Gunboat Strategies

So if I’m the corsairs and dragon lord can i double the emis/age characters from each of these nations since they are both mine? But I’m not allowed to to to the dogl capital and double any of his that I find there…

am i allowed to go into friendly pop centers and steal gold or grdloc or things of that nature?

thanks cause this is helping alot…JMR


But I’m not allowed to to to the dogl capital and double any of his that I find there…


am i allowed to go into friendly pop centers and steal gold or grdloc or things of that nature?

thanks cause this is helping alot…JMR

Guarding is defensive, stealing is offensive. No offensive actions against friendly pop centers or friendly characters UNLESS they are on your population center.

  • Ben

Thanks Ben,

Finally, I can see some light about this. I’m very interested in the pairings and responsibilities to help common goals…like the Corsairs and DrLrd I see this as an easy set of nations to manage…the Corsairs will help the Drlrd w/ pop center trades and money…the DrLrd can go for artifacts and develop agents/ emis…

Corsairs will likely have to fight from the getgo though against other naval rivals as in a grudge match though, no? This makes that position much different…and you can’t talk to the allies…so you’re on your own against several other nations…interesting parallel to the DrLrd position itself…

anyway thanks Ben,


Baruk I would like to describe you in some less than nice manner and put you down, but I think it would be an insult to any group to do so and thus will spare them.

I suggest you go reread your own drivel and perhaps it will enlighten you on the subject of who is the better player.

Do I need to remind you of how you changed your tune from I am very poor to I never said that.

Whats that they call that when you deny what you said when confronted with it?

Now whatever gives you the idea my life is sad? I assure you its not and again it shows your poor reading of life.

It also shows how poor you judge things when you think you might just have that chance of taking me out.

But my e mail address is on the forum for you and I only await a setting of a date and see you later in the year as you requested.

As I said I never run and idle or real threats dont scare me one jot.

You are about to find out why I have the nickname I do


Third Age, circa 1650 Gunboat nation duos:
*** Changed

Free People
4/22 Arthedain/Harad
6/23 N Gondor/Dunland
7/1 S Gondor/Woodmen
8/2 Dwarves/Northmen
9/5 Sindar/Cardolan
10/3 Noldor/Eothraim

10/22, 3/7, 1/4 new combos - rest stay the same.

Dark Servants
18/14 Fire King/Cloud Lord
20/24 Dark Lieutenants/Rhudaur
16/19 Ice King/Long Rider
11/15 Blind Sorcerer/Witch King
17/13 Quiet Avenger/Dog Lord
12/21 Dragon Lord/Corsairs

14/24 (3629 now a MT, 3428 village), 11/20, 17/18 13/15 new combos

Feel free to contact me if you want the full updated rules as we’ve made quite a few changes. I’ve asked for feedback on 2950 changes but it’s slow to fill a 2950 GB.


Little vandal,
This will be the last forum reponse you receive from me. If you wish to meet me face-to-face, follow the instructions I gave you. If you do not wish to do so, then do not follow the instructions I gave you.

You made the initial threat. Vandal wrote: “name the time and place and face me like the runt you are.” After that threat, I wrote: “if you do not tone down the stridency of your comments, I may get the impression that you mean to challenge me to more than a game of ME. If so, you may find that I can paddle your pathetic little rear end quite a bit more violently than your mother (RIP) ever did.”

In an attempt to defuse the matter of escalating threats, I took responsibility and apologized. You did not rise to the occasion of accepting that opportunity and you have persisted in talking about a face-toface confrontation. I then urged that such discussion be taken off-line. Yet you continued to discuss it on this forum.

This whole matter is quite ridiculous; and it ruins enjoyment of the game and this forum. I regret that. And I’ve been advised in private email messages by quite a large number of veteran players who say they know you well that ridiculous behavior is your normal method of operation. They all advised that I ignore you completely.

So here are my final words to you: I have little doubt you are the better ME player. I also have little doubt I would teach you a hard lesson if you choose to meet me face-to-face. If you wish to pursue the latter, you know what to do. If you wish to do battle in ME gaming, I have two challenges out there for you to accept or not as you wish. Goodbye, little vandal.

I’m curious what others’ opinions may be about the WK/Dk Lts duo. I think despite the huge number of artifacts and great characters…these guys aren’t long for the world I wouldn’t think…the only saving grace might be the intervention of rhudaur and the timely use of the emi arties…I’m talking out of my neck cause Ive not played it but I’m looking over all the combos and plotting…eh eh ehhhh… Jason

Ahhh… but you forget that both nations start with emmy artifacts AND have the ability to name commanders at 40. That can make for a lot of camps very quickly.

  • Ben