Hardcore Opposition Wanted, Grudge offcourse

Hi Loke

You know I happen to have the same view as Gixxer.

Given the choice of hard or perhaps hard you went for the perhaps hard.

So what happened to the 10 ten team?

It was not possible to pass on me as I had already done so not being on your top ten team list.

Not that I mind as I said I prefer some life in my meat where possible.

It will be interesting to see who wins.


But Drew teams are not forged from the best players, otherwise I would not have lost on a few grudge teams with very good players in them.

So it will be interesting how you fair.


Yeah, we will see what happens. The top ten thingy was to discourage weak teams from taking up the challenge and with the hope of fighting a really tough team.

Maybe its just about honesty, whats hot air - what is real, who is to know?

Anyways - another poll about the last issue, lets see what it tells.


Greetings o-mighty vandel. Everyone on this forum knows you claim to be the best player ever and maybve you are who knows. I do know you are good just from the one time we crossed swords (i picked up 3 dropped positions that were nearly bankrupt already yet fought on for a dozen more turns before we all decided to concede) and from the word of people whose opinions I value.

But for you to say my team is not forged of the best players now that is purely rank speculation on your part as you really have no idea now do you. We have a saying in this part of the wrold, every old crow thinks her babbies are the blackest.

I assume you are just jumping on the jab-at-loke bandwagon at my expense like gixxxxer and no real offense is taken by the way.

This is really the way the team matchups needed to shake out and you know it since mine has overlapping membership with two of the three others teams. good gaming to you sir and perhpas we shall meet on the field of battle yet again one day.


Well we shall see if you got what you desired or as I think the taste of victory got the better of you.


Hi there Drew,
I’ve already sent a message to “Mormegil” asking him about some things he might have said about a team he likes to play with.

If I won’t get a serious reply, we’re in !

“Mormegil” will play with your team and someone else will play for him in my team.

What do you think ?

Have Fun !


Moin Gerhard und Bernd

Ein Misverständnis zieht seine Runden, ich habe es ungewollt ausgelöst und so schnell wie möglich dementiert(hoffentlich). Hoffe nicht dass es zum Kopfabreissen kommt, wie vorher schon gesagt; Man sieht so blöd aus ohne.


What I think is, you are already too late as we are in the final stages of negotiating a game with Loke’s team. It’s still not a “done deal” so if it falls through at the last minute I will be back in touch. I would hate to steal Mormegil from you though. No that’s not true; I’d love to steal him. <g>


Now what I think you will find I said is the best teams are not made by the best players.

Played with some good players but the teams have not gelled and not made for a good team.

Loke I justy like baiting a bit with the top 10 thing, but have fun I have no intention of playing him as he had his shot and passed.

It cannot be said we ran from him and I am content to look elsewhere.

There are a few good players but until they beat my head grows bigger.


Or perhaps we aren’t in the “final” stages after all. My German isn’t so hot, but I take it Loke is backpedalling now. As our friend vandal says, I’m sure something will turn up.


Oh I am sure he is not going to backpeddle, for its bad enough running from me, let alone from two teams and I might have soem fun with that.

Then again I might not.

Perhaps its time to look at testing just how good I think I am Drew.

I may have to lose a player or two but you know they did want to try and beat on me and test there mettle.

We shall see


Gixxer its unseemly to jump into another teams deal, let the two of them just get it on and let it go


DC:Well that’s not the way I originally read it, but now that you say so, I can read that into what you wrote. I thought you meant “But Drew’s team is not forged” instead of “Drew, teams are not forged” which I agree with fully btw.

Now what exactly were you whacking in the dark when loke snuck up on you? and why was gixxxxer’s nose and your backside whacked with the same crickit bat hmmm? <g>

Ha, Ha, Ha !

Du bist grossartig !

Das ist ein Kompliment und das gibt’s nicht oft von mir !

Viel Spass !


Have you never worked out how cryptic I am.

Well that would be telling if one answered your question but when you are playing the dark side you can get very dark indeed.


Hell no…has anyone? <g>

So Frank my friend,
looks like this cowards ( fooling arround ) has given us that “Black Peter”.

They’ve wanted to play “hardcore teams” …

Well the “Circle” is ready to rumble.

What do you say ?

Have Fun !


Dank´ Dir

Warum nich´ die Anderen nicht ein wenig rätzeln lassen was hier eigentlich passiert, schadet denen ja nicht.


Oops now I probably got this forum banned in some more libraries in Louisiana (and Oklahoma).

Well Gixxer my old chum it looks like we will have to dance together.

Two hard teams forged in the heat of battle and no interesting reasons for the yellow streak along the back.

What side you want to play or not fussed?
