Alas more of youir yellow streaked backchat.
I call you, you whimp it as per the norm and come up with some slush thats sounds so good.
If thats the best you can do, do it and if you think dragons alone make you safe, hell what a poor player you really are.
I take it then my bet is accepted 3 turns to take out my caved in right flank?
Now not that I like to point out your misguided answer but hey you raised the point in your booze filled rage so dont go blaming me, go read your own trash and see what i am talking about, or dont, makes no odds to me.
Of course I guess I will just have to settle for kicking your butt here and then letting you off another thrashing as you are to yellow to face it, but hey there you go.
Glad to see your reading of the game is so poor you seem to think you are doing so well, come on give me some more of those hard shots, you talk a lot, but action wise well what a bore.
So lets just call you yellow servant from now on, I like that much better.
Want some corn by the way or have enough already to feed yourself?
Guys this is so funny you should publish it.
Mr Mueller be warned Frank is unbeatable in alot of ways, and ranting is definitely one of his many strengths
Good luck to the both of you…
Come on Yellow Servant lets have some meat and not some made up threats of what you would like to do.
Come on tell me about Angmar and its great defence or how you really have more troops than me but wont back it up, well hot air does not count.
Maybe you got a balloon for xmas and want to try it out?
As you yourself said silence speaks volumes and come on tel me another tall tale next go, we need to keep ourselves interested.
I do love a loser who does not know it yet and kicks and screams like a stuck pig as you slowly finish them off.
Oh what makes you think you are going to get to spring to kick my butt?
Well not in any meaningfull shape anyway!
Dream on but as you say it how much you willing to back it up that I am dead in spring?
Come on do not yellow it again
you are indeed my master. i concede defeat. i will advise harly of my loss and save us the cost of the next turn. its currently 14:30 in the east coast of the states.
well played. the only things shocking to me are:
candel no more, you are indeed “frank redmond” better then me, today. serve it up big boy, i have on my trash eating clothes, and my tall glass of water to wash it down.
points to share…
in the end, as it should be, the better player won. perhaps a rematch down the road.
arrogant in victory, humbled in defeat. you want your $500.00?
vanquished in uk 72.
send me your email, and i’ll foward you what i just sent to harly. i’m not running orders.
i can be reached at
Yes game 80 with Wade/Brad is fun but hard work. 3 evenings so far and then I’ve realised a mistake that’s going to need to change 3 turns…
Clint (Player)
Note GB 71 is now taking set-ups.
Clint (GM)
Now Muller you know all to well when I say something I mean it and I said I would not mail you again nor did I expect any mail from you directly.
If you are dropping it is not for me to question the fact even if I am not that happy as I was just getting into some of it.
Yes this is very hard work and extreme on the time but what else does one expect and this is what you class as a real grudge match after all, no prisoners in this game as we have seen.
As regards the game yes it misses the player checking, interaction but its one saving grace is you get to do exactly what you like.
Regards number 4 on your list you have lost me as I did all my own planning, even the chaotic stuff, no normal player would do some of the crazy things I was playing at.
On the subject of money, you know why I played and it was nothing to do with money, I will leave that up to you as you have to live with your actions as I do mine and its not for me to tell you how you should deal with this issue.
If you want to pay any money give it to charity I can think of one or two right now and its what I myself would have done with any winnings for money has no meaning here at all for me.
Now I am interested in the last turns and if you want I will set up a group to exchange them.
For anyone else reading this I am sorry for the tone we have engaged in but this was after all a real grudge.
But darn no crushing defeat even if it was so short, oh well I will have to settle for what I have.
Who is next in line?
Now Rox as you can see so my legend grows, Scorpy dont waste your time.
fine no mail. offered just so you could verify my concession to harly is on the level. glad to read there’s still hard feelings. as per your last
enjoy your victory.
so ends this thread. hope you all enjoyed the 15 weeks of fun. don’t forget the one thing that has been mentioned by myself, frank, and clint. insane amount of time needed to do this 12-12 thing. i played well, he played better.
signing off, signing out.
When you are ready to progress from Servant to Master feel free to return, though I will need some convincing you can handle me, in this game as I said from turn 2 onwards I saw only victory.
Not impressed how far I stuck my neck out and called it and for those who said I was in for a shock, yes I was, that it was over so quickly.
It is said by others that I faced a good player, I may doubt it from what I have seen but it has been said and I see little kudos in defeat in this instance.
However my offer remains open to play the dark side against you and when you think you are ready to face me let me know.
I can say I won the first UK game of Middle Earth ever played, but you are only as good as your last game, which in this instance appears pretty crushing.
It is however a matter of regret that someone I do not know from Adam should feel it a victory to have insulted me so that he is no longer on my Christmas list.
Thats sad and no sense of victory at all, this should be a game and not a war, but there you go.
But if it gives you any comfort yes you have annoyed me with your needless and pointless personal attacks and for that this victory brings no peace.
So taKe your small victory and as I said go bully some lesser players, but know always I will be here to teach you another lesson, if and when you dare face me.
So endeth the lesson, even one so short, but alas not to sweet.
Well forget honour then lets just have a look at things in the end.
Turn 5 and I as the good guys have item 9, the encounters and riddles for 175, 44,188,182 and on route to 15.
Item 1 is at sea and the dark side cannot get it.
Yes they have one fleet but cardy is going to die sinking it and I will leave it for the Noldo to pick up as both Gondors fleets are in one hex and I will not send them off.
3024 is safe and though 3124 has fallen on turn 4 his entire armies at 3024 would have died next go as the rebuilt bridge and 6-7000 troops would have done for him
5000 troops in north harad against 700 harad and the lr cav army, well need i say anymore?
6000 hi on vamag, 2000 hc about to go to another harad mt and still several thounsand hi in defense your atatck on me well what can I say
Yes you can build a huge army with the qa but as you could see from my hc and hi army facing it could you take me out?
Half the Rhu pop centres gone and maybe 600 new rhu builds this go as the only defence?
Oh and is the Wk going to come down and save it?
Oh both your front line towns gone, 1905 mine and 2305 gone this or the next go one way or the other.
I dont think so but hey tell me I am worng and call me out.
No more troops coming from Mordor as I have it blocked in and much as you may say you have free reign in the Eoplex I still say I has more troops than you though you deny this.
As they said in WW2 if we are wrong about the numbers lost then London will be under Jackboots if not they will give up.
Now who gave up?
Unable to hold any gains, now I had taken them all back or was about to, my turns are open to viewing, gm ruling final as I said.
Its turn 5 and I have dins arties, not a single dark sewrvant kidnap or kill and oh how mnay camps in the misties?
Not one that could be seen and what are you reduced to? Rebuilding those that I burn and so free am I can burn the same IK camp in the mountains, one twice.
Then you think to scare me that one dragon can save you?
May be it can save one spot but the question is will it have an army to join since I am killing all of say the Rhus in the filed so no good if you wanted his ones.
I could have gloated and taken the liberties i know you would have but no I thought I would let you of easy.
No I wil not read between the lines, I saw on turn 2 your defeat and see it now in your actions.
Oh yes you could have played on, we can all drag out a game, but the sad fact is for whatever reaon, time management or whatever, you lost.
As you said learn and go on and take it on the chin, dont be a whimp and come up with soem lame reason for defeat and its not required that I have to lay it out for all to see.
since this is were our little contest started, i’ll keep it here. you want to open up another thread, go ahead. there are 3 dedicated to this contest alone, two by you in the last 48 hours, and you also ran back to the uk 56 thread. didn’t you type something about “boring everybody with this game”, and somebody trying to take “the mantle” too. while i’m flattered at the attention, the bottom line is you won. enjoy your victory. you won in 5 turns. thats impressive enough. if your twisted at my “nice use of evasive movement, work on your naval combat”, get over it. the only thing you got whipped on was navy action. my comments on time, yeah, that had something to do with it too. but you won, stupid!
whats your issue my responses? YOU WON IN 5 TURNS. thats the 5 word answer to anything i type. whats all the the silly titles for your threads? whats with the long drawn out responses? drawn out responses, thats my forte. i write too much.
pretty much says it all. not too much i can say to that. now, even in defeat, i can get your back up. you want respect from me? not gonna happen. wish for the sun to rise in the west, cause thats gonna happen before you get respect from me. it be what it be, learn to live with it. i lost, and i am unconcerned. running your fingers at VEO( sorry, i recall VEO being in one of candels post game tantrums maybe on the 56 thread), or anybody else is pointless. this was between you and me. you want a gal pal cheerleading section to spout “amen” with each of your postings, bully for you. i have a nice grin as i am writing this reply, cause your having more anger in post victory, while i have none in loss. as for honor concept, a real jerk would have sent in 1 turn, missed the other 11, and made you pay for 12 more. then done the same again in two weeks. instead, i did the right thing and advised both you are harly of my retirement, and saved you and them the grief… wheres the honor in those little tantrum titles of your threads?
the game is over. you can always email me directly, unless you crave the audience. is it that? or is this some kinda need for my approval, cause it reads just like teenager
(you) who beat his dad (me), and is upset dad wont pat his head and say “good job, son.” anybody i play against in the future, a “lesser” player? i don’t bully anybody, but you tried that nonsense on me. YOU challenged ME on the uk 56 thread( remember the squeek comment), and i took the challenge. it only took you weeks to respond. read the thread, no flinch here little man. challenge me again, i’ll play again. i don’t sweat the result, i won’t ignore the challenge. Theres my “honor” concept. i offered you your game playing fees, you declined.
as for game analysis: your a bit off on your facts, but it has never interrupted a good tale.
ps. heres where you should respond, " SM, I BEAT YOU IN 5 TURNS. BEGONE!". do what you wish, this is a nice stopping point on my lunch time web surfing sched. im off to read the other threads, expect only direction to this loocation.
As I said give the money to charity, lots of guys out there need it a whole lot more than me.
Now I may have bet you for money and you welched, as such i did say I would not bet again with you again and as such why offer something I would not take.
Now as regards you little offer to take me on alas the page turned and I missed your reply looking only at the last page.
I of course have pointed this out but its a concept you seem unaqble to understand, so be it.
Now what was it you said anout taking me on? I have asked you and you have run so thats that I guess, time to move onto new challanges that last a bit longer or so I hope.
Now only you have your turns and I have mine, but if you had a chance why drop unless you want to explain why you dropped.
Ok you dropped as you did not want to win even though you appear to have a personal issue with me, you of course did not talk to aany players from game 9, but thats another story.
As regards sending in turns, you tell me its a game of honour, well I expect certain standards in it, am I wrong to expect this?
The thought of carrying out the actions you suggest never crossed my mind at all, I may want to beat you but not at any price or any means.
Now as regards naval combat I prefer to sacrifice the sinda fleet to keep gondors intact, where is the great beating in that for me.
I could have done it better but the bottom line is north harad had no hope the troops where in and you had no defense.
This is not a game about naval battles and I will settle for a victory on the land front any day of the week.
Anger what anger have you not worked out I feed off this stuff concentrates my mind into the task in hand, namley beating you in this instance.
So hey say what you like now the sad fact is you lost, live with it and move on.
you and i could look at the same object and would see it differently. concerning honor and welching, neither of us agrees with the other, so theres that agreement at least.
fare poorly in all things.
Now now its gone from a game to all things, now how many times do I have to whip your butt to get you to keep it in game.
Your real life stuff is as scary as your in game stuff so why continue?
You lost move on and get on with life and i wont have to remind you of it and can let you go skulk pr do whatever you want to.
But if you carry on, know very well that I will rub your nose in it without mercy.
it appears you think your rubbing my nose in it? okay. i’m at uk 73, uk 238. i just signed into uk 73. come and get me. introduce yourself to those guys. the results should be amusing.
anyway, this game is way past done. enjoy my last post.
i’m sure well meet again. you drop the challenge, i’ll pick it up.
You seem to think I need to come and get a player who seems cannot read and has a short memory.
I have challanged you to a position swap, you declined to taek it up.
I myself dont need a few mates to hold my hand so someone does not beat me up in the game, but you it seems do.
As I said put up or shut up, I called your bluff and you whimped out 5 who,e turns of play and then oh dear i cannot take it anymore.
Now who wants to waste another 250 pounds beating you again only for you to drop after another quick beating.
Go froth and with your hands held tight beat up on some other poor chap with your mates.
Oh and as of yet I have not begun to rub your nose in it but if you want me to I am happy to help you with this.
By the way was it easy to sit back with your longrider troops and watch me burn those harad pop centres and do nothing ?
Since 73 has started I thinks more like you went and did a bit of hiding.