Hardcore Opposition Wanted, Grudge offcourse

…Gix surprised by the thing that connectected with his sniffing apparatus looks at the little, hiding in a ditch Vandal and says;

Darn how the hell did I end up with your glasses they must have blinded me.

But you seem to have improved my dark appearance, well I will be seeing you with my whacking stick


You guys are a barrel of laughs here, but seriously, Gixxx and I have discovered we have a team mate in common, so we can’t play each other. So cross that off the dendritic pattern of possibilities. We need to play Loke or Vandel, if it’s gonna happen. If interested, reply to the email I sent you guys yesterday.

Hi Drew

Dave Holt seems to be a member of both yours and Vandals team.


Truth. So is Tim Huiatt. So I guess we can’t play both sides… eh?

OK, so agree to play us already.

Well you can lead a horse to water but Loke wont be drinking.

Now Gixxer has a new team whose able to play that one?


The intricacies of democracy, a agonizing slow process, but thats how we do it.

I guess that a variation of the standard WC format wont pass though, we just got through one and the variation chosen was not successful. Most of us like the standard format, as it is well balanced.


Blimey something I agree with I like the standard format to!


Darn they must be playing soem lesser team


Frank, since my team has overlapping members with both your team and Gixxer’s, I am in the process of negotiating a game setup with Holger’s Scandinavian2 team. Perhaps you and Gixxx can square off?


Well I am sure something will turn up


Mind you I am so hard to beat it might be that bit harder to find someone to play now


Hi there Frank,
it isn’t a new team !

Have Fun !


Hi Frank,
looks like they can’t/won’t play with us !

So what do you think about crossing the swords ?

Have Fun !


Hi Gerhard and Frank

Sorry about the delay, my teams vote favored Drews team, hope we will solve the last issues. Somehow he convinced us about the strength of his team, dont ask me what it was.


Hi there Loke,

… and I’ve thought you’re looking for a “hardcore opposition” !

You’ve chosen the “probably” easiest target ( please forgive me Drew ).

Next time you should choose another title for your threat.

Have Fun !


My reputation precedes me. <g>

Yo Gixxster, never forgive, never forget. Easy target my @$$. Why don’t you ask our mutual friend Bernd how “hard core” he thinks our team roster is. If it weren’t for our overlap, you could find out the “hard” way. <grin>



If this is the official acceptance, we will start sorting out who plays what, and get back to you in a few days.
