Yes Tonyz. laugh all you want about your assassinations, your curses and your small victories. How many DS capitals do you think will fall this turn? 0? 1? 2? 3?
Let’s see… that’s the 4th, 5th and 6th DS capitals so far? How many FP capitals? oh yeah. zero. despite all the effort expended against the CO, he’s holding his own quite nicely.
keep your knives sharp. We’re bringing the kidneys. We have an unending supply.
well all of our commanders who were trained in higher math are dead. So we had an emmie do the counting. um… they failed math but did really good in the language arts…
capitals? bah, humbug, we don’t need no steenking capitals!
thanks for your efforts at flushing the rats out of all our buildings and disposing of the years of accumulated filth in them. ren the clean will be so happy.
bring back drew… this cloudy spew is tiresome. let’s make a deal: for every agent location or 948 the southron dino reveals, we’ll tell you how many war machines the northmen have in the back gate? 'kay?
you promised. I expected a nice, short & sweet “no comment.”
You reneg, but hey! It’s good to have you back!
Now that you have abandoned your silly “no comment” phase of life, we can specualte as to why. And while we’re speculating, let’s consider why you have seemingly abandoned the defense of Angmar this turn? No new armies?
Nice of you… Very sweet. Oh… maybe it’s the $5k cost per army that immediately goes poof. I can see how the cost of your army building is a problem when there are all of those other DS armies to pay for in CO land, and then there’s the defense of the north gate to consider, and of course the expected loss of capitals (# TBD per my chastisement from Brad)… ahh so. poor widdle witchie king. riding at the back of the financing bus again I see.
You call that drivel “classic”? “Daddy’s a poo-poo head!” is “classic” around my house. I’m as tired of that as I am the unimaginative and “classically boring” repetitive emissions from your ally. This is the one who had nothing to say about the war or his allies victories and/or losses until his own personal successes. Mind you, at least he isn’t the Fire King - they we’d have mind-numbingly had to scroll through weeks worth of “Barbeque at Osgiliath!” posts. Sigh. Classic it may be, timeless it most certainly is not…
Dave: You know very well “silense” (sic) is not assent. I might as well say, “whatever you say or post on this thread really means you agree with me.” How silly. Wrt not rehiring this turn…for the love of Morgoth, I thought you would’ve taken those towns 2 or 3 turns ago. What the heck are you thinking? I finally decided, hey, if you guys aren’t ever going to take any of my popcenters, why even defend them? Oh I take that back, I have lost ONE VILLAGE in the first NINE turns!! Are you ever going to accomplish anything up here? For all the high fives you gave each other on the Near Harad blitzkrieg (let’s not even discuss Far Harad and Umbar right now…), you’re sure stinking up the north.
You’re as irrelevant as the Corsairs, don’tcha know? We’re not stinking, we’re not even playing up there. Rhudaur’s destruction was a virtual mistake…!
That’s the Drew I know and love! I knew this whole “no comment” thing was a ruse.
yeah, the “silence is assent” thing comes from a LARP that I used to participate in (IFGS) where part of the rules for some spells required permission on the part of the recipient and it was assumed that if “no” wasn’t voiced, then “silence is assent.” So, for sure that was out of context, but it struck me funny at the time.
Heh. Yes, either we’re incompetent in Angmar or you’re brilliant or… perhaps there’s another answer entirely that can be summed up as “priorities”. Both sides have them. The cool thing about this game is that both sides are filled with good players and we’re seeing some interesting non-standard priorities.
p.s. you can dis my spelling any time you want. I can’t spell. I admit it.
Eh? I see your group communication is as excellent as expected…you haven’t touched the Corsairs commanders…?? Or is Holt doing all the counting on our team…???