ME37 Bloodguard vs Wild Bunch

Jeez… you’re a prophet BBR :smiley:
I bow in awe of your ability to see the future. Even if it was only one turn.

perfectly accurate, massive victory, elves on a plate (or bucket, your choice)
AND goblin-gate did not fall. All my m/t’s now got no armies on them…

I feel i owe some payback for the stress, with interest of course.
Fair’s fair :bash:

The REAL Khamul :stuck_out_tongue:

Khamul licked the blood from his fingers…erghhh yuuuch dirty woodies, much prefer elves and dwarves:D

He was feeling pretty good though, having killed off a Bornbeneor, Beornracer, Elladan, Lanthir, Odagus, Threlin and a Tikitaka. Also he’d accounted for 4700ish dwarves, about 2800 woodies, about 1500 elves and an eagle in a burning tree :stuck_out_tongue:

The mood was changing, the freeps were running out of steam, assassins and cursers were pretty much trained up and the high times for the ds were about to come into play.

PS- all gone quiet dudes. Lost much to laugh about??? Turn 10 coming up, gobber gate still good:p tide turning in our favour :bash:

You know, I have never seen a game won by the DS where Osgiliath had not fallen by turn 10. History is against you! :slight_smile:


I’m not into history, i’m a futurist :smiley:

PS enjoying this game, there has been some really funny stuff, nice close battles, i’ve been ducking kitchen sinks:D

I gonna let you in on a little secret… I have never lost Oz to the DS in any game ever…

So watchout with the DS troop numbers declining… Mine Rising even Dragons , Curse squads and Cloud lord agent will not stop me from Taking DS capitols!

I am just begining just at the same time your agents and cursers are killing my Com’s/… Beware of a wounded beast!:bash:

Cool :smiley:

Gloves off time, all round.
Next few turns should be really interesting for both sides.


Hehe, Din visited the Eo capital and failed to take out anyone. What happened? Did his luck run out our was he taken aback by the fierce loyalty of the Eothraim population?
And that Dog Lord commander, what a coward! Just standing there at a safe distance while the Dark Lieutenants were slaughtered.

“Next few turns should be really interesting for both sides.”
I do hope that means your armies will come out and play otherwise we will just have to come in and get you.


Brand looks at the walls of Minas Ithil… Thinks quitely to himself… Where are the Orc’s the trolls!.. Chuckles quitely to himself remembering Silions foolish attack on a pile of pillows and the thrashing he gave the fool… The roar of his troops laughter as the let fool ride out of camp! "send Erennis! " “send Errenis” !

Send word to my Captains "prepare to Attack Minas Ithil will be ours before lunch!

If all your troops are at minas ithil, no wonder i’m so lonely in mirkwood. :stuck_out_tongue: You’ve done more than the woodies, sinda and the dwarves combined :wink:
I can’t get my troops out of my pops due to the mounds of bodies they have to climb over. At least the sinda and woodies have to now worry about me, rather than visa versa.
Now which pops to start revealing first :confused:


Hic, where have all the FP armies gone in Rhun? Oh yes, those mounds of
bodies says it all…

Was wondering if Sauron had your tongue… Or maybe it was just to easy for the DS early on… At least now everyone knows this will be a well earned victory no matter which side eventualy prevails…

Personal note though finally bad luck and good counter moves haven’t spoiled my plans… Maybe for once I have you guys guessing my strategy…

Ouch! this is gonna hurt… Fk down… Harad in ruins now My little army reaches the Former FK capitol…

This game is slipping away from the DS… Make no mistake I am Inside mordor and plan to take all The DS capitols or former ones… Mordor belongs to Gondor!

Dream on Terry but sometimes dreams is all we have! :stuck_out_tongue: FK went bankrupt
5 turns ago… Bit slow arent you guys? :rolleyes:

I think Alain clearly made a post about that several turns ago…

Hold on to your dream of winning this game… I have never Lost as NG … Never Lost OZ and this game I ill be impressed if you can even slow me down Now! Remember NG is an economic powerhouse! I’ll let you do the math!:bash:

Terry you are so sharp… Thanks I never realised after 85 1650 games
how to use NG… Now good NG players would have turned up at 3224 3 turns
ago with 5000hc… Did you? Dont overblow your trumpet Terry, its boring
at best.

Ok back in day when players Fk 's specail serviced the first 2 turns Could NG reach 3224 with any army… But it seems FK was elemineted before I even reached there … Hmmm could it be me not attacking FK’s army @ 3024 have any bearing… How about the Fact I did 435’s in FK’s army face while he was there! Ouch talk about total disrespect to mighty Bloodgaurd tactics at the time!

Shall I mention Bloodgaurds total failure to Pop this army forming right on top of DS curse and agents while I was on 3024… yes very lucky and unskilled moves by me… Other’s could have done much better! certainly you would have done it much better than me against your own teamates skill. bashing your teamates skill now… either I am much better than you claim I am or your teamates must be novices… :bash:

So which is it!

I suckered you… Instead of be aggressive and attacking like you reported to your team… I laid back and waited a gathered my strength just to defeat your team… You guys are going down!

You sure talk a lot. “The nail that holds its head the highest feels the hammer’s wrath”

Have many commanders alive in Mordor Terry? Don’t be over attached to the
remainder… You’re not the problem but that party at Morannon is going to be
an all nighter… :slight_smile:

i’m sorry to say enough to put the Flag of NG onit… does it really matter after I take Moronann if you somehow manage to kill off my commanders? But I wish you luck!