Saruman, I will oblige w/a more complete picture for your amusement.
Let’s see, where should we start? How about the East side of Mordor. Are the Northmen pleased w/their welcoming party? So far they’ve done ZERO damage. How about in the pass? Is SG happy w/the turn of events? Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of Angbor for you. Once again ZERO damage. Can’t wait to see how much damage Duinhir will do w/his 100 heros:bash: Now NG, well done:fork: NG has made a move against the IK town at 3123 and appears poised to take it. No bother, the DS contingent will take Oz this turn and defeat the Gondorian armies there. To the north the IK and Riders will duke it out at the crossroads. In Mirkwood the Woodies lost a camp and were defeated by the Dog and both will battle again this turn w/hopefully similar results. The WK and Woody are engaged this turn and it does not look good for the Woods. As for other events, Sinda still sits at the DrgL cap and artys are being picked up by both sides. As for the neutrals, I don’t know. Others are taking on the role of diplomat. It appears the open forum is not the ideal place for ongoing diplomacy. But I’m sure you know that;)
Ahhh, yes, the FP made a choice on trading towns with the enemy. Mind you, a loss of 3024 is not such a big deal when you consider that 3123 is the cost for the DS. There’s not much left to get to from 3024 if you’re coming from the east…
And this is indeed the calm before the storm…
In other news and events, thanks for coming out to meet me at Buth Ovasia. I hope the IK brought some banjos and apple crisp.
Well I don’t know about you Ben, but these silent times allow me to indulge in another of my favorite pastimes, College Football!! How bout those Wolves?
my Bruins r off to a great start!
oh ya, Ji is pleased w/recent activity; we’re just getting started :bash:
Thanks for turning your back on us, or was it just the Dog Lord who made your quick decision to turn free? Either way i dont give a flacking Fluck seems like this game will be over by turn 15 since all neutrals are going free good job. So instead of balancing game Fp took upper hand and made game over quick. So thanks for the betrayal we apperciate it
Well i certainly hope not all the neutral go Free thus it will make game over too quickly, oh wait i hear 1 has joined our side maybe? Good Job freeps for decision making easier, still quite mad how an lv 30 commander wins an 210 order on Dîn
Treat my lady right, now, fellas. Duns are free (although flip may or may not happen first try). :o Tip of the hat to Lord of the Clouds and the other first rate gents on the Dark side, but now down to brass tacks. The fun begins.:bash:
Oh, and by the way, I was born and raised in Michigan.:eek:
Ok, nice job on the cursors and assassins guys. But taking the WW cap w/3 emmys and 88 loyalty, now that’s impressive!! Wish we could be so lucky w/any of our characters. Personally, I’m growing accustomed to seeing 100+ agents w/the kill bonus fail every other turn. And I’m not counting the WW guys;) or how about my 65m telling me there is only 95 timber stores at Minas T and we were prepared to take that damn thing down!
I guess we need a natural 100 mage to get some good intel on Minas T from now on. This is my first game in 2950 and I’m astonished at how many failed orders by 60+ characters. Ok I’m done bitching. And Vargalaes, I’ve not forgotten you :bash:
I still don’t see how those darn Free Peoples managed to flip the White Wizard capital with three emissaries. They must have had something else there. No matter. The Dark Servants shall never give in.