Fellow Players,
Hello friends, I see a terrible trend happening as of late. The 1650 games are becoming alarmingly short. Games would usually go out to 14 to 18 turns on the one week games. The removal of the non-mordor nations would spell doom and the evil would submit or the game become 14/11 split and Rhun Rohan colapse causing the free to submit.
But now the indicaters are more subtle. Freeps inside mordor, Witch-King implodes, market skewed too favorable to one side. Any of these cause a side to quit enmasse. I thought the problem was isolated to the “One Week” genre due to the increased coordination and rapid turn results.
However now it is spreading to the two week games. If we cannot figure a way to check this we will lose even more players. As it is it seems our numbers are decreasing. The player pool seems to be dwindling. I know players are not signing up for the “One Week” variant due to the games becoming alarmingly short. But now I am in a game and one side is considering tossing the towel on turn fours results. This is getting absurd. So collectively how do we go about correcting this? We as players need to come up with some ideas to help Clint. If we don’t, we risk losing the entire system. If players keep becoming discouraged and the player pool continues to shrink then the games turn cost will have to go up to keep the whole thing afloat. There are alot of bright people that play this game. You guys need to come up with solutions so guys like me can keep playing. As it is now some games take a very long time to fill. Think how frustrating it is to actually wait longer for a game to fill and begin then the game takes to play. If this game busts then three games in a row will have not gone to turn 12. That is really sad since turn 12 use to be the close of the opening phase.
I want to point out that this problem is not due to poor play or a few Mavricks that won’t conform. I think it is more systemic then that. I think that due to the core of players being so experienced the unknown factor is so reduced that the cause and effect results are so predictable that players figure there is no way to recover. That and the level of communication is so high that even random games move with the precision of grudge games. This is again a result of a stagnant player pool.
What can we do to help save our beloved game?