hostages, theres a limit

I could have sworn it was turn 3… a haze you sure, you didn’t have any of the beers that early on, did you?

We actually hit the limit in ME73 which is still running and if I remember
correctly it was around 40 char’s :slight_smile:

I actually track kidnap char from both sides if you need more exact data.


Just because someone believes there’s a fixed limit for something doesn’t mean it really is as simple as that.

People talk of a camp limit, and certainly there’s a message which indicates you hit it. But you can often create camps after it - maybe camps are degrading? Maybe the limit increases with time? Or perhaps it’s not a ‘hard’ limit, it just becomes much, much more difficult …

Now ME games have the code, it might be nice to introduce an element of random setup into games, so different games have different limits. And make them ‘soft’ limits, so actions become harder rather than impossible.

It’s a limit because it’s an old computer program and the file/table where all this stuff is stored is of a definite size. Remove a record from the file/table via Destroy, degradation, etc, and a slot opens up to camp again. Nothing mystical here.

I’ll try to find it out.
It will take some time, but there are still many chars left in game 3.

Have Fun !


ME confirmed to us that we had hit the limit in our game so
we know there is one. That is when I started to track the
hostages so we would not try to kidnap more than we could
and thus the kidnap attemp would fail.

I’m offended by this attitude. I am one of those “Shooter Kids” and a recent convert to this game. If presented properly, this game has appeal to a large group of people. At the game shop I go to, it peaks the interest of customers that at times 2-5 of us are yelling at each other (letting each other know how stupid the other is) and pointing at various hexes on a blown-up and laminated Map of Middle Earth. That’s how I got in, and it appears that we’re close to picking up another. You just can’t give up on us like that.

absolutely this is one of the coolest games around because of the dynamics of 25 people playing with and against each other. And it’s really got a lot of strategy element to it that RTS simply doesn’t have because of the “RT”.

I hope the player base thrives and grows. If it does, we can play this game from our nursing homes in another 40 years.


Let’s face it…this game holds appeal to anyone that ever enjoyed Risk, Axis & Allies, Fuedal (Not that I expect anyone to remember that game…), chess, and many others. The group dynamic adds a level of gameplay that cannot be found anywhere else.

And if that isn’t good enough for you…try Gunboat. I have dabbled with just about ever format, save 2950, that this game has to offer. Each has their own appeal.

For me…the GB and the 1wk games surpass all others…but that is just me.


You aren’t the only person of a video game generation that plays this game. Its perhaps true that this game doesn’t appeal to the same sense of fun (except for the universal love of competition!) as a first-person-shooter or mmorpg or RTS (although it shares more with these), but its hardly true that cultivating a love of those games would make this game less appealing. Over-stereotyping my generation is easy to do and easy to do in a funny way, but it doesn’t really make it meaningful. I suppose the good case of this is that quotation in Blues Brothers “leaving the next generation with nothing but recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop…” As an enjoyer of quasi-synth rhythms and techno-grooves, I always chuckle at this line. There will always be people who appreciate only the most ephemeral and shallow parts of pop culture, but there are also people of every generation who will appreciate the gems of what came before.



Chess like pieces except more pieces I think. The board has castles and natural terrain to impede movement and every piece can move every turn.

Great game, unfortunately noone plays it anymore.

Dave, I am looking forward to playing with and against you when my body limits me to a wheel chair.


tim, dave,

you think when we steer our wheelchairs with our mind-computer interfaces, we still put in order codes and numbers in Excel 2050 ??
well I would be with you, thats for sure :smiley:

nah, not excel 2050. Microsoft will have some other proprietary software that everyone has to use as the continue to pay Europe a 5million dollar a day penalty.



long before 2050, Microsoft will have lost the excel franchise to Google’s online spreadsheets. Andy by 2050, they’ll have been replaced by a much more intuitive interface for user-requested computation.

but yes, Tim & Bernd, and everyone else: i’ll play from my wheelchair! Though I plan on not needing one for a very long time. The key is exercise & lots of it.

I love(d) Feudal; I think my brother Jim still has a 30 year old copy. I’m not quite as fond of Risk and A&A as there is too much reliance on dice (although these are fun in their own way). However, I played A&A: D-Day for the first time over the weekend and it was a blast. Played twice and they both came down to the final turn both times, with the Anglo-Americans capturing St. Lo on the final attack.

Man did this thread ever wander off track…


Btw, this was very nicely spoken CJ. “Here’s looking at you, kid.”