News from Bree

Hi guys,
I’m starting to put together the next PDF issue of News from Bree. Any game summaries, discussion articles or strategy pieces would be very welcome. You can either send them direct to me at or to ME Games. Alternatively, log on to Bree Online ( and click on ‘Submit News’.

Colin Forbes
(Bree editor)

hey colin,

with my wife sitting about 5 feet from me, she couldn’t miss the
“holy $hite, they reprinted something i wrote about 8 years ago.” she found it flattering, i found it amusing. whispers of the wood! everything you set in ink to page can come back to revisit you. anyway, thanks for dusting off an old memory on both the article and “Whispers.” be well.


After reading some of the useless tips in the last one I was very temped to write something of my own but perhaps I best not


Best not to write at all. Here or there. But who am I to write if I say not to write, then I’m just writing after all, and it’s useless tips to boot. Ah, woe is me alas, writing where I but shouldn’t, and shouldn’t’ing where I but write about writing not to write where I shouldn’t.

lol Brad :slight_smile: But hint and tips (useless or otherwise) are always welcome. I certainly don’t dare edit for perceived quality! That’s up to the discening reader to determine :slight_smile:

on the subject of useless,
vandel,so nice to read you again. are you some dog that follows me about, sniffing my hind quarters? i’m in uk 238 and uk 73. fetch, follow, whatever.


Ever consider a “best of bree” compilation? I’ve created one myself, 55 page/2.7 meg pdf. But would be easier to create a prettier document using the source documents. Mine is strictly strategy/tactics/mechanics not including the Order Companion articles of my own (a seperate document I’m “working on”…). These 55 pages include tonnes of beginner stuff, economic stuff, “anti-agent” creme, and precious few nation/allegiance strategy stuff. Absolutely no fiction, prs, how to improve the game, etc. And now that I’m looking at it…I deleted my FA extractions, so none of that either. Damn. Oh well. What say you Colin?

Nice idea Brad. I’ve made a couple of “Bree for Begeinners” containing useful articles for newbies – I assume Clint & co wanted these for conventions etc.

The major problem I can see with a Best of Bree, is illustrated by your post. What one person might consider as “Best”, would almost certainly be considered by others to be “worst” - or at best, irrelevant.

But it’s an interesting idea. I’ll give it some thought certainly.


Muller off you go to the lost boys room and cry your tears elsewhere if you want an arguement start it in another forum not this one.

You still hold the record for a loss in a 1 v 1 wear the crown well!


hows the mantle? thanks for the crown. why not just post your turns from that game. should make interesting reading. go ahead, i’m certain everybody wants to learn from your genius. anyway, i’m going to game#73, then #238 if you want to follow me around there doggie.
colin, i’ll sign off as i signed on.
nice job in bree 27/28.


But Muller every great warrier needs a dog at his feet and you are mine, claimed body and soul.

You know I will never let you off that whipping you took, defeat has a terrible sting and you do not bear your scars well.

If you want to argue with me set up a forum as I said this is not the place for it


priceless! buy a dictionary. i may respond to rest after i stop laughing.


It would be nice if this thread were to stick to it’s subject, ie News from Bree.


Colin, what is it with you and threads!!! :slight_smile:

You must bring out the whatever* in people!!!

  • insert… best/worst… whichever you prefer to read

Yes it would but can I get mUller to move on and smack me with his handbag in another forum, I dont think so.


Muller move and and get it on in another forum and leave poor Collin to his thread we can argue some other place


Mercy! Mercy! Mercy on poor SMueller. Doesnt he know that Frank uses his speling (sic), punctuuation amd mistypong as a weppon of mass destrution, conffusion and iritation? If yo cantt quite unnerstand what he means, then you are poerless to relly get hjm

More power to your elbow, Frank :slight_smile:

No he has not figured this out at all, there you go Colin one of the great tips of war confuse the enemy, let them think they have you and beat them, as in a case I have in mind, in 5 turns.


maybe some stuff on gunboat tactics would make good material for the next issue of bree. currently, theres a solid thread on the subject on the forum.


sorry, didn’t bring a cheerleader(who pitches, who catches?) to this thread, although my posting second to candels third makes him following me.

That would be great - a Gunboat piece would be great … if someone would like to write something? :slight_smile: