From outside it certainly seemed as though the DS team had some internal problems with the Cloud Lord certainly not functioning like he could have.
Is there a way to bring this to a head though and make a firm decision on the game’s future?
From outside it certainly seemed as though the DS team had some internal problems with the Cloud Lord certainly not functioning like he could have.
Is there a way to bring this to a head though and make a firm decision on the game’s future?
We had a vote last weekend. I asked that everyone reply but that we would assume a lack of a reply to be a confirmation that they wished to surrender. It just had to be done this way as some people would just not share information or talk to the rest of the team.
The majority of the team replied AND said they wished to surrender, so I e-mailed Clint and told him this. Some individuals were also going to confirm this, rather than wait to be asked to confirm.
So you will find the vast majority of the team did not submit a turn, and we didn’t receive a special service turn either. I would mention that I had no reply from Clint or the other GM’s but thought nothing of this as a SS turn didn’t arrive either.
Absolutely bizarre but, I can tell you, there are some names on my “I will never play with these people ever again” list now!
If you drop you will not get a special service turn even if others are continueing to play the game – your nation will just go belly up – as we learned this turn with the Dog lord as we got a message that he was out with one of our emissaries – I know Orillion and know he wouldn’t bankrupt and he was doing so good around the sea of rhun , that I suspected some might have dropped !! Oh – we shall be going over our turns and trying to figure out who stayed in – so far we definately know its the CL – so he will be feeling the brunt , soon so to speak !! But one thing is for sure – Know how you feel – but I usually wind up on a freep team with players like those !!
Well Haltoldir and Orillion – it been a pleasure with you two and hope to play with you two in future games !!
Sorry to hear that Hatholdir. The indie games are a crap shoot too often, it’s okay with a couple rotten logs in the group, but too many and in crucial positions, well, shame on many counts. More often than not you can rely on the other team going through the same issues… From my perspective on this team, that was not the case. Certainly some newbies and questionable decisions in the face of all the well meaning advice in the world, but at least everyone was still in the room working towards the same overall goal.
So, go an ask for a Neutral next time - at least then you get some kind of choice instead of being assigned your crew…
Brad for Barlin and Haruth
For the record…I actually did bankrupt this time. I had a few important turns that went against me. Plus I had to keep a high military expense, due to the CL deciding not to use his troops. I think the pesky EO suicide on my walls and NM being goldless was the finally hoorah for me…since everyone else needed gold also. Quite frankly, I knew on turn 2 we were doomed. Our team just didn’t mesh this time and the whole neutral thing was a mess also.
That’s all from me on this game.
Splat is an underutilized Freepie tactic. As for the Northmen, I assure you, I’m still quite gold-less…hangin’ in there wondering if I’ll survive long enough for any funding from the Imlach Plan after this war…
Barlin Ramam
It would be kind of nice if the “rebels” on the DS side spoke up and let us know if they plan continuing . . .