is my son Matt. Anyone wishing to contact the Woodmen can find him at lompoc00@hotmail.com.
Rhudaur signing in
retrorotty at gmail dot com
From the Hall of Lords,
Comes FlameTongue, Messenger of The First Nazgul
Greetings to All Nations Unfettered by allegiances;
The First Among the Nine has opened his Hall to you.
Unto King Argeleb,
Prepare thy peoples. The Horsemen have come and will not be denied.
The Will of Sauron is supreme. There are none among Men that will resist him.
hey michael,
i have your address in my box as retrorotty@gmail.com
is this a new mail that is game specific?
jerry WK
Introduction: Harad
Announcement: Moving my navy
Expectation: Final location as plotted without SG or QA interference.
would like to talk with the Dunlendings if possible. You have my contact info or send me a private message! All the best!
And so it was that Famine struck Mirkwood. The little elveses running, hiding in their trees, for the Horseman is here to destroy their stores of lembas bread and Miruvor. The stumps of people you call “hobbits” shall never again see cram. The men of the wood cry in fear, as their Honey-cakes are devoured by the never ending hunger that is Famine.
Fear me mortals, as Famine shall know no end, and as a special note to the Elveses and the men who ride their putrid “purebred” ponies, your kingdoms shall lay in ruins, your people starved, crying and begging for mercy from the mighty Khamul and Famine. But you are warned, there will be no such mercy.
Fear me mortals, for no mere man can kill me.
Emissary of Khamul,
famine_XX@yahoo.com :fork:
So we’ve been contacted by 2 DS and 2 FP. Been advised that other players are keeping their identity secret, I’m assuming, because they haven’t the imagination to do anything other than what they’ve always been doing for the last dozen years or so. This makes it almost impossible to choose a side - which allegiance deserves our wrath more…?? So far they’re tied…
So we sit. And ponder. And explore. Please keep in touch and endeavor to prove why you deserve our allegiance. Do keep in mind, we will be swayed by power - we are not here to provide charity to the pitiable - when presented with beggars on their knees, we would rather kick them all the way down and grind their pathetic faces into the muck from which they petulantly sprang in the first place. Prove to use you are noble and deserved leaders - and we shall follow.
Can you get in touch please ?
retrorotty att gmail dat comm
Now why would Rhuduar want to talk with Harad this early… doing some recruiting for your side?
People want to talk with other players in the game. Gives them a greater perspective on the entire world/map/war and eventually, you will be enemies or allies, yes? Besides, for a neutral, the further away their operations, the more effective…
Now, why would the FP slag on the noots on the forum before the game even started - is a better question…
Why would the above be taken as “slag”- is he feeling guilty about something?
I work in a government office, you sound like management there…
What’s wrong with lawyer jokes?
Lawyers don’t think they’re funny, and nobody else thinks they’re jokes
Sounds like what’s right with them. Enough of this fantasy Earth stuff, back to reality - now is not the time for lawyers. If your wife is one, you might be screwed, alas, into the warehouse with them - martial law has been declared across the land. Hide your 12 year old sons, they’ll be lined up with the 408 in a few short weeks…
Rogrog say “Smash You to Goo!!”
Hey Retro! it sounds like Suraklin of the Prettily Pressed Skirt Clan feels the powerful nation of Rhudaur has done something wrong by talking with the haradwaith nation. I would keep this in mind when parleying with the Free. They have the opinion that you are already scheming and in typical liberal big economy fashion you are being relegated to the role of being assimilated or attacked.
The Dark Servants get a bad rap in these things. We try to even the odds and the Free start their usual mess of diplomacy that equates to We don’t really need you but perhaps you could be useful…
I want you on my team. Period.
Wk 54
It isn’t a skirt if its worn by men its a kilt, and WHATS WRONG WITH IT?!
You should join the Free rotty- only we properly appreciate your kilts. The Sauron Special Service Squad looks at them at and sees lunch underneath…
edit to add… ooh that image made me cringe
at least allow the very metropowerful Long Rider help you with picking colors and patterns. You will notice how sassy Din Ohtar looks in his faux fur cape with real mithril Razor’s Edging! And who could overlook the power walk of Lomelinde in her Tough Girl gear. She rocks the house with leather jerkin that matches the leather wrapped handles of her throwing knives.
Then there is that homey look brought to you by Morlammen Voisiol…we think they are intimate but hey! its a Free world right?