ME 1650 Game 07

Do you want examples??? My last three project were Bubonic Plague (Yersinia pestis), Tuberculosis and now I’m dealing with Malaria. Quite a few years ago I did a little work with Plutonium (that’s NOT a bug). Is that enough for you to tackle or shall I get you more???:smiley:

PS Mike thinks I like agent nations because it’s my natural inclination - he reckons I’m attracted by anything deadly…

Didn’t the french chick and her husband end up dying of radiation issues after playing with that stuff…? You play away, we got lead shields and rubber gloves a plenty in both passes, sneezing in our sleeves, etc…

that’s why you really like me then, eh? :wink: keep calling my wife, she can’t understand a word you say so she’ll never suspect anything… :wink:

sorry to be silent JI. i only look at the boards once in a while . your right i really f**ked up with tharudan. i take full responsibillty for that . my guess was that most of the good dark servant agents would be set to kill army commanders in 3024 an 3124. i guessed wrong. now the artifact theft from ringlin was just good play by which ever player was running the dark servant agent,good move to whom ever! i will try an up my play an help make this game competive for all our enjoyment. ya i was pissed it would cheer the heart of any servant of evil to see how much my blood preassure went up.:smiley:

You know it’s really hard setting up Ji with fresh targets every turn! It has kept me on my toes… The Fp sure have been nice this game… They even brought Elves carrying gifts… Here all i thought Ji would get was a bunch of smelly horse riders… Well maybe next turn!

The wrag in me says eat them whole eat them while they a fresh dripping even with tainted blood becuase those are the spicey ones!:eek:

was that wrag or maybe you meant warg…a bit of a difference if your a guy. of course my typing is almost a s bad as my spelling so who am i to talk…actually i am not up on everones forum handles but might i have played in a recent game with you…maybe …have you played the easterling lately ? gator

Eemmm…do you mean that POLISH chick called Marie Curie??? No, she dealt in Polonium and Radium (i.e. found it). Similarly nasty.:smiley: Anyway, she = yes, he = no (he died in an accident as far as I recall)…

And do you REALLY think I’d give you something you can so easily protect against?!? I’m a researcher, for Christ’s sake!!!

Polish emigre…right right, silly moi…

Yes Game 76 i was easterlings who went FP. It happens to be a nation i do very well at… :wink:

:smiley: By the way, maybe your wife would understand me better if I wouldn’t keep ringing at 6 a.m. - but don’t forget last time you mistook me for something strange, too :wink:

12 hours she needs, yes, she’s barely functional at 9, we’ve trained the kids to wake her up in time to drive them to school…6…well, that was hilarious…

Dam i need something to stir the coals with… Team gets along great… Now the enemy is to friendly… Next thing i expect is Michael to come on and call me Mate!

What happened to all the controversy in One week games.

Terry, we’ll have to be Harad and Corsairs together sometime…then we’ll see the return to all the hot and heated we’re accustomed to…

never played a one weeker before hmmmmnnnn…orks mothers wear army boots na,na,na, ok so that isnt very vicious give me a little time ill try an work in to it. gator:…there that guy got kinda a frown

All the games i have played I never been Corsiars or Harad… Harad becuase it feels to easy for me… Corsairs is kinda strange seems Like a nation I would play… Of course either of those two could win a game and finish number 1 which again I never done yet either guess that’s why my rating isn’t very high… i don’t score well on the chess rating either that one really makes me want to scratch my head!

But what the heck… I’m a target at times anyway might as well play a nation both sides don’t want to offend turn 1… :rolleyes:

This game is to balanced at the moment to really shout indignities at each other… Ever teams bright spot get’s instant cloud cover and rain from a diferent area of Middle earth and potential for the major shift each turn making the instigator eat his words!:cool:

well sinda turn will be better if only because last turn sucked…gator

You think Harad’s “easy”, Terry? Well then, you should play it… No position is “easy” taken everything into account… :slight_smile: