Game 27 - The Ride Begins

I’m confused. I thought UT PROSIM meant “For the Greater Good” or something similar. Been awhile.


  • Steve

Well I went through a lot of trouble to write a very nice and thematic message. However, the forum ate it. I ask that out of a gentleman’s courtesy the DS feel shamed and humiliated that:

  1. their trashtalk incorrectly claims that the Steward’s line has ended when in fact Ecthelion (who indeed is the wielder of the Steward’s Blade) still lives
  2. they probably still won’t be taking Osgiliath on turn 8
  3. it has taken all of Mordor to do the job on Gondor
  4. they have neglected so many other things

Uvatha -

The men of the north would like to express our deepest condolences on the loss of your servant and our agent, Din Ohtar. I regret divulging his wherebouts to my fellow free nations; this was not my intention. I thought they could see through to the real Din, a harmless, gentle person who may have been slightly confused about his sexual identity.

A memorial service will be held at Dilgul. We will await the arrival of Mornadak, Hargrog and their armies, assuming they are still coming.

Din Ohtar, you will be missed.

Acting ruler of the Northmen nations

latin for “that I may serve”

Now, for an imaginary $1.00 - can you tell me which university uses it as its motto?


Care for some cheese with that whine?
Take your defeat like a man… :smiley:

  1. Grandpa Ecthelion? - enough said.

  2. And what town has your nation taken or destroyed? Hmmm… lets check the list?!? Barad Perras? Oh… that’s right… failed to take it.

  3. How does that old saying go… nations that play together, stay… err… in the game longer! Next time you actually have a cohesive team please feel free to post.

  4. Ahh… yes whipping your butt in the battlefield is so unsatisfying. Perhaps we will begin to concentrate on other nations… hmm… lets think about that one. On second thought, I think we will continue to harrass you.

The only sensible post I read today. Keep it up.

Let the semantic nitpicking trashtalk begin! :slight_smile:

semantic or phonetic?

You say potato… I say potato…
You say tomato… I say tomato…

Lets just call the whole thing off…


Seriously though - enjoying this game much more than the previous one. Hope you and the FP are in it for the long run… starting to turn into a interesting one.

CJ -

Remember this one? We have not.
Osgiliath will fall.


If you liked that, I have more poetry for you.

You will take Osgiliath
Like a hook in the eye
A fish hook
A burning eye

CJ you are such a romantic… spouting poetry and all…
if only all the FP nations were so flowerly. :rolleyes:

Since you are so nice, perhaps we will kill your nation last. :wink:

Yes, a dual identity, couldn’t remember my username and password!

I would like to congratulate you on the death of Din Ohtar, but it wasn’t your little dwarven pals that actually succeeded was it?

Prindy/Bannor whatever identity suits me at the moment!

What, you think Din Ohtar died accidentally?

Not without cheating and looking it up on the Internet.

Although, now that you mention it, I have heard this before.

Cobwebs, man, cobwebs. They just keep building up in my brain.

My best advice – don’t get old. :slight_smile:

  • Steven K. Mariner

Uhm…then how did you quote it?

  • Steven K. Mariner

How many times do I have to tell you – you already own Minas Tirith!

Now turn around and stick the pointy ends East.


Bloody humans. And to think we’re prophesied to turn Middle-earth over to them (regardless of which side wins this war).

hmmm. i guess this game will last a long time since no one is talking to the neutrals anymore.


Neutrals? Didn’t know they existed in this game. Damn it I told Clint - grudge match… :frowning:

Seriously though, what would you like to talk about… (humming, send in the clowns). :confused:



Grandpa Ecthelion’s Alzheimer is kicking in again, lucky he has those Dwarven nurses to guide him.

Virginia Tech - (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University for you “old timers”). Just happens to be my alma mater.

A land grant university founded 1872, Virginia Tech is one of two universities in the United States that offers the combined advantages of a military-style leadership development program and a traditional academic and social life through the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets.

As Virginia’s largest university with 25,600 students and one of the top 50 research institutions in the nation, it is an institution that firmly embraces a history of putting knowledge to work. That tradition is rooted in its motto, Ut Prosim: “That I May Serve,” and the land-grant missions of instruction, research, and solving the problems of society through public service and outreach activities.

For another imaginary $1.00 can you name the other major state university with the only other Corps of Cadets (i.e., not a military academy)? Think “12th man” football tradition and rivalry bonfire…
