Game 94 1 Weeker Starts

Ahh but then you are basing the decission to allign in this game based on the action in a former game thereby committing the very act of which you intended to avoid… I think? My head hurts. :confused:

Regards Herman

Holy making no sense is quite a common occurance. :smiley: Hell half the time even his allies struggle to keep up with his train of thought. :stuck_out_tongue: But it always makes for interesting reading… all be it, confusing at times.

PS Corsairs, embrace the Pirate within, pillage, Plunder the Freeps coastlines. It is what you were born to do! :smiley:

Regards Herman

I’m thr Hudaur in this game if you don’t know already.

I started neutral, truly. I was intrigued by Brad’s plan to get me out of the Northwest after the WK fell if I went FP. It sounded fun, so much so that I was honestly looking forward to it. I looked at who was playing on each side and thought I’d enjoy working with the FP guys more than the DS (no offense to you DS guys).

I have received emails from the following DS and FP nations: WK, DragL, LR, DogL, SG, and Eo. If your nation is not in that list, I did not get anything form you. I looked through my spam folder and nothing in there, either. I mentioned to EOBrad in emails on Oct. 7th and Oct. 9th that I had not yead heard from either Card or Arth at all. Did he not tell you?

I made the final decision to turn DS a few days after the running of turn 2, waiting to see if Arth or Card were going to start sending me messages. I told Herman this already, but if I had gotten just a couple of decent messages from Arth and Card, I’d be FP right now, testing Brad’s strategy for keeping Rhu viable in the war after the fall of the WK in the NW.

Calling me pre-declared or whatever is pretty harsh, I’m not sure how long Rhu needs to wait before being able to declare without being labelled as some kind of cheater. Turn 10? I remember the days when Neutrals waited until around turn 10, and even then Rhu usually flipped by turn 5. So what’s wrong with deciding just before turn 3?

Who are you to accuse me of anything … what the hell are you risking… Last I checked I’m pklaying QA. It was Corsairs who Said he was gonna prove me wrong… Learn how to read… So I am evening the playing Field… I’m the one facing numerous enemies…

I am the one who will live with the Results and I am paying the QA turns. So fully know well what the hell I am doing Get it?:bash:

I respect your Decision to join whatever team you like… I am quite sure you did not join it becuase of your love for me as a player! declaring early takes Balls becuase you will always take heat for it…

You guys run your mouths about how I will bankrupt my nation… Then wonder why suddenly hearing all this Bull****… I get a little pissed off… So come take me out the old fashioned way becuase that’s exactly what it’s going to take to shut me up now!

This is also My last game of anytype of open or team format game… Becuase I just don’t go for this good ole boy network I seeing it become…

When’s the last time you played Rhuduar…? Declaring LATE with that nation takes balls…!!

Everyone else “can” take longer, and most do. Duns are always good to go DS with early also, especially if you’re coordinating with Rhudaur, but any version of a DS Dun would be considered a “ballsy” move due to their surrounded nature.

The longer Neut’s take, the more comfortable they are - strong, max characters, time to get their commanders trained or already giving one of a dozen necessary 185’s everyone else starts with, etc. Any neut moving fast is dedicated. Note, fastest Easterlings move I recall was Bob Chronley, I believe he also went FP - before turn 1 even ran - Publically, that is, lots of neutrals Choose early, but don’t Reveal it/move for a bit.

Note to Darrell, turn 3 is likely the typical time to move whereby you get to burn troops turn 4…I’ve done the math for Rhudaur dozens of times, playing it at least 9 from game start. You can always dump food t1, the sell can last you an extra turn, but regardless of your choice, you virtually have to move now or there won’t be any Angmar to soak up (if you go FP) or Angmar to help (if you go DS) regardless of paying for all those troops…!


vEO Brad

Unfortunately, you are the last person on this forum allowed to take anything personally and get righteously upset over people talking. You’ve barely been hit with less than 1/3 of what you spew out at everyone else - this is just a game attached to a game within part of a game. If you’re actually getting upset, you shouldn’t play at all…! :smiley:

This is only the third time I’ve played a neutral, and my first time playing Rhudaur, so it would be fair to say that when it comes ot being neutral, I’m not very good at it.

there you Go Good Ole boy Number 1. beat your chest in self righteousness…

Dude, if I am part of some kind of clandestine MEPBM Illuminati network then please, tell me who else is a member so I can introduce myself. I assure you, based on my experience over the years, I’m juuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssst about as popular as you… In a different way - I, at least, am literate… :smiley:

Darrel, given your points and all, it’s understandable that you chose as you did.

Rhudaur is most fun as DS (for all in the NW really)
And it doesn’t matter how many on a team speaks to you, if your neighbour doesn’t :slight_smile:

Have fun, pretty sure you will prove a thorn in the FP’s a…

What I really don’t understand are these outbursts a few individuals show, beyond me how anyone can take anything personal on message boards! And from people they’ve never meet and are unlikely to ever meet.

It’s a freaking game.

In other words…

Have fun!

Well , I did send you an e-mail – the proof is in the group e-mailings and also in my AOL address book as it automatically put a person e-mail adress in my address book when I sent out e-mails to someone, guess what yours is there for this month !! Brad did mention that he got a response from you and I again stated on our group site that I still haven’t and thus figured since you wanted to talk to Brad and not me , he never mentioned or I didn’t get it like you , an e-mail stating that Rhudaur wanted to hear from me !!

I am also not knocking you choosing evil – was never my intent – was complaining about three things – 1 – That neutrals seem to have a prealigned notion on the way they are going in these one week games right from start and am proven right again in this game , 2 – was disputting Hermans theory on how he talked the pants off both you and Duns – and I was right on the Money once again – I stated you where going evil by turn 1 and definately by turn 2 – which you admited and the EVIDENCE proves Duns was evil coming out the gate on turn 0 and definately by turn 1 , so he had Duns at Hello and you with a pat on the back , not being harsh just stating Facts !! 3 – am now waiting to see if the other three neutrals are actually nuetrals or are they to just gonna jump on the bandwagon and join the evil , would like to know now so I can save my money !!

No that is me – MEPBM Illuminati – BAHHHHHHHHHHH

Umm unless I am mistaken Darrell said at the beginning he was predisposed to join the Freep side on turns 1 and 2? The only reason he didn’t/hasn’t it seems is because he hadn’t heard from Arthy and Cardy… for whatever reasons. Also it was several of us chatting to Duns and Rhu, I never put just my hand up claiming to be the sole reason. :smiley:

Regards Herman

Correct, I started this game predisposed FP. I will admit to that.

He sent me more messages by himself than your entire alliegance combined.

I admitted to choosing DS several days AFTER the running of turn 2. Up until then I was still predisposed FP.

The only people who know these things for a FACT is me and the Duns player. Anything you spew is just conjecture. With respect to the Duns, you may or may not be right, I have know way of knowing. With respect to my nation, you’re full of crap.

Your alliegance could have had me for a “pat on the back” and you (and by “you” I specifically mean you and Cardy, not your team) blew it. You may not be bashing me for going evil, you’re just bashing me for pre-aligning evil, which is a lie. But if it helps you sleep at night, then whatever.

I am not spewing Conjecture , just stating Facts – truth usually does hurt-- I was right on the Money with the facts – you on turn 1/2 which you stated turn 2 and the duns – facts state turn 0/1 !! And have the proof for my side that the e-mail was sent – so they know that I did in fact send out an e-mail to you and it was the correct address , mainly thought you didn’t want to talk to me as brad did mention you returned his e-mail and told him that still haven’t heard from you !!

I would like to see your proof. Show me the email address you sent the message to. In fact, paste the entire message here, please. And not just the ocntents, but the entire set of message headers included, if you know how. If you don’t, that’s fine, send as much as possible. If you don’t want to post it here in this thread, send it to me via private message.

Darrell ,

I have tried to forward the e-mails from the group site – e-mail number 13 from group site tells exactly what i had written you and have asked one of my teammates to post it here as I don’t know how , I can paste the contents part but wanted the date and time on it also for proof , so hope you got that one forwarded to you along with the other two where I state still haven’t heard from you – there where others but couldn’t forward them as they have info that i don’t think my side would like getting out into the hands of the evils !! But a player would have to be totaly stupid not to send out an e-mail to the neutral closest to him , I usually always send an e-mail out to all the neutrals just to say hello and usually tell the ones like I did the easterlings and Corsairs in this game as they posted like you did – that my allies closest will be keeping in contact with you , but just wanted to say hello !!