My team bears no name but my own as I never got around to naming it.
I am to lazy to name it but I am the monster in whose eyes you do no wish to look to deeply for once I suck you in there is no way back.
If I am mad enough to spend 300 pounds on a one to one just so as not to avoid a challnge, play for retirement stakes as a wager, the question is am I as good as I think I am.
So far many have tried and many have died, but its not been me turning down players when I am free.
Therefore gaze not to long in my direction for the monster you seek is here and from me there is no release.
Your mind is on 12 against yourself, wake up, you have a chanche as low as; flat against round earth. If there are four other Vandals, frankly you may challenge us, if not…
Well grudge does tend to be a grudge match of players and a one on one is exactly that. I dont think I put down one on 12 so I suggest you play another team as me thinks you are making far to many none existant reasons to not play.
I prefer my meat alive and kicking and not laid out waiting to die.
Every team game has had 12 players to start on our end.
try the aussies. i was on the us2 crew, and we dropped both sides of the 1650 reverse. they are excellent opposition, and a class crew. there’s no nonsense, they line up and play. even when their was “in game” issues for both sides, they did the “right” thing. Pretty good at board banter also. i might have the addresses, but i do have the license plate of the truck they drove over us. both games went 20+, we retired(twice) when they held a decided advantage(twice). send me something private, i can probably get you some names, maybe addresses.
You guys were class act the whole way, also. We’ve been over that, no need to over compliment each other =)
I’m on Team Aussie, we’re in with the Germans now and they have the right to a reverse challenge if they choose. We’ve been talking about the Flagship Cup a bit to really prove our metal, but either way not open for a game at the moment.
PS Try the US team if you haven’t - a tough tough team. I’m playing them in WOTR and it is a great great game, they do not let up an inch.
its a love fest.
loke, we are commited to this game(239), but when we are done, i’ll advise you. i’d say with certainity that we are a 100% definate maybe for another game. a few guys have real world stuff, so in 239 we have guys playing two nations.
I tihnk you misunderstand Vandal, he is the team captain also of a grudge team, but for the most part speaks for the team...atleast I think thats what he never know with him...
A team of 12, thats more like it, but how are we to know that the first serious attack we launch will not result in whimpering, cries of mercy and white flags* shooting up all over the place.
*(or slightly soiled white flags if underwear is used)
You don’t. You also don’t know if you walk across the street, that errant bus will have its brakes fail … you get what I mean. And yes, a bit morose, but its raining and has been dark for like 2 hours already and its 4:30 PM
Thats up for the team to decide, Im only dynamite fishing for capable opponents. Well, at least its confirmed that two excellent teams are unavaible. You could ofcourse tell a little of your past victories and who the unfortunates where.
JB, with closed eyes I wont see the bus, but yes, I got it.