Not sure - which bob?
Yesterday the duelling season was well underway. At Kal Nagril crowds paid premium prices to see the mutch-touted match between Saerol of South Gondor and Gontran of the Cloud Lord. The crowd’s enthusiasm was rewarded with a long and bloody match, some stunning acrobatics from the murderous Gontran, who at one point danced his way between the strands of a fire-spray to cut a bloody gash on Saerol’s flank. But eventually magic won the day as Gontran’s twisted soul was dragged from his body, writhed for a moment before the crowd, faded to mist, before disappearing to its final torment with a flash in which some said you could see the firy demons of hell.
Saerol’s next engagement is a well-kept secret, and rumours of advance ticket sales are entirely unfounded.
Gontran was involved in a ring of perps subjecting our youth to unspeakable travesties. Again, you’ve done much of our job for us - the people and overburdened court system thank you.
interesting in this format success can bring hardship! Corsairs and Harad jumping on Qa for whatever reason helps the FP and hurts the DS… even though the slaughter rages at OZ and Wk shows his power in NW… this game the pendulum has swung back to FP becuase Harad and Corsiars have sided with the FP… No amount positive thinking can change those simple truths!
Can’t believe the fuss over Osgiliath which is, when you come down to it, typically doomed to fall sooner or later and change hands many times. Victory is accomplished by damaging/reducing the enemy’s ability to make war, not by taking outlying outposts. In the military domain, the FP were ahead in that aspect even before the southern neutrals jumped the QA by all but ousting the DragonLord from Mirkwood. The DS accomplishment in that area is the kidnapping of Eothraim characters, to date.
Jeremy (Noldo)
Leave it to another nation played by the FP to downgrade the signifcance of OZ… But answer this who’s getting Tax revenue for it… Minas Ithil is a MT completely safe becuase DS Hold OZ… those 300 hi recruited by IK at OZ vs 400 By NG meaniless… :rolleyes:
So all those FP trying to retake OZ becuase it means nothing which they will Lose again this Turn! I’m quite sure NG does not want a town fort recruiting next to his capitol! That must be insignificant as easterlings having a town next NM capitol! yes OZ smoz… It’s meaningless… so NG and SG blow the bridges at Minas Arnor and Pelegir and stay Off DS territory… OZ truly means nothing so I’m told… But then again what do I know about this game other than how to Capture OZ turn 2;) for my team!
the fp attacked the dragon lord. the ds took osgiliath. my oh my we’re all a little tree-happy in a forest of which we’re totally and completely unaware, no?
Seriously! Talk about being out of touch with reality. I wouldn’t be surprised if that is what alienated the southern neutrals. It would certainly put me off if I were a neutral. Especially with the DragonLord accomplishing virtually nil with his military forces in Mirkwood and losing the tax revenue of GoblinGate and Dol Goldur. And the Wk defensive strategy in the north, he might as well be cutting his own throat. He’s taken one town to date, and wasted a heck of a lot of effort raising his major towns to cities. Even if all the neutrals stayed neutral indefinitely, the DS opening has pretty much set the stage for their eventual defeat.
“Defense is stronger but it seldom wins victories”.
Well, I like confidence…
Well, I guess I’m overdoing the confidence bit myself to “overcompensate”. I just can’t believe the big “do” about Oz. And of COURSE we’re fighting there, not because of its huge significance but because it is at the border.
I haven’t played since the golden age when a dozen or three dozen games were running simultaneously and plenty more forming and everything under the sun was tried, including going to Oz or not going to Oz, and just no big deal either way, so it really seems odd to me to be celebrating so early over something that just seems nothing. ESPECIALLY with DragonLord neutralized in Mirkwood by turn 4 which by my lights rather dwarfs (no pun intended) anything the DS have done so far.
Oh well, we’ll see what happens…
Well, it’s good to have you back and we’re glad that you’re excited about the game. Hopefully, you’ll take your lumps and lessons with your chin up.
Hmm defeat… let’s see… Dragonlord is the weakiest of Ds and in Most games easily Kicked out of mirkwood…
My suggestion is you stick to character nations becuase your clueless as to the importance of strategic locations…
Now you slam My teamate WK who has been brilliant as WK… to only lose one Town … Threaten one turned it into a MT and burned WM town to the ground Means He is kicking your teams Butts!
As for OZ are you taking it this turn… No! will you take it next turn No! Too be honest the most devestating blows to DS have come from the nuetrals in the South to our team!
Btw way what stroke of brillance have you brought to your team… Certainly not the posts here claiming Victory here already… You have a curse squad yet? how about some killer agents killing DS characters… Have you made any headway at My capitol… It was foolish to send EO cav to 3120 turn 1… Did your team learn this important… What did all that Cav do take a Town that you cannot hold. Talk about being delusional!
It even been suggested i wasted my starting power Hmm… EO Cav destroyed, All NG starting forces destroyed and Yet Doglord starting Cav is going to crush a foolish Dwarven army… Dam you have been outmanuevered yet Again!
Finally if we get surprised again it Will not be from FP moves but from Nuetrals… Just as we was this turn… but rest assured any move you make as Noldo is about as predicatable as watching the sunrise every morning!:bash:
Jeremy, meet Terry. Terry - Jeremy. Now, you two play nice and don’t break anything. Make sure you wash up when we call you for dinner.
You forgot about Elrond and the Ring of Wind wandering in circles…? It’s certainly got us confused, and for a group that generally knows everything, that’s a pretty good accomplishment…
Yes Sir… i certainly don’t want your agents visiting my nations becuase my hands were not wash for Dinner… I hope you don’t mind if I washed them in FP blood insteads of water… I here the claim to be very clen germ free people!
FP blood “clean of germs”…??? Oh please, be serious…!!! Maybe the odd Cardy fool, but certainly not any Elf, Dwarf or Dunadan scion in south/central Middle Earth…ha! What kind of scourge do you think we’re in this to eradicate…???
I don’t think tyhe Fp exactly live through the process of using them to wash my hands and feast on thier flesh!
Tharudan - you took the chance, likely against the wishes of many of your allies. I hope you’re willing to take full responsibility for the results your actions have produced.
Ji Indur
Oh gee, now I hear that Ringlin is sulking in the corner… My My, I hope you’ve done something well so far Mr Sinda, lest you’re the first to get voted off the good ship Phreepie…
He has done good so far, and our team agreed that it was worth taking the risk with Tharudan. Congrats though - glad something’s going right for you, too…