Game 27 - The Ride Begins

That is…interesting

Awwww, puddy widdew Mownadak had to go home and get a biggeww basebaww bat.

Wow. More silence.

The DS must once again be really planning our demise.

How sweet of them to give us so much attention.

Of course, the last time the DS were so quiet, Din Ohtar met his untimely demise.

But I’m sure that was just luck. Nothing like that could be happening this time…

Okay, your ploy has worked. The deadly silence must mean the DS have me ready for the chopping block.

Therefore, the Dwarves surrender. No point in playing if I’m just going to die anyway.

  • Steven K. Mariner

Funeral arrangements require a deposit. Please send 5000 gold to care of Dendra Dwar.

It seems the DS have all dropped out of the game; is this in protest of the Dwarven surrender?

Fine. I’ll play. But just so you know, it is polite to INFORM your opponent when you’ve surrendered.

  • Steven K. Mariner

Gimli walked through the desolate town, murmuring to himself. “Aye, I wish Galadriel were here. This boorish trek would be so much more delightful with her gently-ringing laughter to keep me company.” There didn’t seem to be a soul alive in this town.

“Why am I here, again?”, he sardonically asked himself. “It’s not like there’s any hope of the Dark Servants actually doing anything here. They’ve clearly all packed their bags and departed.”

Grimly, Gimli continued his rounds, guarding the empty town from a threat that would surely never come…

[QUOTE=marinersk]“Why am I here, again?”, he sardonically asked himself. "It’s not like there’s any hope of the Dark Servants actually doing anything here. They’ve clearly all packed their bags and departed."QUOTE]

Keep fishing oh’ obese stubby one… we are through talking to you… time to have some fun… heee heee heee :wink:

Hey! Long time no pester!

Well I guess it’s time to pester again… did you all miss me?

Macman- the QA

I loved those news items- great format… Im going to try my hand at that this turn… assuming I can do something noteworthy of course!

How’s SG likin’ my little tour of his country? Not terribly effective Ill admit, but fun no?

Macman- QA

Soccer Fans riot

Faulty maps blamed

Anto Lefnui - MENN The camp of Anto Lefnui is in ruins tonight after a group of disaffected Soccer fans (that’s football for the Europeans) reportedly lost a match against the local glee club. The group of Trolls and thier fans apparently accused the human hosts of cheating by using smaller goal posts than is customary in Mordor, at which point violence flared up. The camp was destoyed in the ensuing mayhem. One witness at the scene would have said something- but was eaten by the Trolls before this reporter could get to him. 6 Trolls were reported missing in the violence.

The Southern Footballers Confederation spokesperson, (Captain) Fuinur has been quoted as saying that the match was meant to be a good-will gesture for the local populace, but a wrong turn at Rendul to the East resulted in the team getting hopelessly lost in the barren western wastelands. “The boys are pretty frustrated being idle like this, and dearly want to get back into competition- but we can’t FIND anybody to play out here!” Team sponsor and club president Adunaphel has promised that new maps will be sent to the team, and hopes that they can get back into tournament play soon as the motel fees and car rentals are proving to be higher than expected.

Yes, but our aim will improve.


South Confused About Anatomy

AZANULINBAR-DUM, MIDDLE EARTH – War hero Groin escaped from the Enemy
this week, bringing a sigh of welcome relief to friends and family

Despite months of captivity, Groin seemed none the worse for wear.
“They kept stringing me up by the end of my belt and joking about it.
It became clear after awhile that they thought it was my phallus.”

Groin also indicated they tried hitting him with long, thin sticks,
but neglected to take off his armor first. He said he was laughing so
hard he had frequent attacks of hiccups.

Groin is currently enjoying a brief respite in an alehouse run by the
Northmen, and will return to active duty in about two weeks.





WHAT? this game isnt over with yet??? i figured that the DS would have conceded since they SEEM to have made several neutrals mad. i could be wrong though. i hope this doesnt become a bug hunt because i will have to pull out the Long Bow Men out if that is what happens. And the swiss mercenaries. Maybe Xerxes will be my General.


Ahhhh… well. That was all part of our plan you see… umm… ok. So we aren’t the best diplomats. Have you seen what the ‘mouth of Sauron’ actually LOOKS like… that guy couldn’t sell air conditioners to Orcs in Harad if he tried…

Seriously- we have been trying to deal with the neuts. Some have told us “we aren’t interested until turn 10…” others have been open to discussion and we have offered everything up to and including the kitchen sink. Some we can’t even get to talk to us… and we really did botch on one turn in particular and we are REALLY hoping he will forgive us and soon…

The ones that didn’t want to be wooed, haven’t been wooed. And now we are fairly certain they will decide as a block- and have already decided. I wish we had pushed them earlier. The result could only have been better than what it seems to be now.

The ones we have made offers to have probably also decided well in advance. Another rather regretable thing really- we’ve wasted a lot of time on them. Im not sure I’d call it ‘Bad Faith’ and bad faith is a game reality, but it still sucks to find out that you never had a chance (I say this knowing that no icons have actually changed (?) but I am certain that they have decided. Some of my teammates disagree with me of course. Some on my team are desperate enough to give the benefit of the doubt - until they actually get attacked I think…)

Let me make one official offer now:

I can personally offer up a BU capital, materials to raise armies of quality, a select few artifacts to help them along and some secure sites for any neutral that is willing to join us. I know that the team will be more than happy to shift it’s efforts to provide support (armies and characters) to help the volunteer to ensure that he doesn’t need to use the BU capital option, and I can ensure that thier voice will be heard in group discussions and team planning as soon as they committ to the team. There won’t be any second class status.

I can’t promise that things will go well- the freep seem to have ammassed a signifigant advantage now in artis, characters and armies- but for a short period of time we still have the ability to get back at them, rock some of them off thier bottoms, and perhaps with hard work, good team play and some seriously daring moves regain the initiative. If we can get somebody to join us, we’ll have the fighting chance we want.

There. Take it or leave it. I think this is as good as any offer can be in this game right? Ill bet you this makes no impact on anybody’s decision though. We have already made this offer. To at least 3 of the nuets. No effect. Stunning really. That’s why I whine about us not having a chance… whine, whine, whine…

That said- I would really like to hear from the neuts (after they have declared) if we had a chance, and where we lost it. We tried to oblige, but perhaps we weren’t reading into things properly. Perhaps something happend that was read wrong by our side (or the neutral side!) Perhaps we were rude, crude, obnoxious s.o.b’s. Perhaps our spelling was bad… I am curious. I have only had one other game where so many nuets have seemingly decided to go, en masse, against one team, and in the other game they acted as a result of early, and rather shocking successes. They then tried to ‘balance things out’ with 4 of 5 going against the team I was on. This game has seen the free enjoy some shockingly good results, and it seems like the neuts are, for the most part, going free.

Sucks to be me right now. We’ll try to keep it interesting for you though - and we aren’t giving up any time soon so never fear! But you wil hear a lot of whining from our side at the game unfolds… and if we win- we’ll be insufferable! :wink:

Macman- QA

I should hope so. :slight_smile:

  • Steven K. Mariner

Appears the DS have awoken from their slumber only to find the neutrals are toying with us. William do you have something to tell us… come now… don’t be shy…


Belt Now A National Treasure

AZANULINBAR-DUM, MIDDLE EARTH – War hero Groin, who was enjoying
Holiday in a new Northmen town in the South, was killed by poison dart
just after he left the town walls. He was found hanging from a tree
by his belt, still wearing his armor.

Thorin II has made a formal request to have Groin’s belt returned with
his body, which the Northmen agreed to do. It will be put on display
in the Hall of Dwarven Heros as a testament to the hero’s contribution
to the war effort.

Family members were not available for comment.