Propoganda master Loke,
The jabs in your last post are half true and spin, not all the fighting is surrounding our pop centers. Of course the Rhudaur and WK fight valiantly, just as the Corsairs and EO must also. Their fates are very similiar if you look through the fog of lies Sauron spins in front of you. The Rhu only has his capital due to luck (Dragon on the first possible turn he could recruit one). But his starting army is now disbanded in the way only the Cloudie would appreciate, so unless he has an endless supply of dragons it shouldn’t be too much longer before he is overrun and then the WK will be alone.
Eoplex is threatened, we acknowledge we made some early errors and judgement calls. But your little excursion forces on the fringe really haven’t done all that much damage considering it has been a real weakness since turn 4. We couldn’t even apply pressure on the Drglord, so the real question is what took you so long.
All joking aside, we still acknowlege that we had a lot of learning to do in the game and your team played it exceptionally well. You have the efficiencies of ME figured out and down to a science and we are still learning how to be efficient, at least as a team and some of us as individuals. While I’ll attack your propaganda in jest, we understand the attrition of a normal game of ME and we are under its pressures. We are learning a bunch every turn, and hope that when the game ends, your team will help us learn more through a post mortem experience. (i.e. we discuss the game, strategy, thoughts, techniques, share turns etc…) We are actually excited to have a game go past turn 12, even one where we are not winning. Hopefully the next 10 turns will be fun for both sides.
Dwarf Empire