ME 65 - Greetings and Salutations to all

Just send an email to MEGames with Diplo in the subject, type a message to the nation you want to communicate to and click “Send”. See? Easy.

slaps forhead with palm of hand

DOH! That’s what I get for giving an extremely ridiculous analogy!

I’ll be sure to note that in the next issue of “Mordorian Paws & Claws”.:rolleyes:

Well, I won’t add anything else other than to say is to offer regrets that things went awry. . . and my hope that the remaining cards fall so that this develops into a balanced well-played game.

Good luck,

JB (Long Rider)

Frankly, I don’t know why some DS players are upset about Rhudar going free this early. I’ve played in games where BOTH Rhudar and the Duns went dark on turn 2 despite communications from virtually all of the free. As to implications that Rhudar’s going free this early will lead to an “unbalanced” game, if that isn’t a subtle cry to the other neutrals, I don’t know what is. Rather than spending time complaining on the board, use the time to talk to the other neutrals.


I doubt there’s anyone on here who, when playing as the Rhudaur wouldn’t be sorely tempted to go Dark if the FPs hadn’t bothered to talk to him. Would be interested to hear the WK’s reasons for not bothering . . . maybe he just likes a challenge.

Rhudaur “unbalancing”…??? Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

Arfanbrad XII
ps - unbalanced maybe… :wink:

Why are the #!@? Dark Lts on one of my pop centers? How inviting can the Easterling lands be for all of these Free and Dark visitors I’ve been enduring?

Joseph - Easterlings

Both sides must like your Women and Booze :slight_smile:

Well, I’ve heard rumours that the DS started the game on a neutrals pop also in this one. Now, either they make lots of mistakes, or we’re beginning to see a pattern, neither of which is necessarily a “good” thing.

You ever seen our women or tasted our booze? Both are rather horsey…


Joseph - Easterlings

Bad Doggy , now stay out of Rhun !!

WK , up into the mountain we three climb , now the question is will you have a dragon or not !!

Cardolan also on this board.
Hi Wk! :slight_smile:

Its been many long weeks but now the battle for ME has finally been brought to the doorstep of Saurons most powerful lackey , The Witch King !! Lord Arfanhil stood before the command tent deep in thought – where was that damn spy with the vital news on if Murazor had gotten a dragon into there army !!

Arfanhil turn and went back into the command tent and glanced around to see that Cardolan’s Lord Imlach and Earnil where here , Arthedain’s Lord Argeleb II was also here as well as Arfanhil own countrymen Lord Seammu !! Arfanhil gave Seammu a nod as he moved up to the table and thought of the great bond that Seammu and Imlach had formed fighting beside one another these last couple of weeks !

Arfanhil was relieved that Lord Elrond of the Mighty Noldo Elves had approached him months ago to persuade him to join the cause of Freedom and Light !! Arfanhil knew in his heart that he made the right choice with all the foul Trolls and Orcs and other nasty creatures of Saurons that he had to deal with these past weeks !! He shuttered at the thought of having to join Sauron and live with these defiled creatures – better to Die free then live with that !!

Lord Argeleb II spoke up first by saying – "lets get this over with , we outnumber the WK by most likely 5 to 1 ". Arfanhil was all ready to explain to Argeleb about how deadly those worms are (for about the fifth time) when they where interupted by a guard explaining a messenger had arrived !! Arfanhil hoping this was the spy back from his mission told the guard to ’ let him in " .

Arfanhil heart sank when the messenger arrived with vital news from the goings on of other parts of ME and not the agent he so desparetly wanted to hear from !!

The news of Lord Bain of the Mighty Dwarf nation taking the Head of Saurons Ninth Nazgul – Din Ohtar and retrieving two of his most precious agent arties brought Arfanhil out of his gloom and a smile to his face, but his face lost its smile when it was reported that Arfanhil Brother Broggha was killed by the Cloud Lord agents , but thankfully Ji was Injured by his cousin Paddro when that snake tried to stick a knife in his back !! The news that Ji and his company could be at Carn Dum to assist Murazor at this very moment sent a chill down just about everyone’s back in the tent !! The guards would have to be doubled – no tripled !!

Arfanhil Spoke "while I am sad at the loss of my Brother and no word from the agent we have sent and its reported that Saurons Fourth Nazgul and his minions are about we must make a decision about tomorrow now !! Do we Fight just Ashdurbuk and his hoards now , Capture Carn Dum or Burn Carn Dum so whats it gonna be – Fight , Capture or Burn !!

Arfanhil already knows Argeleb wanted to burn the place and be done with it , if it was only that easy , While Earnil wants to just Fight and wait till next turn , Arfanhil is undecided – if that damn agent would just show up …

Rhudaur. I see you’re having fun. Nice bits, good work. Replace “turn” with “fortnight” and you’ll get yourself a publishing contract with News From Bree. Well, you can have one of those anyway, never did me any good.

Fax ,

Thanks – got a little tired at the end there and slipped up !! Plans have been set and can’t wait for Friday to get this turn !! Fortnight is long time when waiting for something :slight_smile: !!

Mike – Rhudaur

News from the front in Angmar – The last major holdout of Saurons first lackey has been liberated – Carn Dum is in the hands of the Light !! Arfanhil suffers from a little Sickness i see also – Place was way to drafty so had to get rid of that musty castle – smells alot better now !!

Liberated? Light? Gads man, can the propaganda - we fight for power and our own personal glory. I have to expand the kingdom for future generations to exalt my name. And keep that Freedom speak off-line, I don’t want my people getting a sniff of that crap. Subjugated they are and subjugated to the whims of me and my fellow lords they shall remain.

To Conquest!


Arfanhil was filled with a sense of relief , the last major stronghold of Saurons first minion , The Witch King , has been taken and the Angmar region was at last free of Saurons grasp !! There had been no surprises such as a Worm and even Saurons fourth lackey seems to have turned tail and left the Withc King high and dry !!

This relief was short lived as reports from other allies and spies are reporting that the Easterlings , as well as Rhudaur’s cousins to the south – The Duns , have decided to join Saurons Dark cause !!

Arfanhil let out a sigh , There had been rumors months ago about the Duns going evil , The preparations had been made back then just in case , now was the time to enact them – War would be brought to the Duns !! Death to the Duns !!

You might kill one of me, you will have barely more than a nil impact on the greater war down here. I love watching the enemy react out of purely emotional motives, spite, etc. It shall be their undoing as more important battles are being ignored.

Thanks to the QA for being rude in the beginning. The political support at home for my expansion has my approval ratings skyrocketting. I think even a massive purge of political opposition will go unnoticed for enough time to secure my station in this world… :smiley:
