The Easterlings bid greetings to the other Lords of Middle Earth.
I await your diplomats…
The Easterlings bid greetings to the other Lords of Middle Earth.
I await your diplomats…
The Bad Man rises from the shifting sands, taking control of the Haradrim tribes.
I seek opportunities for conquest and plunder. Any offers should be sent to: heironeous -at -
Hello All,
Wish everyone the best of luck. Dragon Lord may be contacted at
Please do not email me…I will email you. Consider long the implications of such…
Economy got you down? Need a job? Cardolan is hiring! Brave men are needed every week throughout old Arnor - no armor required, but please bring a sharpened stick or sturdy bludgeon.
Interested? email: “seejaie” at the "gmail dot com "
Hi all, I’m apparently NG in this game. Bit confused about the general setup (not the nation’s mind you), but never mind…I welcome contact with everybody under bettinajwagner at Please leave out the spaces and do the usual with the at
Cheers, Tine
I thought I was only on the lsit for the one week game. The front sheet indciates the one week game is still pending. Nonetheless, I am looking forward to this game.
err - I thought this is the one week game???
Hello all
The Bitch…er Witch King checking in.
I would enjoy talks with both the Dunlendings and Rhudaur as well as all the other neutrals. I would also enjoy long moonlight walks with…nevermind - wrong forum.
Friends and foes alike are welcome to contact me at
I look forward to ridding ME of the FP extremists.
This the (1) week game.
Apologies. I read the Forum’s front sheet rather than my pdf. The front sheet said the one week game was still open. I stand corrected.
Not all of them. We need to keep some in an appropriate reserve. Stewards of the earth, and all.
Not exactly - you’ll BOW corrected before we’re through with you…
Just a bit…? Give it a few weeks…
Read the fine print folks, Cardolan doesn’t pay much for those hires… I suspect there are alternative sources of employment for those currently between careers that are much more exciting, and I guarantee you much more lucrative…