1650 ME Game 76

I guessing crushing the Balance of DS military strength seting up Dragonlord backup fall is unimpressive to DS team… meanwhile pushing all the way to 3825 catching the remaining balance nothing… Blocking silly little pirates in desert nothing while building a MT there no big threat at all to DS…

It’s turn 13 I still hold my capitol… I’m the one who’s totally unimpressed with the DS strategy at all levels… I control Khand and the Backdoor region of Mordor soon the Interior! here I come stop me if your can!

To be fair I think the Corsairs have done pretty well. Well…apart from losing all their ships.

You’ll be happy to know we’ve managed to de-odour them, and paint them a spritely pink to boot. Those black sails…what were you thinking?! :eek::rolleyes:

Gajendra (the slightly camp Sinda Elves)

We did warn you about those ships. The black is actually mold. They were originally white. :smiley:

I’m sorry to see the Easterlings are still grumpy. :mad: I have been trying to get over there, but the walk is sooo boring and the BO this heat gives us…(let’s not go there). :eek: We’re pirates, not frilly Elves!

Once again the hospitality of SG brings another joyous parade. Our people happily celebrate your continued effort to keep those flea ridden hordes out of our towns. Recent days have seen a major reduction of parasites and plague.


Jerry – I see you weren’t kidding – guess you coming up here saves me the trouble of moving my fleet south – Looks as if I can’t go west now :slight_smile:

Mike – Noldo

Ice King – all I can say is OUCH – just seen Rhudaur’s turn and you have an arse whooping coming your way big time , Hope you have a Back-up – don’t think ya want one from Corsairs as orillions pops sounds as bad as his lice infested ships !! Maybe Jerry in harad isn’t as smelly and lice infested – but hanging with the corsairs I wouldn’t count on it !!

Us Elves are smart you see. We leave all the hard fighting to those smelly men from the North. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gajendra (Sinda Elves)

LOL – the Corsairs should get a kick out of them when they get down there – might think they are long lost cousins :slight_smile:

Lots of hesitation on my part due to the choice of tasty morcels in the north west but the die is cast now. Rumour has it that a huge SG navy has ‘disappeared’ also.
Actions speak louder than words and the FP seem to have been doing a lot of talking!

Jerry , I agree action do speak louder then word – maybe your so called allies aren’t shareing there turns with you as i do believe that the IK capital along with the Dragon Lord capital is falling this turn , I’d rather lose a Navy then two Capitals – that is a very lopsided trade – also with you navy up in the north how can the Noldo sail west now !!

Mike – Noldo

Funny I boldly drew a line in the sand Very early in this game… And get action speaks louder than words from those who hid behind nuetrality for many more turns than I did… I call that action! Forcing the DS to play chase the entire game defending… Forcing the market into total colapse… So the DS are correct… I have done nothing but watch my teamates get crushed… Just some mental sparing here… I hope i play this poorly In all my future games!

LOL – I hope I play this poorly in every game I am in or every game I get in :slight_smile:

LOL – I’ll even go one step further – let me get players that are as bad and plays as poorly as this one in every indie game I go into !!

Arrrggg! The party be over. The kegs ran dry and we had to fight sober. It was fun while it lasted. Now to stagger back home for a bit of a nap and refill our kegs.


Darkblade now – no more Orillion ?? Hope ya gave a backup to at least the dragon lord as the Ik should still have 3123 as I see that is a MT !!

My orillion account doesn’t like to work anymore…for some reason.

Well I still Remember your full nickname from the Ole days – Orillion Darkblade :slight_smile:

You mean your pirates were sober when they chose to bang their heads against the doors of Linhir? I figure you must have had a few when you were submitting your orders then. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gajendra (the pink, fluffy Sinda Elves - ‘Don’t hurt us! We’re pretty!’)

I forgot pirates were never tought to capture…only loot and burn.:wink:

My guess is that they were also never taught not to leave their smelly ships unattended. :wink:

To Corsairs and harad – hope the Drak servants are talking to you more then they do on the boards here , as you two seem the only ones for there side who do now-a-days , even if they are getting beat upon doesn’t mean they can’t say hello :slight_smile: !!