Gunboat 94

I am a bit late but here is my lengthy account (thx Kim you kept a journal too, so I don’t feel like the only fool – mind you that most of the players agreed to keep one…):rolleyes:

Journal of GB Game 94, Dragon Lord

Oh deary me… Dragon Lord…and I had been the one promoting the DrgL/Cor-combo as one of the most powerful in the game. Furthermore I had argued that the DS would not be disadvantaged in the GB scenario. Now I had the chance to prove both or to fail miserably. It became clear very quickly, that some FP thought about DrgL/Cor the same way I did, because they pursued me relentlessly. So this was a game of survival right from the word go.
Looking at the Dragon Lord’s assets, my tasks were clear. The first one was survival, the second was building up a sickness/curse squad ASAP. The third option was agents. Khamul would serve as my Nr one agent so his mage artefact went to Lhachglin.
I started with just one research artefact on Lhachglin, so I decided not to take part in the race for Tinculin and opted for the two other DS curse arties. I picked up the Blue Ring on T5 and Gurthang on T6, Teleport came in handy here. The big agent toys had been taken by then, but I managed to get Mirarmarth, which was better than nothing.
Turns 0-5
The main events were the pop center losses. That happened even faster and more thorough than I expected. 3506 fell on T2, 3104 on T3. First enemy armies on 2715 appeared on T2 to destroy my recruiting army. The Dwarves (lucky bastards) threatened 2409 with Bain and merely 2500 troops on T4. The Sinda must have felt less lucky, because they lost Othar the same turn when he was trying to capture the place, obviously expecting the Dwarves to attack with them. I had a little laugh when I imagined the Dwarves watching while the Elves were suiciding against the walls and marching into the town afterwards…
On T5 I lost 3822 to combined EO and NG forces.
My own military options were limited. I wanted to do some damage so instead of playing hide and seek with the Woodmen, I decided to hurt the NG tax base and captured 2520 and 2617. The joy was short-lived, though, because Dun armies caught up with my forces, eliminated them and had recaptured both places by T4.
It is obvious that I could not have survived without the help of my big southern friend. I received 2339 on T5 and that gold income together with natsells (prices were exceptionally good at that time) kept me afloat financially. Character costs were also cut down because I lost both Duran and Wodurishak in battle (just after I decided to retire Urgubal – what joke!)
Turns 5-10
How long could I hold on to Mirkwood? It was just a question of time. On T6, four armies showed up at Dol Guldur, worth about 5000 hi. It could have fallen, but just NG and Duns attacked while WM and Sinda watched the suicide attempt. Meanwhile Corsairs had transferred 2039 as well so financially I was stable. On T8 a large SG army that came over the eastern road paid an unexpected visit to 2339 (don’t know if it was an attack motivated by the knowledge that it had been transferred to me). 2339 fell but was recaptured by Corsairs soon. On T9 Khamul was assassinated while stealing gold in Harad, must have been a lucky shot from Noldo agents. By T10 I had named merely three agents, one of them with stealth.
Turns 11-15
My time in the north was over. Dol Guldur fell on T11 to a combined attack of 5500 WM and Sinda infantry. 2809 fell on T12 (had been revealed on T8 already). I was down to 3 pop centres (1 MT, 2 camps) on t 13, but I managed to get along financially by stealing from SG and Harad and selling my meagre resources. I even managed to send several small shipments of gold to my ever-recruiting Corsair friend. As my curse casting ranks were far from being reliable even with artefacts, I decided to stick to sickness and get my company into action. Meanwhile it was obvious that at least a Noldo agent company with RoC and RoW was operating in Harad. My first target was the Harad capital at 2734.
Turns 16-20
Time of economic struggle. Steals turned out to become less profitable and taxes went up to 89%, the most critical moment for my nation. Corsairs helped out with a gold shipment and the transfer of 2339 again, and I recovered as I began to use my emis aggressively.
Sickness squad began to work and I won two challenges. I managed to kill some harad characters and eliminated the commander of a large SG navy before he could land. Also the last harad navy was removed by sickness. Meanwhile, also a Noldo curse squad was operating in Harad. It seems Noldo wanted to save his Harad brother at all costs. On T19, it came to a showdown, I had my agents and my mage squad on the same hex with the Noldo agents and probably the curse squad. He had the bigger guns so it was clear that I would lose the shootout, the question was how much damage I could do to him. I decided to take out Gildor who carried the RoW, rather than casting into the blue on Elrond, who also could have been on an adjacent hex (I was just tracking the RoW by then). I paid the death of Gildor with Celedhring and Maben –so my squad was damaged beyond repair. It could have been worse though, since all other characters got out alive.
Turns 21-25
The tide was turning. We got support in our struggle in the SW, as some DS agent companies began their work. I managed to double a QA character so I got a glimpse at their actions. In addition to that, I continued to track the major agent arties and by T 25 they all were in DS hands so I was certain that the Noldo company was eliminated, probably also the curse squad. Harad was completely eliminated by turn 23, so it was time to rearrange and look out for new targets. With my two 70+ rank emmies, I had gained control of 2809 again and some other pops around mirkwood. I was financially stable now and able to support the Corsairs who prepared an assault on SG. From what characters I had left I formed a company with two mages and two agents and visited SG, which must have been the target of heavy DS agent activity in the turns before. I tried a mixture of challenges, sickness and assassinations and eliminated the last army and three characters in the capital. The fruit seemed ripe for plucking.
Turns 26-30
Progress was slower than expected. SG had no real chance against the character onslaught of the DS, but fought back with tooth and nail. 2223 was EO capital. I visited 2223 and 2227 repeatedly with my squad and got down some kills. The double scout was helping a lot. Lacking better options, I took to casting sickness on the enemy agents I expected to guard my assassination targets. Thus wounded, those guards were killed by my >80 agent blewing through them. My emmies started working in the misties, recruiting several dragons in the process, which where sitting quite uselessly (apart from raising the loyalty) at 2039. I hope they have not been missed elsewhere…
Turns 31-35
On a lucky shot, a Dun agent ranked 60-70 took out Orduclax at 1922 just before my agent whacked him, so I was down to just one mage, Lhachglin. I had lost both SM artefacts so a curse squad did not seem viable any more. Nevertheless, I decided to name some mages for intelligence. In SG more than once my squad met up with a big IK/QA emmy/agent squad. We were running low on targets. Prices were absolutely flat for turns now.
Turns 36-40
Took over a town in SG and helped Corsairs to take 2325 as a new base for recruiting and building ships (as he had ripped out all harbors/ports and lost all of his ships by then). Met the IK/QA squad again and they transferred Gurthang back to me, thanks. They must have acquired it from NE who took it from me when killing Maben.
SG was under control. Corsair had taken some smaller pops while IK/QA seemed to have taken over most of the rest. We were looking for new tasks and turned our attention to the gap of Rohan. Dun capital turned out to be ruins.
Improved 2904 to a town with the intention of hiring later. Lost newly hired mage with 30 p mage arty to assassination… sigh. Did I say that progress was slow?
Turns 41-42
Improved 2904 to MT and hired just to be visited by a small WM hc force. My bronze armor made the day though and the WM commander died against the walls (what walls?). Stole 25 k from the Cardolan. Some nice friendly DS transferred 55 points of mage artefacts to me! Sickness squad, here I come! Finally I will have some impact again, yeah! Oops… game over…sigh!

This was an excellent game all over, I never played a nation that was so constantly on the edge of termination before and was lucky that the FP did not consequently follow through their initial process of elimination. Turns 25-35 where a bit boring, though, because I felt I did not contribute much to the outcome of the game. I stood down from hiring a full character roster to be able to send Corsairs gold because he could use his assets more effectively, and I guess this was the right decision. Thanks to Marty for being an excellent partner, I enjoyed playing with you!
Kudos to my fellow DS, especially Kim who saved our ***** in the SW. Kudos also to the FP who held out this long. I always looked for SG, EO and Harad to show up on the list of eliminated nations but they never did.
I would be glad if we all could stick to this pool of excellent players and form a new no-drop GB out of it.

Tony and I kept detailed notes the first 15 or so turns, I will run through those with him and we can post the details of the game. Sadly, it will point out our mistakes.

However, the only thing I wanted to prove is how difficult it is to eliminate a nation. My goal was to survive without losing either of the three nations. I am pretty sure we would have made it 8 more turns, but it would have been close. SG was almost eliminated as we did not coordinate correctly on turn 39 Kim took out our capital (we should have moved to block his army but ummm, forgot to?) we managed to influence 2924 and Olbamarl to keep us alive. It cost us a very good agent/emissary with a mage artifact as we moved him into a contested area on the off chance the Eothraim could transfer a 5 loyalty major town to keep SG alive.

Lastly Mary and Bernd. Had we not made the mistake of not refusing challenge with our Navy, from your reports, we would have finished the job.

Again, Kudos to the dark servants. And apologies to the free. I felt the free side would have won the game had I not lost the southern gondor navy. At least from what Marty and Bernd are saying that one more push would have eliminated the Corsair/Dragon Lord combo.




We will share files if you would like to.


I religiously kept one until about T15, when Dave said he wasn’t keeping one. I dug it out and here it is. It was fun enough reading, I may go through my turns and try to summarized the rest of the game from our perspective.


g94 WM diary.txt

We got our setups, and we’re WM/Arth, our 3rd choice. Looking at my WM position, it doesn’t look so hot. I played WM/SG in my last gunboat game, and that WM startup was quite a bit better. This one happened to have a nice 2800 per turn gold mine at the forest camp, which I’ll appreciate more in the long term, but for now it makes my starting gold a lot less due to my deficit being smaller…also the starting prices are quite a bit lower than my previous game, so I’m feeling awfully poor in comparison.

First turn is pretty straightforward; no rocket science here. Recruit, split, march troops to contain DrL openings and cover Buhr Fram/Gundabad. Jim is recruiting, dumping food (I just don’t have the T1 orders to do so), and rearranging characters.

Well damn. The opening I’ve always wanted to use as the WK has been used on me! He’s blocked my troops at 2406 that were coming from my capital to Buhr Fram, and sent his cav to burn the unfortified, undefended town. I’m afraid Gundabad will stand for some time now. DrL has sent troops to take the NG town at 2617, so I can breathe a sigh of relief on 2711. He also sent that rogue elf Celedhring into my capital, costing me a bunch of orders having to Rfs. The dwarves are nowhere to be seen, so they must’ve opened against Rhudaur. Speaking of which, Jim sees an evil eye on his map already, heading into Cardolan. Here we go.

Celedhring tried to challenge one of my characters but seems to have moved on; now Khamul is paying a visit to my village. FP lightbulb on Goblin-gate, which I assume is the Sinda army from 2908 since it moved to 2710 on T1. Also a lightbulb at 2410, which could be either Sinda troops from Lothlorien or some dwarves from Moria. WK recruited 400HI at Gundabad instead of dumping the food, so he actually won the battle at 2406. Also, he captured 2405 instead of destroying it. He’ll cause some mischief, but ought to be contained without too much havoc in the end, considering the Goblin-gate situation looks good. I’ll push troops onto Dol Guldur trying to make sure the DrL doesn’t have an army by the time dragons appear. I could do the same for Goblin-gate, but it appears my anonymous allies have that well in hand for now. Gundabad, however, may be a tad trickier…I’m sending more troops that direction this turn. Arthedain has made first contact with the enemy on the plains of Angmar.

I can’t believe the WK just sat at 2405, allowing me to catch him. I will easily defeat this army and recapture the now-village. Joining me at Dol Guldur is a medium army of the Sinda, facing a couple of army shells of the DrL, which we ought to polish off no problem. Both FP and DS armies still show at Goblin-gate. With the exception of a newly hired evil army at Sarn Goriwing, things are looking nicely contained in my neck of the woods, pun definitely intended! <g>

We recaptured 2405 to a camp, so the threat from the north is abated. The Sinda and I defeated the DrL armies at Dol Guldur (he rehired); I’ll stay and clear the hex of armies each turn until the Sinda can bring in enough pointy-ears from Lorien to take it. I pushed some troops onto Goblin-gate…only to discover that the Dwarves threatened it, nice work that. On to Rhudaur! I’ll now focus my attention on Gundabad and Goriwing. Life is good from my narrow perspective, but I have no Middle-earthly idea how the “real” war is going. Arthedain defeated the first batch of WK trolls he ran into, and is set to tangle with three more armies this turn in two locations. A scry of the plains shows another unknown friendly army in the thick of it, but the WK population base still seems to be intact. Eye-ball at Amon Sul to deal with as well…

After some calculations, I decided I could take out Gundabad at least one turn earlier (if not two) by recalling my army from Goblin-gate rather than plowing on into Rhudaur blind. My recon shows that the WK is sitting and recruiting there. At Dol Guldur, Duns and Gondorians have showed up after we polished off Duran’s army (who was killed in battle). We have 4 armies there controlled by 3 different players, so do we go for the capture this turn or not? If I go for it and guess wrong, Beoraborn dies on the walls. Very interesting conundrum here. Bad luck on camping so far. Arthedain won one battle and butchered a WK army in the other, losing battle. Poised to take the first WK popcenter, and a scry shows the dwarves have taken one already. Cardolan has an enemy army on one of his towns, but can’t see much else.

Well, NG and Duns tried to capture or destroy Dol Guldur, but Sinda and I didn’t. They of course failed, but luckily they had enough constitution so that both army cmdrs survived – at least they put it under siege for us. I am going to move on from Dol Guldur and leave it in the Sinda’s hands, moving down to block off 2715 as there is an evil army at 3116. There is also an evil army unopposed at one of the Eothraim MTs; that’s not good. I continue to camp and stage for the assault on Gundabad, boring but necessary things. Arthedain eliminated a WK army in Angmar by challenging out the cmdr, also took one of the plains villages. The flip side of that coin is that a WK army has arrived at Bree after capturing the Cardolan town in the hills. Depending on the composition of the WK army, it could be close.

As I move out of Guldur, Ji Indur blows through my guard and apparently kills the Sinda army commander holding down 2715, and now the hex is clear of all armies; what a pain. Evil army at 3116 moves to 3115 (?), so maybe it’s just a feint. I’ve climbed up the mountain and face a WK army at Gundabad. Speaking of the Black Captain, one of his armies razes Bree to ruin, but should now be dispatched.

Arthedain defeated the WK army at 1409, but now there’s another showing up at 1505. He’s quite an energetic guy I’d say. The Woodmen defeated the WK garrison at Gundabad (just barely as he’d recruited HC there!); now that I know there will be no dragon guarding the place, I can set up properly to take it. Goriwing is finally revealed. Enemy eyeballs at 2915 and 2917, so I may not be able to block them both if they march to Dol Guldur. Both Arthedain and the Woodmen failed on all camp attempts this turn, without the limit message, so either we hit it late in the turn or we’re very near (probably next turn). We see some rumors of assassination attempts, and wonder what and where the heck it’s all going down!

Dark army at 2915 has cut due NW toward my MT, indirectly approaching both Dol Guldur and the westernmost Eothraim MT. The Sinda army moved down from Goriwing so I assume (hope!!) he threatened it since it’s still a town/tower. New dark armies rehired at both Gundabad and Guldur, but I have covering armies that should take care of both. The dark army at Dale (now a MT) is troubling; I’m curious as to how it got there. Arthedain intercepted the WK army inbound: large under a Vet. Hmm.

Unknown DS army in Mirkwood veered back to hit Eothraim at 2912, and huge Sinda army now at Guldur, so perhaps my home bases are (relatively) secure. My covering army at Gundabad was cursed out, so that area continues to be a running sore. In Arthedain, incoming WK army pinned again; should be able to destroy it without any pop losses this time, even though it was quite a bit larger than assumed (~3000HI).

Things have turned for the worse wrt Gundabad, as the curse squad has taken out a number of troops the past several turns, either at 2305 or at 2405 right before they were to climb the mountain. So much for conquest; now I seek containment. At least the Sinda captured Guldur. The Eo are down to 2 MTs on my map, with the tower sabo’d on one of them. Looks grim. I am shuffling my HC that direction as fast as I can. The IK seems to be the main culprit. Also having a series of fights in the crossroads area just south of Mirkwood.


yes it was close at one point, but IMO not the one you mentioned in the first place. I don’t know how many troops Argirion had, but he probably would not have captured more than one corsair MT, because my sickness squad was ready by then.
The crucial point IMO was when the Harad army turned up at umbar. if the corsair capital had fallen, we would have been pretty much toast… Kim’s dragon army saved the day. Kim how come you knew about the Harad attack?

Dear Bernd

After Harad destroyed my capital at 3034 with massive warmashines, I watched on my turnmap as he planned a major sneak attack on you. He reunited the remains of his huge army with several other armies just outside your turnmap. At that point I knew you (and thereby myself) were in big ****, if I didn’t stop this as you were completely unaware of the invasion. Luckily I got two dragon encounters in the 12th hour. So I shuffled my QA commanders around, so that I received the dragons at Vamag exactly the same turn I could reach your capital with 500 HC and where Harad invaded it with his huge army. I dare not think what would have happened had I not arrived in time…:slight_smile:

I have 12 word pages of diay covering all the 42 turns. I will post it later on…


Thanks Bernd,

It makes me feel a lot better knowing you probably would have not been eliminated with the next wave.

However, with prices so high, and the huge southern gondor economy, I was running a 25k army cost and I was still running a positive economy. I had over 3000HC st/st headed to the corsairs via land only to arrive on pelargir the turn the bridge was removed and then the clould lord scouted the army and took out the commander and the backup.

Bad move by us for waiting to long (not aggressive enough), great move by the cloud lord and whomever else took out the bridge.

And yes, the eothraim was hit hard by the Ice King, Dog Lord and Dark Lieutenants. As I posted earlier, we had 1500 hc to defend with without a backup and din ohtar took him out on turn 7. Dumb move by us, great move by the dark servants. That was the end of the eothraim since we had sent two starting armies into the back gates of Mordor (along with the northern gondor cav).


It was ME who took out the Pelargir bridge…hehehehehehe :slight_smile:
I’m happy my timing was excellent here, as I of course had no idea of that HC army !!!

I’m extremely happy you didnt arrive in Harad with that army, or we would have been in deep ****.

When I hear also those special situations, I think that there are so many events which basicly were based on luck which could have turned the game a completely different way…


Active players are allowed to put in orders.

Clint (GM)

Kim (QA) and Bernd (Cor),

Glad to hear that Harad/NE made you sweat a little. I (Harad) was not all that happy when I got my turn report back and noted QA had Dragons in his army. I thought about this but figured QA would post most of his camps down here and maybe have 1 emmy up north so unlikely he would have dragon but I guess I was wrong. Playing Harad was a lot of fun against Cors/QA. I will say that the CL had a few well timed kills with Ji and company to help you guys out some.
Again, great game and if someone wants to put up a site and invite everyone to it to put their xml/pdf out that that would be great. I think we should but out our first 10 turns and than every 5 (15 than 20, 25, 30, 35 ,40 and last turn) or we will run out of space.


Some nice friendly DS transferred 55 points of mage artefacts to me!

Yeh think that was me - had nowt else to do with them… :wink:

Woodmen - oh yeh Mt Gundabad - that was a ding-dong battle - you caught the small army left [dropped off the food and sent the cav to Gund to recruit so you ran into the spike that I had left - failed a fortify with a 50 commander I recall!] :o Lovely combat in that region for the game and when I got the armies coming for Gundabad I was in hog’s heaven for a while. Unfortunately you both recruited to max… :slight_smile:

Also I had worked on sending all the Gundabad troops east when you weren’t coming for me big-time. Otherwise I’d probably held it (went for some Sindar PCs in Modor but got counter-attacked).

Clint (player)

New game - upto you guys if you want to go for that. There’s 3 players to replace if it’s going to be a no-drop game though. I’d consider playing again.

I would suggest that the teams get split in half - so half of the DS players would be DS and half FP, and ditto the FP but open for debate.

Clint (GM)

Tony and I are willing to play. Alain said he would pick up the slack of one of the dropped nations.

The only thing I would like to add is some type of diplo. Even if the diplo is only twice a game or something similar to that. I just think we could have changed things if we had been able to ask the sinda for his navy.

I know we don’t want to play the diplo once every five turns, but I would like to be able to communicate at least once or twice a game.


G94 was privately organized, so I wouldn’t consider joining a “no drop” game off this forum with players I didn’t know. (Well, I didn’t know everyone going into 94, but they had good players I knew who “vouched” for them. So much for that in regard to the 3 quitters.)

Personally, I’d prefer to take something of a break between GB games…but if this bunch starts another without me, I’d be afraid I was out of the loop for the one following, so what do you do…?

Sorry, don’t follow you there (against Sinda in Mordor…your cursers you mean?). I thought I was pretty much coming for Gundabad big-time, the whole time; only thing was, all my troops kept disappearing out of 2405 & 2305 before I got to the assault. I don’t remember seeing any WK troops “get out of” 2305 to the east?


Well, I posted a new no-quit GB thread, but noone answered. I suggest that we either use this thread (or someone create a new thread) to sign up for a new GB game primary with the players from this game. I know that some of the players from GB 96 and 97 are also looking for a new challenge, so I dont think we would have trouble filling up a game with decent players.


In the Mordor area there were also a lot of action. I used IK very aggressively with mages in his huge starting army early on, which enabled me to destroy three of the four Eot MT’s in Mirkwood, within the first 16 turns. The major setback was the excellent Arthedain/Woodmen campaign which eliminated DoL in the end game. I had to divert and spend a lot of resources over many turns, to remove the threat.

Great to hear that we caused you some discomfort, as it seemed you blunted our campaign rather well. Kudos to you stopping the Arth/Wood push as we thought we had the chance to inflict a great deal of harm before we were defeated. War machines do make a difference when you are able to use them!

Clint, well played as the WK. I did not meet my initial goals as Arth due to a couple of mistakes on my part and the excellent play on your part.

There have been several comments about the game and replacing dropped players. I played on long after I should have dropped. My initial discomfort was over the DrkLt and LR pairing as were on the way to take out DrkLt when we pushed into NW Mordor. I only played on because of my pledge to not drop, even though the game was changed in such a way to give an advantage to the DS. (who did not seem to need any further assistance) and I was paired with Drew. Please be advised that I am not a quitter as I have never dropped a ME game. Eliminated and defeated but never have I dropped. Drew and I were the winners in the 5 and one half-year game 118. So, why all of this information? Just trying to give you a context in which to weigh my comment “I should have dropped.” Thus, my dropping would have nothing to do with my position and everything to do with my displeasure with the way a “no drop” game was managed. Also, I am cold turkey with ME games for the first time in 18 plus years. Yes, I have been in at least one game for that time span. Drew is gracious enough to do my turns for me while I am out and about. So, I close this with I am not interested in a non drop GB in the current incarnation. Now, back to my usual lurker status.

I don’t think no-drop is for everyone - it demands a lot and sometimes doesn’t provide the same quantity of pleasure I’ve found. Saying that I’m happy to play a game at the highest level and I certainly found the level of play in this game stronger than most of the games I’ve been in so anything that encourages I’m happy to support.

Clint (player)

Kim…good play on your part. Tim had long since given up the game and I was giving the game just enough effort to keep our nations alive and hope the rest of the FPs would overcome things (30 minutes to do turns…yes that’s all three turns combined :), no 2nd checking, no long term strategy, just react). Your trap worked to perfection, normally I wouldn’t have risked the curse squad, but in essence, i really NEVER had a curse squad in that I only had two cursers and one sickness guy, forcing me to move into 2327 directly. I couldn’t learn curses due to lack of money for all three nations, and your dang emmy’s taking my pop centers the turn I move the curse squad there to learn the last spell :). Really, we would have taken the CL capital at 2217 except that I had to bail 3 emmy’s out to transfer backups to the SG and and try to keep that nation alive, and only got the pop center to marginal. We lost a lot of characters to the IK and CL agents late in the game (some taking the CL capital last turn with emmy’s)…and didn’t have the curse artifact to learn curses…our bad really.

but hey…you guys deserved to win. Tim and I accept blame for our faulty strategies and implementation thereto, and to the rest of the FP allies, we apologize. I personally did not put my best effort forth in this game…I really have to admit that if Tim doesn’t contribute to the team, that I’m not very good (egads, I can’t let Tim read this…)

Tim and I also feel like we would NOT make the same mistakes with the SG/Eo pairing that we made this game, and that we would make a much better showing in the future.


Tony Huiatt
Eo and Dwarves after turn 17, SG after turn 22 or so…


Tim and I are up for playing again, whatever the team make up is…the sooner we start the better :slight_smile:

I would like to add the ability to send diplos…perhaps one per nation/pair every ten turns or somesuch. Any kind of communication would have probably made Tim and I more willing to “keep playing” to our best ability to help our “team” out. That would have made the game more fun for us, even though we were getting our butt kicked character wise pretty much the whole game…


tony h.