Hand edit of orders

Our order software is set-up so that orders you input are correctly formatted and checked for errors. DO NOT go in afterwards (or otherwise), and edit the text file we receive. This is particularly in regards to two Skill orders of the same type, two movement orders or the like.

We hand check every order that gets processed.


Hey Clint,

I admit to being guilty of this crime… but that’s because MEOW doesn’t allow a character to have both 850 and 870 as orders (which is perfectly legitimate if you’re not sure an army is going to survive).

  • Keith

Thanks for bringing this up. Unfortunately for you it’s not legitmate. Hence that’s why we’ve put it into the code for MEOW etc.

They are considered to be Skill orders for movement, it’s a common misconception from old GSI days, you can only put in one such order. Please do not do it again.


this brings up a question.
MEOW doesn’t like capital letters on words after the first one. For example, if “Dark Door” is the correct answer for an artifact encounter, MEOW doesn’t allow “Door” to be capitalized.

In the past, I’ve hand edited the words after the first to be capitalized (i.e. I edited the .xml), but I just realized on reading this series of posts that I had forgotten to do so on a recent turn, having just typed in “Dark door” after MEOW wouldn’t let me do “Door”. I got the turn back and got the artifact. On looking at the turn, it appears that you guys must have edited the “door” to be “Door”.

So, that brings up the question: should players just depend on you guys fixing the capitalization after the first word, or should we go in and edit the artifact encounter answers to have all words first letter capitalized?


I’d just email us when you know something like this is in error and we can fix it our end. My suggestion is use Joverseer now as we’re looking to support such elements in that program.


So, you’re saying to email alongside each turn submission with a multi-word artifact encounter answer? yikes. I am not thrilled with than answer.

Or are you saying that now that you know about the bug in MEOW that it will be fixed?

I do use Joverseer as a game aid, but hadn’t started using it for orders. I’ll play around with that.

Play around Dave - give me a buzz if you have any questions, specifics along with Print Screens if necessary. It’s point-click, drag-and-drop easy~! And then you Draw your orders to confirm movements…?? Best thing since sliced bread and then some…


I am not sure I understand your response to Diehard (Keith). Are you saying it is not acceptable to input two sets of movement orders for a character? One set being if you are the army commander move the army, the second being if you are not the army commander then move as a characters?
Example is the 850 or 870 depending on the outcome of the fight. If this is not acceptable, are you saying this is no way to do this?



Bye the way, congrats on the new addition to the family.

Tim: That is correct. You MAY NOT put in two set of 8xx orders for a character.

Dave: With the react, we check that by hand so you don’t need to edit it by hand. We don’t intend to modify MEOW at present as we’re intending to support Palantir, MEAssist and JOverseer and Automagic for the forseeable future.


Never tried two 8xx-orders, always clear for me that you’re able to move only ONE-time per turn.

I’ve thought that’s written in the rules?

Have Fun!


MEOW is ideal for shadow-orders.
Often enough Automagic screws up when giving orders for a nation you don’t own the original XML.

JOverseer is a tough prog, but not so really usable for input orders.

Have Fun!


Get used to it Gixxx. You can Type/Tab/Enter and rock through your whole order set, but you can see the map, drag and drop, view everything, etc as you go. Really, there is NO REASON to ever make a movement error again. Anyone who does, kick them off your team… :wink: I can pick up an ally’s nation and between the map and all the info panes, rip out intelligent orders in minutes - mistake free, that work in perfect coordination with the rest of the teams orders. It’s all there.

Does that also include if a char teleports to an army hex, then using 870 to join the army despite not moving from that hex. I generally use that one for arty hunters getting their toys to the army ASAP. Any chance of using teleport to MovJoin then?

Does that also include if a char teleports to an army hex, then using 870 to join the army despite not moving from that hex. I generally use that one for arty hunters getting their toys to the army ASAP. Any chance of using teleport to MovJoin then?

Also illegal - and it should be coded not to work anymore…! Thanks for bringing this up though.


Hold on a second here folks. I remember getting error messages on my turns when I erroneously issued 2 orders of the same type like this. For example, 2 movement orders. 2 skill orders in the same class. Am I remembering wrong? Was this the program or hand modifications since 1991?


Yes the program does catch these errors. Occasionally, despite the program checking them and us they get through though.


I would endeavor to leave this to the program. The rules are clear, and the rules define how the program works. You guys are doing conversions, etc, blah blah - entrench this in the program, such that when someone makes a boneheaded mistake, the program spits out “You’re a bonehead, too bad :p” and the player suffers in game. Priority - perfect your order screening systems, this has to be automated - unless somebody over in Cardiff does it happily and for free…

I understand this is clearly written in the rules. My point is sometimes you don’t know if you are going to win the battle or lose the battle. If I win the battle I want the army to move. If I lose the battle I want the character to move. I think this should be allowed. Apparently, it is not allowed. I have been guilty of hand editing my turns to be able to do this knowing that one order will not execute.


If you don’t know what the result of a battle on your own pop is going to be, you could also want to issue two command orders though, either to recruit or hire depending wether you win or lose, I tried doing this recently but wasn’t allowed so presume the same should be true for movement orders…

What should happen is the computer looks at both your orders BEFORE running orders - so Order Sequence shouldn’t work. What should happen is that the 2nd (based on order sequence) order is immediately completed with a resolution “Can’t do that bonehead” and then the first is the only order the program will process - at it’s proper place in the sequence.

Common example: 408 and 770. Order Screening immediately plops “You can’t issue 2 Command Skill Orders moron, no 770 for you!” onto your results file under that characters Order #2 Resolution, and then come the time for the 408 to process, if you have an army, you do so, if you do not, you fail and the Resolution will tell you why (“Meathead wasn’t in command of an army.”).