ME37 Bloodguard vs Wild Bunch

Die die Freepies! Looking forward to a good game!


Yep it’s all beers and BBQ’ed freeps from here on. I love the excitement of the opening moves.
Good gaming dudes


Interesting very interesting! Muahahaha!


Well wasnt t1 interesting? DS playing for Fortress Mordor already? Just remember guys, QA is your most important player. Whatever he says, goes. You gotta love Adunaphel…

“Crush your enemies, drive them before you and listen to the lamentation of their women.”
That’s all you have to look forward too.


Such astute tactical analysis! Ahem :wink:

Hmm, i LOVE lamenting women :wink:

If you can call Orc and Troll gals women… :smiley: Ok, acceptable after
10 pints…

Oh, to win the heart of Rozilian …

Are those the ones wraped in plastic, I would say ours need the Paper bags, :slight_smile:

Yes yours are definitely 3 baggers, Two for them and one for your! take no chances in spoiling the Mood!

i love the lamington women, does that count. :o


the drag-in drag-on :cool:

Khamul looks out over the newly refurbished goblin-gate with a smug grin.
He knows his master will be pleased, maybe enough to elevate him above that uppitty murazor chappy :wink:

He see’s that those dwarves he was soooo concerned about have been caught in his pincer, and despite making some orcs very unhappy about a sojourn through a leech infested swamp, he knows they will be pleased with the results. BBQ’ed free range dwarves. He hopes they are grain fed and organic, he can almost smell it.

He lights a herbal, draws a deep breath, and is momentarily carried away into bliss. He is brought back when an emissary arrives with an urgent message.
‘Your majesty, a woodman army has arrived at our capital.’

Khamuls eye’s mist over momentarily and he mumurs ‘oh i see, not to worry, merely dirty, hairy rabble. Anything else, before i go crack a beer and head to the barbie??’

‘No sire, it’s all good. We are unpopular with the natives but ready to hand them a good spanking.’

Khamul smiles and disappears into the shadows with business (well thats whats on the tax receipt) to attend too. He conjures up a case of ice cold VB, knowing full well guests should always bring their own, even if they are important. His troops would put up with short rations, suicide missions, force marches through swamps, but turn up to a fight without you own beers (and a few extra) was diplomatic suicide :))


Good turn guys?:fork:

Seems Mixed on Both sides… At least I know your economic startegy now… :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for 3612… :cool:



Ouch ohtar :bash:
Ouch beneoracer :fork:
Ouch 3700 dwarves :bash:

Adrian :smiley:
PS only warmin up hehehe





Which DS capitol do I Blow!:bash:

Vinyaran the New King!

Khamul meanders through the remains of the battlefield. He smiles to himself, cracks a beer and helps himself to a dwarven very tender-loin. He strolls over and takes a seat on a log before the battered body of the dwarven commander.
'Want a beer old chum? I gotta thank you for bringing the food, you guys taste deeeeelicious. Now you go home and get some more OK? And next time, bring some dipping sauce. You guys are the new white meat :hug:.
If your king disagrees just tell to remember the famous song…short people got no reason to live.
I of course now disagree with this, low fat, high protein and you can get ten in a small box :stuck_out_tongue:

Khamul strolls off. Underneath it all he is a tad concerned; elves, dwarves, woodmen all gone crazy. He felt like a farmer being pecked by his chickens. :confused: Maybe the free range wasn’t such a good idea. I shall put them in cages, he thought. Battery dwarves, barn elves… the thought brought a smile to his face.:cool:

He looked over the field of freshly euthanased dwarves and thought, one down several to go. Oh well work is never done. I wish i could get the weekend off. :frowning:
