Well that’s where we don’t see eye to eye! But it’s not s startegic location for no reason! While the FP believe it’s just another MT the DS it’s a Very important pc! That should make it of Vital importance to FP… but then again what do I know about strategy , Tactics and How to hurt my opposition… It’s your story so stick to it!
One more thing… Taking 2 Mt’s and 2 towns From the one of the Most powerful FP nations and losing No Mt’s is not a waste of Power, It’s called a winning Opening Move! :bash:
The Witch King would like to call for an immediate cease fire agreement.
I say why should we always attack each other every game? Can’t we just get along?
Let’s do things differently this game!
I say we have a 10 turn non-aggression pact. Who knows - maybe we’ll go take Mordor for ourselves!
What say you Arth-Card-Noldo?
Athaulf agrees with you, alas, but I fear the citizens of Brother Ren’s noble nation are a little too worked up this week to sign on…
I’ve only lost Ithil so far!
lots of dead goblins on the ground this turn …big splat on the walls.
I thought Tine was playing North Gondor. Did you take over for her, Gixxx?
- K / Southrons
Hmm are you admitting now OZ is more important than you intial plan suggested in blowing the bridge turn 1!
In my personal expierence as NG Tine’s move was bold and brilliant had the DS played a normal game of waiting to attack OZ…
from the loses I seen and the gains Ds got! This is one of the best openings for a DS team in years of playing.
As for the Troops going splat on Ithil walls I take sole responsibilty for this part! But the also take credit for The Damage even the splat did to Cut down one FP’s most econmically and miltary strong nations.
As I have said many times who controls OZ is winning the Game… But that is just one piece of the the puzzle.
I know I am on the opposite team, so I can probably expect only bloviation and ordure back for an answer. However, I am dying to ask - if you see your opening as so instrumental to domination and kick-buttery, then why hasn’t it “been done in years”? While your opening was different, its not revolutionary. Why would your opening have become unpopular in the face of a more conventional DS opening?
In any case, your trumpeting seems a bit premature. You should save it for a turn when we lose more characters than you.
no…don’t do it…for all our sake…!!!
to answer it quite simply… How many Dklts and Dog lords players would rather sacrifice their entire starting armies. IE Cav armies for IK and FK to get ithil and OZ and lose 3120 and have possibility 3221 sieged…
But the real effect is simple … The FP are reacting to a DS military offensive and FP are doing what?
Yes as i have said at the very begining… This hasn’t been done for a very longtime… Who would expect a Premadonna player to make such move!
Osgiliath schmosgiliath. I’ve never valued one MT over another, I’m not a big believer in “Quality” when I have the opportunity for “Quantity”. In my special case, that’s “quantity of Eothraim starters” but hey, that’s just how the ball bounces…
Errrr - if NG might have a word…I looked at my turn 1 results and thought that there weren’t many DS troops in reach of my PCs that haven’t made it there.
But getting turn 2 back was fun. Ik without an agent 40 thanks to SG; Doggy and FK both one commander down and Ithil standing as a roadblock; DrL army caught by Eos…I think I can live with these results. Frankly, I think the DS could have made more out of this move.
Terry, don’t worry, it’s a game. I don’t feel picked at. If I ever do I won’ hesitate to tell you :).
Cheers, Tine who still has more PCs than she expected and who’ll need a hosepipe installed at Ithil to wash off the bodies because they STINK
LOL Tine! yeah I really didn’t see that third army at Ithil that made me bounce real hard off those walls! But so typical of me Halfass brilliant and Halfass retarded!
heck to really pick on you means suffering from your scorn… In the end I would be begging for mercy you always find new ways to character kills even without agents! also why I knew Tarandor would still be at my capitol this turn!
… but Terry was a part of another team … and he has talked about it.
Have Fun!
… perhaps in this indie-games!
… but I’m not playing them.
Have Fun!
splat and now we know why … But it was a bold move.
I see the Clod Lord isn’t up to much - even South Gondor’s racked up more kills! It seems arena fights have become all the rage in the mountains of West Mordor. As Baranor drew the last of Rozilian’s sizzling life essence from her body, the mountains around Barad Ungol echoed to the cheers of the Fire King’s minions. We really hadn’t expected such an ovation. But later we heard rumours about Roz’s agonsing experiments on the locals. So not such a surprise then.
The new Eo lad was lucky in the back, but Ji’s not interested in killing as much as collecting. Their screams of agony, their begging for release, better than any lullaby. You keep on killing our sociologists, anthropologists, and radical scientists - you’re doing the establishment a favour. I’ll keep taking your commanders and leaders. We’ll see whose plan carries the day.
Who’se playing the Long Rider?
Some guy named Bob. Ever met him?