Game 94 1 Weeker Starts

LOL – again I have to laugh – EVIDENCE , what we use in the real world to prove or disprove something – guess Rhudaur showing up on 2209 this turn proves he was still on the fence and not committed to go evil and its only turn 2 – so what did he do decide on turn 2 instead of 1 – LOL – again – with two neutrals deciding to go evil without any REAL disscussion/debate – just want to know what the other three are doing – hell they might as well decide now it is turn 4 coming and two others have chosen from the gate

Just complaining in these one week games – for the third time same thing is happening, and I to get ticked off to when other white wash the facts – EVIDENCE supports that the Duns where going evil from turn 1 and the Rhudar from at least turn 2 – and if the neutral doesn’t return your e-mails – in point – the Rhudaur in this case – there is nothing I can do or say as he isn’t talking to me !! So all your e-mails/chatting/request and promises to them where totaly useless as they have already made up there minds !!

So what you’re saying Arthedain, is that Rhudaur rejected Imladris and the Noldo navy, not to mention an easy 50% increase to their dominions in order to fight a useless battle, tossing away the lives of thousands of their sons, for no reason other than the short term greed and vanity of their leaders…? Sounds like some real world nations I’ve read about…

Realize, Herman, what is EVIDENCED is that Rhudaur has been playing you… And we’re not even talking a complicated 4 level organ or even bagpipes here, we’re talking gazoo level manipulation. How does it feel, oh proud one…?

LOL – guess the Rhudaur being on 2209 was a movement mistake like mine was to 2009 , I agree that a neutral player can go anyway he chooses and I am not knocking that – and and I don’t have a problem with the Duns and Rhudar both going evil – but do with the truth – the Duns definately decided he was going evil on turn 0 and definately by turn 1 – evidence supports this , and the Rhudaur the evidence support turn 1 and definately turn 2 , and if you want to believe it was your fancy talking and promises go ahead , but we all know this isn’t true with the Duns and would say it isn’t with Rhudaur as I had him pegged to go evil from turn 1 – and told my side – as I never got an e-mail back from him !! So pat yourself on the back , but it wasn’t that hard in my book !!

First off – don’t know who this is – so how can you argue with me all the time – and can give you and example – the last one week game – where I was the duns – set up rules and requirements – with no prejudgement to one side or the other and when one side didn’t follow through with what they proposed – i went the opposite way and thus was ONLY nuetral to go evil while other 4 went freep – if wanted to win as I seen the writing on the wall before I even decided to join a side would have went freep !!

I got no response from Darrell on my first E-mail either but i followed it up with a “hey I sent an e-mail did you get it?” an funny enough I got a response. So you sent one email got nothing back so they must be pre alligned?

Regards Herman

No – what I am saying is that rhudaur never returned an e-mail I sent him and thus how can you try and persuade anyone who isn’t talking to you , Herman makes it sound as if he had to hold a gun to there head to make them choose – but with the Duns – Herman had him at Hello and the Rhudaur - he had when he gave him a scowl and pointed a finger at him threatheningly !!

I’m joining the DS’s just to prove Terry wrong. Sorry, FP, you might as well drop now! :smiley:

Just kidding - The Corsairs are interested in a long bloodly conflict where the FP and DS’ beat that crap out of each other so we can win. With this in mind, we are watching very closely to make sure it does not get out of hand. If that requires us to go FP, we will. If it requires us to go DS, we will. If things are a stalemate, we’ll stay neutral and make popcorn.

Pirate Doug

Oh and for the Record – I think that the Duns and Rhuduar going evil – have Made this game – at least for me being up in the NW very interesting , but my whole point , if you couldn’t figure it out – was , at least in the one week games , neutrals seem to choose a side right from turns 0 / 1 , and for the third time in row in one week games it has happened again !! And will tell you this – If other three go evil , I am dropping and not wasting money for another useless game then , so that is why told them might as well let us know what side taking now , so can continue to play or goes so lopsided , I can save my money now !!

I guess I will have to take this to heart… Corsairs are going FP becuase you desire a long bloody fight… Just confirms my suspcions after i offered you my entire Navy to go DS early and your reply was turn 8 you’ll make your decision… Then noticing the easterling Northern Cav army heading south… I played easterlings many times… The ONLY reason easterlings go south with Northern Cav is to go FP… Some screw both of you … Come get me if your good enough! I love the challenge of being surrounded By two Nations more powerful on paper Than me! So stop this tit for tat justifications and just be men and declare you want revenge for Me going easterlings in GM 76 and kicking both of your butts!

If you want to start the war, start it. If the rest of your team agrees with you, then have them state it and I will declare FP immediately and attack you this turn.

Hopefully they are smarter than you are. You seem to lack the capability of reading a few simple sentences, or you are so obsessed with yourself that you only see the part that feeds your paranoia.

In order for you to reasonably make the conclusion you have, it would be necessary to believe that the DS’s are winning. I’ve seen no evidence that either side has an advantage, yet.

As far as your offer goes, yes I turned down your irrelevant ships on turn 1. I don’t need them. I have a rather nice navy, good timber production and can certainly build more. I also turned down entreaties to join the FP on turn 1. So far none of them are crying on the boards about it. Is this all an act, or are you really as nuts as you seem?

I hate to break it to you, but your actions in game 76 were insignificant to the outcome. A WK player that never communicated with anyone and was out of the game by turn 5 was significant - this also cost us the Rhudaur. A FP team that had the coordination to completely route the Dragonlord from Mirkwood by turn 4 was significant. The FP market manipulation was significant. What is it that you think you accomplished that I should hold a cross-game grudge over?

So, so?!

Doug please keep in mind that this is a new game.
Former games are of lower interest here!

I have friends (and perhaps foes) on both sides, but at the moment I’m playing a neutral.

You should do the same!

Have Fun!


That is the very point I am trying to make.

seems to me you wanted to join the DS to prove me wrong? Now you act like your strong enough to take me out… Only way you could do that if you was planing it all along… Hmmm

So hold it against the QA, he’s the one that started yapping about a former game… You might consider teaching him a “current game” lesson about keeping his yap shut by taking him out of this “current game” so he can yap about this one in the next one…repeat…

Maybe you should learn to read the posts here a little more Clearly… Corsairs all but declared they are FP or the game is Over… Hmmm now How should I take… Like a Wimp and cry please don’t attack me… sniff sniff! Please prove me wrong sniff sniff… **** that ****… I don’t fear any player or team… I why I brought up the point about game 76… Know any other players with the Balls to openly declare FP as easterlings on Turn 2… So you really think somebody in this game can shut me up! Now who is being foolish here… You dam sure are not gonna bankrupt me! So now your gonna take me out via old fashioned troops take all my pc’s Don’t make me laugh!

Funny QA offering her Navy to Corsiars is Very Relevent and a Good Offer to a true Nuetral Corsiar player… Becuase the position begs to go DS and trash the Gondor coastline… Corsiars SNA for navy is better than QA’s… But your refusal to accept Just showed your lack of Diplomatic skill as a Player…

So now I say join th FP… I’m not crazy becuase now your Navy is irrelvent to conquering My Nation…

So what have I been doing? What am I doing now? :confused:

A true neutral corsair has to accept the first offer from an allegiance on turn 1? You make no sense. You didn’t read my post. You just yammer on and on and on in spite of the facts.

What? You’re right, someone has to learn to read…but it’s certainly not me…!!! You brought it up. This has upset the Harad. We don’t care “why”, your lame excuses are for wimps and ninnies. Geez, you can’t even take responsibility for typing a message on the boards, WHY would anyone join you in battle…???

Really more interesting than the last game so far.

Come on guys, use the momentum!

Ha, ha, ha!

Have Fun!
