Your burning camps is having less of an impact than you think. You are a long ways away from winning anything…
- Ben
Dog Lord/Long Rider
Your burning camps is having less of an impact than you think. You are a long ways away from winning anything…
ok and to have back just the 16 camps i have burned would do what for you allot i would bet. Your full of crap if you think playing any other way would be better for me. Shall i just circle the wagons and wait for you to come burn 2520 or any other pop center. This is a weighted game and military does have a part to play. My nation is built to fight some are mage nations some are agent driven. You will not see 10 agents at any pop center for the near and far future belonging to Rohan. However my armies will be burning one or more of your cities by game end of that i have no dought.
The pie guy
Thedoen NM other Freeps
Game isn’t over not by a long shot! The camp burning hasn’t hurt us anywhere near you believe it has. Dragon Lord going out had more to do with inputting a 315 order as opposed to a 325 (happens us all) order and absolutely nothing to do with your “stellar play”.
It always amuses me when free teams brag about how well things are going for them in the first 15 turns or so. Hello thats what supposed to happen! You are supposed to be well on top. If you weren’t circling wagons pies large mouths or whatever wouldn’t keep you guys safe!
You had a good turn last turn this turn we won the round next turn who knows but one thing guys you are going to have kill every last man jack of us to get us out of this game and you are so far away from that right now its funny!!!
Urig master of sands
Hello All,
Firstly, i am sorry for my absence last week as life was unusually hectic. I seemed to be spending a lot of time running [expletive filled] missives between the capitals of Our Lord SAURON`s Empire. A brief recap; in a shoot out at 3120, the FP side garnered more than their share of the luck [drat that failed curse!] and ran out handsome winners, taking a number of heads and the Ring Of Wind into the bargain. The only consolation for the DS side was the theft of the Ring of Curufin.
ATHOS–NG commander, over-run.
JI INDUR–CL agent, cursed.
SLASHER–CL agent, assassinated.
MAXIMILIAN–QA agent, assassinated.
DIN OHTAR–LR agent, assassinated.
There were [apparently] some camps burned too by the freeps. ooh, so glorious. Come bring that “A” game to Morannon, cowards!
This week has been less hectic, however, I have been to inspect the situation at 2135–that massive SG money pit and can say that i`m quite happy with the situation. I have also embarked upon a tour of the north to see the strength of defences there for future DS operations. I was able to report to the Emperor of the Sands that all is well in ANGMAR, ARNOR is ripe for exploitation and Dunland no more than a pile of dung with a pennant flying from the top of it! But what occurred elsewhere i hear you ask?
Erm, i cant say. It
s a secret.
Who knows, weve lost our map here. We are in fact totally demoralised and considering surrender. Okay, i
m joking!
At Dol Gudor the FP finally had enough troops to beat out the army of BULRAKUR with TATHAR gaining a victory to savour and tell his grand-children about [should he survive the war]. Furthermore, DG was flipped by enterprising freepies on a day trip to the gloomy home of the necromancer of the wood. Dont get too comfortable boys. Oh, and don
t let THEODEN near the kitchens–you know what he`s like!
Fast approaching stalemate! The Northmen are crowing about a victory over the mighty military nation of the Blind Sorceror [hey, whats that you are now? 1 and 4 in battles fought? Nice.] and the recapture of the town [er, sorry, camp ]of Dilgul. The Silvans under CAMTHALION at last showed their faces on the battle field and overcame KE forces under URIG at 4318 last turn. Meanwhile at 4419, UVATHA has met with an inferior stumpy army under BALIN. At 4321 the newly arrived [glorious! successful!! intrepid!!!] Rohan troops, under EOMUND and the army of the northman DERNWYN[?who?] are to do battle with AVAS OF IGATH of the Khand Easterlings. Nearby, at 4421 PON ACARK and URDRATH
s easterling armies overcame a combined Stumpy/Northman force last turn.
Not much going on, but the inept here. The Gondors continue to waste resources in ploughing around the desert looking for something to keep/burn. Leave to the Mumakhil is my advice! ADRAHIL has painted himself into a corner and ECTHELION has met his match at 3632. All this after poor ATHOS got over-run by a MUCH LARGER army last turn.
2135 remains more of a burden to SG than a beachead. For the 2nd turn in a row no SG troops made it to relieve the hidden pop.centre. ADUNAPHEL remains encamped outside the walls awaiting any developements. RATELBONE [a former captain of the guard] was assassinated by the DS this turn at 2135.
Something of a bottleneck forms!
At 3028 in the bloodsoaked fields, newly covered by that of the FK minions of SNAGA, there will be another massive battle as the Gondors try and force their way north. 4 armies of mixed gondorians under GOLASGIL, ZEROO, BARANOR and ARGIRION are faced with another FK army under ULDUIN. It should be fun! The DS troops are remustering and are prepared for the oncoming onslaught here. It is always in the vale of the anduin that the war is lost and won. Why should it be different this time? The freeps burnt some camps outside The Black Gate. Bothered.
In the only other piece of note; the Ring of Impersonation was finally recovered by the Dark Servants ,despite the rather erratic movements of it`s previous owner TAURNIL–what was that all about?
RATELBONE–SG comm/emmy, assassinated.
None to speak of…
BELIAL, Mouth of Sand
The Sinda high command has already changed the alcohol content of our elven wine rationing to the commanders.
In addition, compass directions are now a required course at the naval academy. “West is to your left!! EAST is right!”
Dam movement mistakes. I knew you were tracking me. Too bad I couldn’t keep that mage busy for a while longer.
Uhm…anybody seen the Witch King? I think he dropped something. Looks like the key to a city or something.
Witch King? What`s that?
Hi thier your friendly moral officer here Mr Theoden
You coward you didnt go to 3017 you went arround not fair and those sneeky armies of mine did make it to yet two more drak servant pops and yes they will burn. You still have yet to make it to one of my pop centers let alone burn one. To bad about that huge army with two Dragons can you say cures team hope you have more than one commander in that army. So many targets so little time what shall we burn next? Mr Dark servants sorry about that knife fight at 3018 but somebody had to die ( your death will not go un remembered ) we are doing the happy dance on your grave. Next? I am really getting off on putting the screws to you and having the time of my life kicking your ass!
The big fat pie eater!!!
Ps. Pointy end of the weapon away from you at all times.
Hey its cold this far North, we’re hibernating.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn. Jeez, youve never heard of punctuation, never mind wit. Enjoy your early game "success" [shouldn
t you have made inroads into Mordor by t14?] and remember how it ended for you the last time…in impotence and humiliation…
BELIAL, The Sandman
Ok for those who wish to learn you will see how some teams learn adapt and overcome some of the hard concepts in this game. The list of what the hell were the ds thinking growns longer every turn. We are starting to think you 4 wins out of the 12 games was luck not skill. Im outright convinced your not going to win this game some are still on the fence. What we have in our national strength is very considerable we are going to punish you for being cocky and show you what we intend. So far we have not experienced shock and horor from your side. Its ben hide and run turn 14 the forces of Mordor have finally come out to fight what the hell have you ben doing for 14 turns? Any yet we still own 3017 and are pushing on every front and yes we stand at the black gate and mock you missed us on the road what luck i guess evasive really does work. Two armies stuck between 5 what will you do go home stay fight and go where? who is next? The possiblities are endless do you see your demise we do.
Again have a nice day THE BIG FAT PIE EATING SLOB ON A HORSE!!!
You still suck.
You still suck
Okay, I admit it. This is the best insult in twenty messages or more.
Short, sweet, to the point, spelled correctly, and without politics.
How’d you like to join our team after this game is over?
Ok whats up now you want me to join the horde? Are you really offering me a chance to play a game with your team im interested but why me? Lots of players on my team not sure why you want to pick me. Is it the insult or are you just teasing.
If your serious im listening and when does the new game start? The reason im asking is my old teammates from another game want me to take the Rohan position in a new game as well. However they are very bad about emalis and always play somewhat poorly so im reluctant to join them.
The PIE EATER now riding a hay cart horse died weight watchers didnt work.
i guess you are looking at the player ratings for this 4 out of 12 thing. Well we haven’t played that long together as a team, in fact this is the first game with this line up. Although groups of us have played together before as part of other teams.
Anyway the point is we haven’t played well so far and even though this is the case you are yet to really hurt us.
Now it all depends on whether or not we get our act together, notorious slow starters that we are
no that wasn’t us asking
The Old Hoar
You seem qualified for TEAM LUSH, you must drink, coming from Wisconsin and all…???
I have to say that TEAM LUSH is somewhat a commune rather than a team [wait, put that gun down], it really is a different line-up every time out and we like to have some fun. Maybe you should look to the stats for team JERRY MELLERICK for our A-TEAM. You might remember it from g231? You know, where 9 of us humiliated, defeated and cowed 12 of you?
Ok Murmur, I have to pop your bubble here.
Yes, you did win g231. Yes, you did many of the things needed for the DS to win. However, your biggest ally was the FP and our inexperience.
Galad and Saruman (both cursers at the time) died to DS agents because they were unguarded at Barad Ungol (or was in Minas Morgal, OK really who cares, they died.). Did not even have a scout for character.
Have you seen any of our cursers in DS pop centers yet? Want to take a bet when you will see them IN the target hex ever again?
Then the Northmen made a slight MATH error. His taxes went to 100% with 0 (yes zero) gold left in reserves. 1 more gold and out of the game. As it was, he lost 1/2 of his camps. Did you notice the significant decrease in Northmen military strength at some point in Game 231?
We did not have any agents to replace the first rank after they died.
The Riders lost how many capitals? How many have we lost so far in this game?
We careless threw our emmys away on dangerous unsupport hits on DS pop centers.
Did the FP in game 231 do ANY market manipulation?
I could go on and on about all our mistakes that let you back in the game. Most our fault, some I tribute to this error in thinking at Middle Earth about rules clearity (It says an agent can stop up to twice his level on a guard…then why did that 70 DS agent cut through my 60 guarding agent?).
AND the game may have ended 9 DS vs 12 FP. But for how many turns was it 10 FP to 13DS? We took down how many nations before the Duns and WW joined us?
All this in our FIRST ever team game, against an experienced DS team AND we lasted 40+ turns.
I have no illusions about how much the camps we burned have hurt you AND I am glad we got lucky your curse did not go off. Or was it only luck? Why didn’t our curse team fail? Maybe our curse team was all at 100+% cast rank (planning…maybe?).
You may make the comeback win like it 231.
However, if you do pull out the win IT WILL NOT BE AS EASY AS LAST TIME. You will need to play better than in 231. We learned much since our last meeting.
Perry Carlson
Sinda Game 26…the one that stripped the DragonLord of his capital army all those times, the one that hit the WK at Mt. Gundabad right before his big push and is presently throwing all those curse spells around.
Ah Team Lush,
I was the NG player in 231. You guys pounded me and yet I still never gave up, until 40+ turns later you got my last capitol.
Now in this game I’m the Duns and Rangers.
Suffice it to say, I will not quit until you burn my last capitol or knife all my characters.
We are much better coordinated this game, and on a personal note it’s so much nicer to be giving than receiving it.
I look forward to decimating each of you one by one.
Hmm wonder who’s on the chopping block this turn…