I know your name from former times.
Brian Mason?
I’ve played so many games in the meantime, so please forgive me my “brain-lag”.
Have Fun!
I know your name from former times.
Brian Mason?
I’ve played so many games in the meantime, so please forgive me my “brain-lag”.
Have Fun!
N’est pas moi, frere gerhard
Der Gral?
Oui, oui Monsieur hat Einen!
Ein strammes Ding!
Ha, ha, ha!
Free from the “nights of the coconut”.
Have Fun!
LOL – OK whatever – Turn 2 but he shows up at 1813 – You should go into politics , HMM I guess a nation CHANGING his icon on turn three in your books make him going that way on that turn , but not to me – Think Clint should start sticking new players only in neutrals as this is a fact – three one week games and neutrals are picking right from start – whatever happened to the term neutral !! Figured a third game couldn’t possibly be like the other two , boy did I think wrong , definately last one week game – now am just waiting on the other three unless they made up there mind already – but might as well tell us now so I can save money!!
Well you will be in Angmar for awhile with both the Rhudar and Duns going evil from turn 1 !!
We didn’t make him , one of them accidently posted something in another game and thought it was this one – so we know you had the Duns and Rhudaur at least from turn 2 , so why bother writing after we did on turn 1 , now only question is do I wait to see if we get a fair game out of the other neutrals or just drop now as three times in a row seems as if the neutrals are comeing out the gate not as neutrals , but as having joined a side already !!
Duns were still neutral on turn two. I was flat out with Dragon Lord making offers an counter offers. He was dissapointed with Arthy and Cardy’s limited and uninterested communications, he decided to go dark when I made a case on their poor positioning in attacking me … and their limited recruiting…no army at the Cardy cap for two turns apparently!!! This did not inspire his confidence in the the freeps ability in quickly taking me out. My descriptions of my upcomming blocking moves and the other offers were enough to convince him. Rhu was “Leaning dark” but still not commited. You guys have certainly seen to that now haven’t you. I will throw the exact same argument at you as was thrown at us during my last 1 weeker. Talkers will win over allies and we well out talked you in the NW. (And out manouvered you! )
Regards Herman
I think it was more the actions of the FP that helped to sway the neutrals in the west to our cause. :mad: I’m not sure which way the winds blows for the other neutrals, but so far this has been an interesting game for many reasons. I’ll disclose the rest when it ends…
And this game has just begun! :bash:
Herman, Mike was less polite than I was, but you didn’t read his post - YOU told us Rhu was DS. Now give us more in character novels, real-world truths and lies aren’t your strong point.
Rhudaur was uncommitted and only leaning DS. is that the case Herman?
Is that why he plotted moves to send armies after the Noldo before any of our troops arrived on his pops?
Only leaning my arse. He plotted moves to attack the Free the same turn we did likelwise. At least there wasnt a pants-down-pearl-harbor effect on these icon flips.
Mike the Elf
We’ve been here before…the opposition “thinks”. We “know”. We’ll see that clear difference play itself out over the course of this game. Hell, we should give you all the neutrals just to make it something of a game…
Read what I posted (by mistake and thanks for letting everyone else know. I have already apologized to Darrell.) If you read it carefully it stated he was being pushed into our corner… he had not fully committed we still had to organise a reveal of Imladris to tie it up. This was all being done by negotiation you may have heard of it… you know comunicating with the person!. It also stated that three of us were working him hard to get a commitment. He didn’t just wander up and go “I want in on the DS” which seems to be the main whinge we are getting from some of the Freeeps. Same with the Duns, we were constantly finding what he required, what we could do to get him to flip. One of the main factors was the rather poor plan of attack on me. Suck it up guys your were out manouvered on the Diplomatic front in the NW. Learn from it and do better with the remaining Neutrals. Don’t just whinge to them, it’s not fair Duns an Rhu were pre alligned!
Regards Herman
What if he has made a blunder with an army move? You never sent an army in the wrong direction before? Would it not have made more sense to have Imladris revealed before attacking it? (Which was one of the things were still confirming before getting the full commitment) What if I dropped a furphy on our site to get you to turn on him or at least susspect him? (wish I was that cunning and smart, it was just a plain late night rushed F@rkup!)
Regards Herman
If Rhudaur made a “mistake” on an army move and ended up at…Imladris…then, well, you’re welcome to him…!
I advised you to hold your tongue with your silly PR BS spewing, but you didn’t take my advice - re-read yourself if you have to…
Suck it up guys your were out manouvered on the Diplomatic front in the NW.
Well hold on a second now - I didn’t think the FP were complaining…? I thought it was YOU doing all the complaining and moralistic stomping around…???
Pretty clear who reads for comprehension here. To the other neutrals, if you don’t think illiterate wing-nuttism will impact intra-team dynamics and overall game quality, join the DS! Otherwise, well, pretty obvious where your best interests lie…
Blue is doing the complaining about Duns and Rhu being being Pre alligned from turn 1! I get ticked off with that because I did a fair bit of chatting to them to keep them in the loop and give them the info they needed/requested. Drag Lord worked hard too. How many E-mails did the Freeps send the Duns and Rhu in the first 2 turns? What offers were made? What information was given? What options for attack/defence were discussed. What resources were offered to be committed to their theatre. What long term role was discussed for their nation? We won them over, well in the end Rhu seems to be getting a bit of a push but he was pretty well there anyway, I will admit that.
Regards Herman
Ah, Blue. Blue is pining for neutrals taking at least 5 turns to even decide…more philosophical rant against the speed of the game these days. I challenge Blue to give me an example of a game where he wasn’t already “decided” (if not in actual action…) by then… But I argue that with him all the time…
No sir, we’re not complaining that Rhu and the Duns are DS. We’re simply confronting your BS spin on the FP “attacking” a “neutral” Rhudaur thus forcing him into the DS Camp. DS, BS, rhymes…ah, now it’s all very clear…
Hey I alreay admited he was well on the way , it was about an 80-90% done thing by the time I stuffed up the message destination. (last time I do orders and mailing at 11:30 at night after an 11 hour day!) but that icon hadn’t (an still hasn’t) changed…yet. Your move it seems may have cemented the deal. (I still don’t believe enything untill I have seen an Icon change, I know I’m paranoid but am I paranoid enough? :o As for NW neutrals declaring after turn 5, Wk is usually 1/4 to 1/2 way to being decimated by then…or at least should be and doesn’t look so attractive as a prospective partner. (It is a bit awkward when your ally is bleeding all over the formal agreement document or keeps having to move the destination of the signing agreement ), hence the rush to get them on board now while I still look good.
Regards Herman
Agreed, Rhu has to go early, and if the Dun is worth having, he’ll go at the same time, unless he’s playing for an interesting game and say, goes DS on turn 8 after WK is eliminated…
Neutrals in the old recipe card days amongst strangers used to require the Icon change - but nowadays we know each other. Once a solid commmittment is made people get invited to yahoogroups - oftentimes even before action is actually taken. Blood Spilled is always a guarantee, IMO now. As a neutral, the allegiance that insists on an icon change is usually my enemy… - come now, don’t neutrals have enough capital command orders necessary to wage war with their crappy characters before actually “wasting” an order on the 175…?
LOL – again whatever – you will justify anything in your own eyes – but the EVIDENCE – what we use in the real world doesn’t support what you claim – I guess the duns showing up at 1813 on turn TWO , thus he had to decide to go here on turn ONE , where just out for a stroll !! And with one on your side mistaking one game for another-- again on turn TWO proving that rhudaur was going evil mainly cause you had the duns already – had nothing to do with outtalking in the Northwest – Ask the Rhudar – I wrote him and haven’t received one reponse from him yet and have the e-mails on the group site to prove it , way back on turn 0 – so again EVIDENCE speaks louder then your word – two neutrals choosing a side on turn 0 but definately turn 1 – I just want to know now – is if the other three are going evil so I can save money – this is all I care about , and three tries with the one week game and same stuff happening – am out of them for good !! 3 strikes and I had it !!