Grudge game 33 - The Praetorians vs The Circle


Its not because our DS team lack interest in the game, that we have not communicated earlier, but only a few on our team is active on the forum, so it will probably not be thread like when Frank participates :slight_smile:

Anyway turn four is coming up and that will no doubt be a very interesting turn. The first three turns has processed much as we expected, but still we think that this is one of the best starts we have had as DS, but of course things can easily change. Yes Rhudaur has under the clever guidance of Sauron made some nice blocking manoeuvres and has trapped the main dwarven capital army alone, which he will wipe out following turn.

Sad but of course a little expected that you hid 2508 from the mighty WiK cav, otherwise Woodmen would likely have been eliminated turn four. Now 2711 and 2405 will have do for now, and we will deal with 2508 later on :slight_smile:

Also there was much joy when we witnessed three SG commanders and two Corsairs commanders sail around the seas of Harad for the third turn and not being able to land. This must have caused much frustration on the FP side. But on the other hand north harad is almost destroyed, but this was also expected when you bring in all NG and SG starting troops.

All in all a promising game. I certainly hope that this game will last past turn 20, our last FP opponents conceded turn 13 :smiley:

Kim Andersen

When’s the last time you played FP?

That’s us - predictable! I get a broad grin on my mug silly head whenever anyone applies the ‘predictable’ label. I tend to find everything is predictable… the turn after the event :smiley: Now you have to keep making sure that we are predictable, and you counter us,… or it gets a bit embarrasing :smiley: But that’s just a prediction :slight_smile:


Winsten Wun Toof

We played a FP grudge game just before this game, ended turn 10. Normally we think its most fun to switch around from game to game, but that is not always possible if the opponents request the same side.


Yes, it does get somewhat tedious playing the same allegiance all the time. We played FP last time and ended up here again to get the game going, yes? Add in a FP game on our other team, sigh…I hate Elves, whether I play them or not… :smiley:

Turn 4 has run and there aren’t too many real unexpected’s, are there? Eo took a character hit at 2715 thanks to Mages, damn DS… I don’t see this one ending on Turn 10, and you better bring some interesting heat to get us to quit by t13… :wink:

Dear Gavin,

Yeaaa, at least you should have a lot of training with FP then, but it seems like you need to play DS next time.

Taking out the entire Eot cav army was indeed a major scoop for us this turn. The first DS curze squad laying in ambush is always a great pleasure, and not revealing our selves means that you dont know where we will lay our next ambush :slight_smile:

I expect this to be a long game. The first FP waves towards mordor has been defeated and south Harad/QA has survived so far, but Rhd/WiK will likely be defeated from their area within the next 5 turns. I dont see that neither DS or FP can bring so much harm to the other side that they would concede before turn 13. So all in all I hope for a long and interesting game, nothing has been decided yet…


What has been decided is that we have more character and a better sense of humour. We’re bored in-game, so we’ve taken to name calling and internal strife. Please put some pressure on us so we have something other than why everyone else on the team is an idiot to pay attention to…!!!

Many thanks,

Some Guy playing Some Nation

You got it all wrong Gavin, its the FP who are supposed to put some pressure on DS :slight_smile:

But it seems like that is about to happen now, with all the new armies heading towards Mordor and SG/NG landing with the next wave we will have more than enough to deal with. The question we are asking ourselves are just; where will NG/SG land ? Can you give us any leads ? :slight_smile:

Seems like we have an excellent game going on…


They’re going to land on land…?? What kind of a question is that?

I appreciate that you haven’t mentioned “pressure” in regards to the North. I guess those players have dropped and the rest of you aren’t paying attention, then…?? :smiley:

[QUOTE=kim;63969]The question we are asking ourselves are just; where will NG/SG land ? Can you give us any leads ? :slight_smile:

When you get to the mirror next, put some extra effort in. Use a washer, apply some blush and pucker up, that’s where the Gondors are going to land :slight_smile:

Winsten Wun Toof

Hi there Kim,
you were a little bit lucky with removing all the harbours, but I already heard about your luck at the right time.

Looks like this hasn’t changed so far!?-

NW and Mirkwood changed a little bit in the meantime.-

… but most worrying is the fxxxxxx, sxxxxx set-up, never got something like this in 20 years of gaming.

Have Fun!


Thanks, that helped out…
We are down to two possible hexes where it makes sense for the gondors to land their 10k troops. Thats much better odds than before where we didnt have a clue :slight_smile:

Anyway another interesting turn comming up, agree that it looks dull for poor Rhudaur. But he might put a joker out his sleeve which will change the picture slightly…

Talk to you soon again.



Hi there Kim,
I’m asking me what Joker you have?

Okay, we only had a RA on a 40 mage at the start of this game.
So you got all the toys! Grrrr!-

… but looking on the militaric-direction … we got you several times.
Vamac is gone now and the Corsairs aren’t fearing Harud!

Have Fun!


P. S.

I’ve forgotten to ask about the WK.
Will he stay putt for another turn?

… or did he already said “good bye”?

most of the NW is gone, Dol Guldur is gone, the Harad’s north-bank is gone, Vamag is gone, etc.
Mirkwood, the NW and the south will be cleaned of the DS very soon.

Pressure enough?

Have Fun!


Dear Gixxer,

Yes, now we are talking.
This is the kind of pressure we have been missing. You see, we dont know how to play DS offensively, so we play best under pressure :slight_smile:
Rhd and Wik are having a hard time, its a pleasure to watch your coordinated attacks role against them one after one. We wonder how long time we can hold the line…its very exciting.

We are sorry about Machared and his two companions at his capital, but they knew the danger of staying put so many turns in a row. But its nothing to be ashamed of, all of his comrades and allied will suffer the same destiny over time :slight_smile:

The big question this turn is where the NG/SG navy went and why they didnt land on the east bank now we have prepared for them. But maybe Elladan is just preparing for the invasion ?


Elladan is lost and confused. Mahrcared was a fool…we told him, he wouldn’t listen…you’ve done us a favour. Pressure? Oh please, flattery will get you nowhere…give us another 2 weeks and you’ll see pressure. You might start considering your exit strategy, you don’t have to tell anyone who told you…

What’s all this talk about pressure and exit strategies? You sound like an 80 year old that’s managed to sneak a beer while no one’s watching at the family christmas party :slight_smile:

Well I hope you all have had a nice vacation and soon start up that workout programme I have given you instead of all that booze. You need to stay focused and continue the pressure, or you will lose focus and lose it…

In the meanwhile I can tell you that DS started with two LA spells on a level 30 and 40 mage and one RA on a 70 mage. We started with zero reveal spells, so our starting spells were not much better than yours. But its a great pleasure to know we got all the important artifacts :slight_smile:

By the way did you have an encounter with Khuzadrepa at 2304 turn 4 ? We had a character present who didnt receive the encounter and could not react to the dragon. But we dont have any rumors neither turn 4 or 5 of you encountering the dragon instead. But I guess you must have had a character present, otherwise this does not make any sense…

We look forward for turn 7 on Thursday…



I think on turn 4 dragons will start to show up, but you can’t get the encounter. This killed me in a game once, as we thought the other side got the encounter but they did not. We reacted to encounter, only to find no encounter was present, and hence no dragon available. We had two characters react to the encounter (this is my brother and his ability to move two emmy’s to the same hex often by mistake, boy does he really want to camp that hex).

This is my best guess to your question on a dragon on turn 4 but no encounter for either side.
