ME 1650 Game 07

Toodle pip. This is…

Really, I mean…

Okay, I got nothing, nil, nada, zilch. Toodle pip. My my…

Um, can I offer you the Woodle…I mean Woodpip…I mean… Never at such a loss before. Toodle pip…really…

We won’t pay the soldier’s more than a couple gold a week, it’s true. But in the tradition of the banking crisis, we will compensate the leaders of the neutral faction richly even if they should happen to lose all their battles :wink:

Gentlemen. Let’s get serious a little bit here, okay? See Jay (See Jay Fly! See Jay Cheer for the Orioles! See Jay eat the poisoned donut!) thinks you’re dithering and blithering idiots. I know, call me (collect) and I’ll point you to his YouTube clip where you’ll see his classic line:

“Neutrals? Give me a break, Please, Thank You, and Can I Make You a Sandwich? is all I want from those losers~!”

The guy lives in Seattle or something ridiculous like that. Can we all get over ANY thought of this whole “Good” vs “Bad” conversation? The advertisers pay for the media - please tell me which side they represent…? Thought so. Give me a mail, we’ll set something up…kill a few elven lackeys and promote your glory and victory from 0101 through 4439. Bah to the Imlannati and Yeah to the coming age of Man~!

this message brought to you by the Cloud Lord - Kill an Elf, Save the World

there, got over that whole pippy thing nicely, didn’t I…?

Nice to see you again… But on opposite teams! Sheesh! Have fun anyways!

alright I’m the doglord… those who wish to email me… hey I even reply to hate mail :slight_smile:

I consider the implications of just posting my email address and declaring which nation I am playing! so i will gladly abide by your wish!

maybe next time - nice to see you’re still around

I think the confusion will clear off in a while when I get used to my nation. I’m confused because basically the only think I asked for in this game (and I said I’d play any nation) I didn’t get…:slight_smile:

The startup was all mystery, but since then, I haven’t gotten anything I’ve asked for either… :frowning:


I am #24–

some may know me others not. lets have some fun!

i see you terry!


the free are missing?

Doesn’t that tell you all you need to know…?

the cloud

Hmmm Looks to me like the FP are stunned! Dog Cav and IK staring army on turn 1… Hasn’t been done in years! But then again i am very very old school… I personally think IK getting OZ turn 2 is that signficant…

Sorry Tine… I planned this just as soon as i got my setup! didn’t know who NG was just gonna Define the importance of 3024 in one week game… The Grudge Gaming Experts seem to have forgot it!


You DS read like glass-half-empty kind of guys, assuming the worst about the FP communication on the boards. In reality we have been so consumed with our fool proof strategizing meetings that we haven’t had time for the pithy banter with the likes of your kind.

Now if all you guys can do is muster up an all fronts assualt of NG and hot air blowing on the boards, please continue. Devote your attention to these trivial pursuits while we continue to march all over the map, achieving the elusive but achievable T3 military victory.


please no concessions. someone here will be last, and it will be long and extremely fulfilling…for me at least…


Turn 3! you truly suffer from extreme delusions of Granduer! you Lost an entire Pass into mordor… Foolishly send 4 cav armies to to 3120 which you cannot even Take Moronan… Maybe siege it only to Lose not only all that Cav but every Commander there… Your vision of Victory cannot even be achieved By turn 15 Much less turn 3!

Here is yet another fool failing to understand the importance of OZ and it’s falling on turn 2! But the lessons shall be taught in this game should be remembered if some are wise enough to learn from them!:wink:

Oz again!
This MT is really of no importance!
Doesn’t matter if it’s a grudge or a one-weeker.

Waste you power!


i’m probably to close for comfort … Nice to see you Whit!:smiley: